Rep. Mike Pence On FOX News Sunday

Rep. Mike Pence On FOX News Sunday

AUGUST 3, 2009


Congressman Mike Pence: “The focus right now for the American people is on the role of government in our lives. I'll leave you with one thought. There was a guy in New Castle, Indiana, who came up to me after the second bailout vote. He had lost his job the day before, and he walked up to me and said, ‘Congressman, I lost my job yesterday, but I want to thank you for voting against that bailout, because I can get another job, but I can't get another country.’ I really believe millions of Americans are not interested in the politics of 2012. They're not interested in who’s up and who's down in the polls. They want to see us in Washington, D.C. defend the fundamental freedoms, free market economics, of the values that make this nation great. “