Newspapers Nationwide Echo House Republicans’ Call For Sweeping Tax Cuts And Fiscal Restraint To Stimulate Economy

Newspapers Nationwide Echo House Republicans’ Call For Sweeping Tax Cuts And Fiscal Restraint To Stimulate Economy


JANUARY 7, 2009
January 07, 2009

Another Accounting of TARP

Background The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released its November 2010 report on the financial costs of the Troubled...
January 07, 2009

Sinking on QE2

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” –Milton Friedman   Background The first round of quantitative...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on Federal Reserve Decision

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

Generational Theft is Not Okay (VIDEO)

Washington's runaway spending amounts to generational theft -- and that's not okay. House Republican Whip Eric Cantor's office created...
January 07, 2009

WSJ: Fannie, Freddie Elicit Grim Forecast

In more bad news about Fanne and Freddie, the Wall Street Journal reports: Propping up Fannie Mae and Freddie...
January 07, 2009

Fannie and Freddie: Doing Less with More

Background Last week the Congressional Oversight Panel released a report on the contracting authority exercised by the Treasury Department...
January 07, 2009

Democrats' New Mission Same as the Old Mission: Selling the Failed Stimulus

“It’s awful hard to say it’s [$1.2 trillion stimulus] working…but if the dog hadn’t stopped would it have caught...
January 07, 2009

Unemployment Rises: Where are the Jobs? (VIDEO)

Republicans have been asking "Where are the jobs?" for months now yet in the month of September America lost...
January 07, 2009

Democrats' Final Accomplishments: Spending Preserved at Status Quo, Taxes Set to Increase

Continuing (Resolution) Unsustainable Spending: With the adjournment of the House of Representatives, Democrats put aside the priorities of the...
January 07, 2009

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

“President's Economic Record No Cause for Celebration.” —Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Press Release, July 2003                                                               
January 07, 2009

Hope for Change

“I’m also a mother.  I’m a wife.  I’m an American veteran, and I’m one of your middle-class Americans.  And,...
January 07, 2009

Pence Reacts to Latest Unemployment Report

“The American people are hurting under the weight of the failed economic policies of this administration. On top of...
January 07, 2009

The Living Dead Bailout

“The TARP is not ended by [the Dodd-Frank Act]…[t]here is some money left unobligated and I intend to press...
January 07, 2009

The Choice: More Jobs or More Government

“It’s about jobs.  In its life, [the healthcare bill] will create 4 million jobs—400,000 jobs almost immediately.” –Speaker Nancy...
January 07, 2009

New Video: Stop the Bailouts!

House Republican Conference Vice-Chair Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) has lead the charge against the Greek bailout for months...
January 07, 2009

Creating Paperwork, Raising Costs, Destroying Jobs

"[W]e have to pass the [Healthcare] bill so you can find out what’s in it."                                         —House Speaker...
January 07, 2009

Democrat Division on Tax Cut Plan Increases

There has been much division in the Democrat Party for sometime now but with November so close, those disagreements...
January 07, 2009

The International Scoreboard

"The Recovery Act has worked." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (SFGate, June 5, 2010) Background...
January 07, 2009

Democrats' Small Business "Jobs(?)" Bill

Background On June 17, 2010, the House voted to approve H.R. 5297, Small Business Jobs and Credit Act...
January 07, 2009

Pence Discusses the Economy On The Record with Greta Van Susteren

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, discussed the President’s speech on more...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls for Bipartisan Support of Boehner Economic Plan

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today in...
January 07, 2009

"Recovery Summer"

"The Recovery Act has worked."  --House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (SFGate, June 5, 2010) CLAIM #1 –...
January 07, 2009

"Recovery Summer"

"Everybody agrees that the recession is over."  --Larry Summers, (ABC's This Week, December 13, 2009) CLAIM...
January 07, 2009

Democrats' "Recovery Summer" Math

“Jobs must be our Number One focus in 2010.”  –President Obama, State of the Union address, January 2010  BackgroundAs...
January 07, 2009

"Recovery Summer"

“Welcome to Recovery”  –Treasury Secretary Tim F. Geithner, (Op-Ed, August 3, 2010)   CLAIM #1 – A January 2009...
January 07, 2009

Are We Looking at the Same Economy?

