Pence Calls White House Health Care Summit “Taxpayer-funded Media Event”

Pence Calls White House Health Care Summit “Taxpayer-funded Media Event”

“The American people long for health care reform that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government, but that is not what is happening here.”

FEBRUARY 24, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the House of Representatives to discuss tomorrow's White House "summit" on health care:

"Tomorrow, the White House will convene a so-called ‘summit' on health care reform.  It's supposedly an effort to find bipartisan agreement and consensus on reform.  And frankly, if the administration and Democrats in Congress were actually willing to scrap the bill and start over with a clean sheet of paper, I'd be all for it.

"The American people long for health care reform that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government, but that is not what is happening here.  Instead of scrapping the bill, the president has actually produced his own bigger, worse version of the bills that passed the House and Senate and have been summarily rejected by the American people.  More spending, more taxes, more government and coverage for abortion.  

"Instead of starting over, Democrats in Congress continue to threaten to abuse the very rules of this institution by passing some version of their health care reform bill by a simple majority in the Senate, known as reconciliation.  You know, tomorrow's summit is looking more and more like a taxpayer-funded media event designed to set up passage of ObamaCare 2.0, and the American people deserve to know it."

NOTE: To view the remarks online, click here.




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