Republicans' Budget Alternative

House Republicans want you to know there is a better way and we've got an alternative plan that is almost complete. Here is House Leader John Boehner discussing an alternative with core priniciples for longterm success:

We've boiled it down for you. A Republican alternative that works: 

-- Help create and protect jobs by letting families and small businesses keep more of what they earn.
-- Ensure the federal budget doesn’t grow faster than family budgets.
-- Aim to expand access to affordable health care for every American, while preserving Social Security and Medicare for future generations.
-- End the bailouts to protect taxpayers and reform the financial system so this crisis never repeats itself.
-- Encourage an “all of the above” energy strategy that harnesses new technologies, encourages greater conservation and efficiency, and increases American energy production in an environmentally-safe manner – without imposing a national energy tax.
-- Fight inflation so the prices of goods and services Americans depend on every day remain stable during and after this economic crisis.

As Boehner's office asked, "Are Washington Democrats prepared to join them?"