The Economy House Democrats See:   "Today we are moving in the right direction," Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD),...
January 07, 2009

Democrats Break Ranks to Oppose Obama & Pelosi's Job-Killing Tax Increases

DEMOCRATS' IMPENDING TAX INCREASESUnless Democrats take action, hard working Americans will face the largest tax increase in the nation’s...
January 07, 2009

House GOP Meetings, Events, & Town Halls Continue (PHOTOS)

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (GA) meets with Georgians from Henry County.Rep. Sue Myrick (NC) hosts a town hall in Gaston County,...
January 07, 2009

Pence Joins Call For Geithner, Summers Resignations

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today joining...
January 07, 2009

The Next Generation's Debt Burden

"Addressing the challenge of our national debt requires bold leadership and tough choices from members of both parties.  Our...
January 07, 2009

Democrats' "Canal to Nowhere" on Jobs

“If America sits on the sidelines while other nations sign trade deals, we will lose the opportunity to create...
January 07, 2009

Drudge: Jobless Claims At the Highest Since February

Republicans continue to ask the question, "Where are the jobs?" President Obama has promised time and time again that...
January 07, 2009

GRAPH: Democrats' Job Agenda Revealed

Unemployment has remained at a historic high under President Obama and a Democrat-led Congress. House Republicans have offered real...
January 07, 2009

Budgets, Taxes and Spending: Graphs and Charts

We know it's easier to understand things when you can see them laid out. That's why the House Republican...
January 07, 2009

Rep. John Kline on RedState: President Renews Threat to Workers' Secret Ballot

Rep. John Kline (MN-2) posted the following blog post today on RedState: In June of 2009, the unemployment...
January 07, 2009

America Can't Afford Much More of This Recovery…

Welcome to the Recovery. - Headline of the New York Times Op-Ed Authored by Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, ...
January 07, 2009

ASO: Pence Calls For a Stop to Democrats' Job-Killing Tax Increases

Rep. Mike Pence is on the front page of America Speaking Out today to discuss job creation and ask...
January 07, 2009

How Do You Solve Fannie and Freddie? Rep. Ken Marchant Is On It

Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX) appeared today on "Coffee and Markets" a podcast radio show featured on The New...
January 07, 2009

Rep. Jim Jordan Fights to "Get a Handle" on the Spending (VIDEO)

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) goes on record to recognize the GOP's fight to "get a handle" on the out...
January 07, 2009

Small Businesses Face Higher Taxes Under Obama Plan

The latest Obama economic plan regarding tax cuts will cause strife for small businessses, which will face higher taxes...
January 07, 2009

Graves: A Recipe for Economic Disaster

Rep. Sam Graves (MO), the Ranking Republican on the House Small Business Committee, published a piece in the Ripon...
January 07, 2009

Pence: "This Administration Defines Good Policy as What the Country Can Withstand?"

 “The country cannot withstand more spending, more borrowing, more bailouts or more taxes” Washington, DC - U.S....
January 07, 2009

Pence: "We Are Facing a Fiscal Disaster"

White House budget report offers a grim assessment of Washington Democrats’ $6 trillion spending spree.  Washington, DC - U.S....
January 07, 2009

Tomorrow: Rep. Mike Pence Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Mike Pence will deliver this week's Weekly Republican Address. Check tomorrow morning for the first look:
January 07, 2009

A Federal Takeover of Wind Insurance

"Government is a guarantor of liberty and is compatible with liberty only if its range is adequately restricted to...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls for Repeal of "Permanent Bailout" Financial Reform

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today in...
January 07, 2009

Spoiler Alert

Shot:“House Democratic leaders are launching an eleventh-hour bid to get on offense on jobs and the economy before they...
January 07, 2009

The Definition of Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results.

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (July 21, 2010): “We’re talking about jobs, jobs, jobs.”   Guess the “pivot to jobs”...
January 07, 2009

Miss the Presser? Watch it Here! (VIDEO)

Did you miss yesterday's GOP leadership press conference? We've got it here for you. Watch House Republicans leaders talk...
January 07, 2009

Dems Claim to Be Focused on Jobs -- But Where Are They?

Jobs numbers continue to be disappointing even while Democrats claim to be working on ways to improve them. It...
January 07, 2009

The Obama Administration's Mixed Messages

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) wrote a recent blog post regarding the mixed messages of the Obama Administration. Why...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Washington Doesn't Tax Too Little, It Spends Too Much

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following statement today at...
January 07, 2009

State Unemployment Numbers Released Today: Where are the Jobs?

