Will President Obama Address America's Question: Where are the Jobs?

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President Obama will address the nation today regarding the nation's economy but will he answer America's key question: where are the jobs? Unemployment is currently at 9.5% and the President's policies have failed to help. Read an excerpt of an article covering today's speech:

U.S. President Barack Obama will step up criticism of Republicans Monday in a speech on extending unemployment benefits, the White House said.

Obama planned a mid-morning statement in the Rose Garden in which he was to urge Congress to once again extend the jobless benefits and chastise Republicans for blocking the efforts, McClatchy Newspapers reported.

He also is expected to reiterate a theme of his weekly address given Saturday: Republicans oppose extending benefits for the unemployed yet supported proposed tax cuts for wealthier Americans, a White House aide said.

Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., said Sunday Republicans support extending jobless benefits but maintain the costs must be offset with spending cuts elsewhere.

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