Now Democrats Focus on Jobs?

Now Democrats Focus on Jobs?

DECEMBER 1, 2009

Since passage of the Democrats' trillion dollar "stimulus," more than 2.8 million jobs have been lost and unemployment stands at a 26-year high. As Americans continue to suffer, Democrats callously say that now it's time to do something about jobs. Wasn't the stimulus supposed to create millions of jobs? Now, ten months later, they want to refocus on jobs by proposing meaningless discussion forums, new higher spending and yet another stimulus.


First, Democrats Said They Would Create Jobs and Stop Unemployment...

"This plan will save or create over 3 million jobs-almost all of them in the private sector."-President Barack Obama, February 5, 2009.

"What makes this recovery plan so important is not just that it will create or save 3 ½ million jobs over the next two years...  it's that we are putting Americans to work doing the work that America needs done in critical areas"-President Barack Obama, January 8, 2009.

"We also must make sure the public understands this is a very fiscally sound package.  The choices that were made in it were to create jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs and jobs as soon as possible and jobs over a period of time to stabilize the economy."-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, March 10, 2009.


Then, As Unemployment Rose, Democrats Claimed Their Stimulus Worked...

"I can tell you today without reservation: The Recovery Act is working."-Vice President Joe Biden, September 3, 2009.

"The Recovery Act is doing more, faster and more efficiently and more effectively than most people expected."-Vice President Joe Biden, September 3, 2009.

"The Recovery Act is saving and creating jobs all across the country." -President Barack Obama, October 31, 2009.

"Through the Recovery Act, we've cut taxes for middle class families, extended and increased unemployment insurance, and created and saved more than a million jobs."-President Barack Obama, November 12, 2009.


Next, The White House Could Not Count Stimulus Jobs...

"Your letter specifically asks if I am able to certify that the number of jobs reported as created/saved on is accurate and auditable. No, I am not able to make this certification."-Recovery Board Chairman Earl Devaney, November 18, 2009.

"The inaccuracies on that have come to light are outrageous and the administration owes itself, the Congress, and every American a commitment to work night and day to correct the ludicrous mistakes."-House Appropriations Committee Chairman Representative David Obey (D-WI), November 17, 2009.


Now, Democrats Say They Will Really Begin to Focus on Jobs with More Spending and an Aimless Forum...

 "I wouldn't characterize it as a second stimulus. I don't think it will be as broad as that, I think it will be very targeted on jobs."-House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), November 17, 2009.

"Should there be a second stimulus package?   If it would work, yes.  But I don't think there's a lot of evidence that it would succeed."-Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), November 29, 2009.

"During these difficult economic times, we have a responsibility to consider all good ideas to encourage and accelerate job creation in this country." -President Barack Obama, November 16, 2009.


More of the Same...

Instead of working with Republicans on real solutions to the nation's employment crisis, Democrats are yet again proposing higher spending, and their failure to do anything to help create jobs is proving devastating to families all across the country.