For months, Americans have been asking President Obama, where are the jobs? State unemployment numbers are set to be...
January 07, 2009

Paul Ryan Talks About an "Entreprenuerial Economy" (VIDEO)

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) talks economics on Squawk Box recently. He asks the right questions when it comes the...
January 07, 2009

Pence on Fox News Sunday: ""The American people are frustrated with the lack of leadership out of this administration."

Watch House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence on Fox News Sunday:
January 07, 2009

Will President Obama Address America's Question: Where are the Jobs?

Follow @GOPConference on Twitter | Like on Facebook | Sign Up For Email Updates President Obama will address...
January 07, 2009

Pence Take on White House Stimulus Jobs Numbers…. "Really?"

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference delivered the following remarks on...
January 07, 2009

Pence: White House's Claim That Stimulus Has Created or Saved Millions of New Jobs is "Absurd"

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on Fox News today, discussing the White House claim of job saving...
January 07, 2009

Brady: Stimulus Report Deserves a Pulitzer for Fiction

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) explains why the White House Council of Economic Advisers report on the "stimulus" deserves a...
January 07, 2009

New: Oversight: It's Our Job (VIDEO)

House Republicans on the Oversight Committee want the American people to know what they are doing. The Committee's message:...
January 07, 2009

The Hill: House GOP to make jobs a priority

The Hill spotlights a GOP focus on job creation: House Republicans intend to make the economy and jobs a...
January 07, 2009

Schock on Stimulus Propaganda Signs: "The Height of Narcissism"

Rep. Aaron Schock (IL) wasn't happy to find out how much federal money was being spent on stimulus signs...
January 07, 2009

Business as Usual—Democrats Load Troop Funding With Pork-Barrel Spending

Since May, House Democrats have been trying to pass $84.2 billion supplemental spending bill.  The ostensible purpose of the...
January 07, 2009

Democrats' "Recovery Summer" Heats Up

"In politics, you can say all sorts of things that have no relationship with reality."  --Thomas Sowell...
January 07, 2009

Republicans Respond to Job Killing Financial Bill

House Republicans came out in full force last night against the Democrats' financial reform bill. Many assert the bill,...
January 07, 2009

Pence Opposes Democrats' Latest Wall Street Bailout Bill

“Under the guise of financial reform, Democrats are pushing yet another bill that will kill jobs, raise taxes and...
January 07, 2009

Wall Street Bailouts + Higher Taxes + Bloated Government = Zero Jobs

“[T]here's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession.”  –Vice President Joe Biden, June...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Efforts To "Deem" A Budget Are A "Fraud"

"You Can’t Deem a Budget You Never Passed" Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls Lack of Budget from House Democrats “An Historic Failure of Leadership”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement in response...
January 07, 2009

48 out of 50 States Have Lost Jobs Since Democrats' 2009 "Stimulus"

From the Ways and Means Committee and Ranking Member Dave Camp: Despite the Administration’s declaration that this is the...
January 07, 2009

May Jobs Numbers: 96 Percent Temporary Government Jobs

Today, June 4, 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released their May Employment Report.  At first glance, the news...
January 07, 2009

Obama Administration's Response to the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

"In case you were wondering who's responsible, I take responsibility.  It is my job to make sure that everything...
January 07, 2009

Who Ran Up America's Debt?

From the office of Rep. Kevin Brady (TX): Federal Debt Reaches $13 trillion; new report shows Democrats...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls Democrat "Grandson of Stimulus" Bill Another Failure

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks on the House floor today:...
January 07, 2009

Wall Street Journal: Editorial: American Jobbery

From the Wall Street Journal:Dissecting this week’s stimulus bill. President Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill are publicly...
January 07, 2009

Are We Following Greece to Economic Ruin?

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence published an op/ed in Human Events today entitled "America Following Greece to Economic...
January 07, 2009

Flatlines: More Bad News for Jobs

66% of Employers Bracing for Higher Costs;  Consider Cutting Hours for Workers   A new survey from Mercer shows...
January 07, 2009

Throwing More Taxpayer Money at the Problem: The Typical Democrat Solution

Next week, the House is expected to take up billions in dollars in spending, and tax increases, marketed by...
January 07, 2009

PHOTOS: Great Pictures From Our Bailout Forum

If you missed our "End the Bailouts: A Greek Forum" earlier today, you can view some photos from the...
January 07, 2009

Pence Goes "On the Record" to Discuss Value Added Tax, European Bailouts and Supreme Court on FOXNEWS

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, discussed the value added tax, the...
January 07, 2009

