Republicans Call For Spending Freeze Now!

Republicans Call For Spending Freeze Now!

FEBRUARY 24, 2009

American families and small businesses are making sacrifices and cutting expenses.  Whether through tightening family budgets, or cutting expenses for small business expansion, the American people are making critical sacrifices during these tough economic times.  Democrats and Republicans must come together to bring relief to the American people.
Republicans welcome the President’s call for fiscal responsibility.   Putting Washington’s fiscal house in order will require both parties working together on behalf of the American people.  Republicans will continue to fight for fiscal discipline and are ready to work with the President to get the economy back on track.
Republicans are willing to make the necessary hard choices to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington.  Republicans are ready to sacrifice to get spending under control.  However, Republicans will not support deficit cuts that come at the expense of our Armed Forces or through tax hikes on small businesses. Fiscal discipline and growth remain the best option for achieving a balanced budget.
Tax hikes on small businesses during a recession will do more harm than good.  Now there is talk of raising taxes on the so-called rich, or individual tax filers with income above $250,000.  A majority of all filers in the top tax bracket are small businesses and will subject to a higher tax under the Obama proposal.  At a time when we should be promoting job growth, raising taxes on small businesses – the engine of our economy – will do more harm than good.
Democrats prepare to rush through Congress another massive spending bill costing more than $400 billion.  The new omnibus spending bill represents the largest increase in nonemergency federal discretionary spending since the Carter Administration. Beleaguered taxpayers should not be forced to shoulder the burden of more wasteful government spending.
Republicans challenge Congressional Democrats to freeze government spending NOW!  To start down the road to fiscal discipline Republicans are calling for a freeze on government spending at current levels.  To meet the challenge of these difficult times families across the country are tightening their budgets and the federal government should do no less. More wasteful spending does not address the challenge of our times, or meet the expectations of the American people.