Pence Joins Call For Geithner, Summers Resignations

Pence Joins Call For Geithner, Summers Resignations

AUGUST 24, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today joining Republican Leader John Boehner in calling for the resignations of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the Director of the White House National Economic Council Larry Summers:

“The economic policies of this administration have failed and President Obama needs a new economic team.  I join Republican Leader John Boehner in calling for the resignations of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Director of the White House National Economic Council Larry Summers.
“This administration is out of ideas to get this economy moving again.  With unemployment hovering near 10 percent the only solution from President Obama’s economic team has been more spending, more bailouts and more takeovers.
“It is time to start over with a new economic team that listens to the concerns of the American people and puts pro-growth policies in place that will get the American people back to work and the economy moving again.”


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