The Obama Administration's Mixed Messages

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) wrote a recent blog post regarding the mixed messages of the Obama Administration. Why is their message about the stimulus so conflicting? Read more from Broun here:

Last week, representatives of the Obama Administration toured the country to tout the unsuccessful, big-government stimulus.  At the same time the Vice President attempted to sell these expensive failed policies, the President yesterday went to the bully pulpit and urged Congress to extend unemployment benefits.  It appears that this Administration is sending mixed messages.  If the stimulus was so successful, why do we need to increase our debt by billions more for additional unemployment benefits?

By the Administration’s own standards, the stimulus has not worked. The American people know the stimulus has not worked.  In fact, a recent CBS poll reveals that three-fourths of the American people believe the stimulus failed to improve the economy.

Rather than acknowledge the dismal results of the stimulus, the President and his Administration continue to propose new government programs that increase the deficit and fail to create one job.  During his speech, the President said, the American people “are not looking for a hand-out.  They desperately want to work.  They just can’t find a job.”  The President is absolutely correct.  Washington must focus its efforts on solutions that incentivize long-term job creation.

Read the rest here.