Pence Calls Democrat Budget 'Most Fiscally Irresponsible in History'

Pence Calls Democrat Budget "Most Fiscally Irresponsible in History"

"Every American family, every American business is answering these challenging times with sacrifice and frugality—this Congress should do no different"

APRIL 2, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following speech from the floor of the U.S. House during the budget debate last night, advocating for fiscal discipline in the form of the Republican alternative budget:
Click here for the video.

"The budget brought by the majority to this floor in this debate spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much-and the American people know it.
"The Democrat budget will double the national debt in five years, triple it in ten-and the numbers tell the tale. 2010 spending: $3 trillion, 25 percent of GDP, more than a trillion dollars in tax increases. 2010 deficit: a trillion dollars and estimates suggest deficits of nearly a trillion dollars for the next ten years.
"The truth is, the Democrat majority has brought to this floor the most fiscally irresponsible budget in American history.
"During debates like this, we hear a lot about the numbers. But this isn't just about the numbers.
"The truth is, it's not about dollars and cents-it's about the American Dream; it's about our kids; it's about small business owners, working families and family farmers that are dreading the idea of facing higher taxes, higher marginal rates, a national energy tax; and it's about our children and our children's children who may not even yet know or understand what they have to fear in a mountain-range of debt.
"Let us not do this.
"Every American family, every American business is answering these challenging times with sacrifice and frugality-this Congress should do no different.
"Let us reject this Democrat budget, let us embrace fiscal discipline and reform and growth in the form of the Republican alternative."


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The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
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Mary Vought (