The U.S. Follows Greece's Path to Fiscal Disaster

On Sunday, May 9, 2010-the same day the EU and the IMF announced a new $1 trillion deal to protect...
January 07, 2009

Pence Says No More U.S. Taxpayer Dollars for European Bailouts

Latest Near $1 Trillion Bailout of Euro Comes on the Heels of Bailout for Greece Washington, D.C. -- U.S....
January 07, 2009

Pence on Latest Unemployment Report

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference,...
January 07, 2009

President’s Budget Director Admits: Current Policy Unsustainable

"Deficits of this size are serious, and ultimately unsustainable."        -Peter Orszag, President's Director of the Office of...
January 07, 2009

Pence on GOP Earmark Reform Legislation

“The American people want Congress to change the way we spend the people’s money.” Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman...
January 07, 2009

April 21, 2010 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference April 21, 2010 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric Cantor...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Democrats Trying to Pass Permanent Bailout for Wall Street

“The left hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing.” Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman...
January 07, 2009

Democrats’ Message to the American People, “Budgets Don’t Matter”

"Addressing the challenge of our national debt requires bold leadership and tough choices from members of both parties.  Our...
January 07, 2009

Pence: the American People Aren’t Fooled By Democrat Tax Cutting Claims

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on...
January 07, 2009

Pence on FOX NEWS: “Only in Washington, D.C. would you celebrate the second largest deficit in American history.”

  Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks...
January 07, 2009

CBO Confirms That America Can't Afford Minor Fiscal Tinkering

"... U.S. fiscal policy is on an unsustainable path to an extent that it cannot be solved by minor...
January 07, 2009

The Obama Fiscal Solution – Raise Taxes, Keep Spending Money

"If at the end of the day we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes."                                                            -Paul Volcker, President's Chairman...
January 07, 2009

March 23, 2010 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference March 23, 2010 Participants: - Conference Chair Mike Pence (R-IN) - Conference Vice Chair...
January 07, 2009

Democrats to Reform the Financial Services Industry—what Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Background Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were the main cause of the nation's current financial turmoil.  With encouragement from Congressional...
January 07, 2009

Democrat Spin Ignores the “Rough Outlook” of CBO Score

Are House Democrats ready to make a $940 billion gamble on an imprecise estimate? Democrat spin on the Congressional...
January 07, 2009

March 9, 2010 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference March 10, 2010 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Pence: “It’s Time for a Spending Limit Amendment to the Constitution”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following statement today on...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on Unemployment Numbers

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

March 3, 2010 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference March 3, 2010 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls White House Health Care Summit “Taxpayer-funded Media Event”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls President’s New Health Care Bill ‘More of the Same’

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

The Party Of What?

  First, we were the party of no ideas: "One of our two great parties is now an...
January 07, 2009

Pence Joins House Republicans in Presenting President Obama a Copy of "Better Solutions"

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

January 27, 2010 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference January 27, 2010 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Obama’s Historic Spending and Deficits

Facing political fallout from this Administration's reckless spending spree, President Obama will reportedly use the State of the Union...
January 07, 2009

January 20, 2010 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference January 20, 2010 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Pence Opposes Increase in the National Debt Limit: Asks “When Will It Stop?”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on...
January 07, 2009

December 16, 2009 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference December 16, 2009 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric Cantor...
January 07, 2009

Tallying the Pelosi Bill's Effects on Job Destruction

President Obama's recent "jobs summit," and Speaker Pelosi's renewed focus on yet another "jobs bill" full of additional government...
January 07, 2009

Obama vs. Obama: Who is scaring whom, Mr. President?

As the president warns Republicans to "stop trying to frighten the American people," a look at his...
January 07, 2009

Republican Leadership Press Conference Following White House Meeting With President Obama Today

December 9, 2009 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) - Conference...
January 07, 2009

What Do the American People Need? Jobs

President Obama's "jobs summit," coupled with Friday's release of November jobs numbers, once again raise serious questions about the...
January 07, 2009

December 8, 2009 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference December 8, 2009 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Democrat Policy on Spending Is “If We Got It, Spend It”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on...
January 07, 2009

Democrats’ Jobs Summit Farce

"Statistics mean little for those who have lost a job, taken a pay cut, or watched their loved ones...
January 07, 2009

December 2, 2009 Republican Leadership Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference December 2, 2009 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Now Democrats Focus on Jobs?

Since passage of the Democrats' trillion dollar "stimulus," more than 2.8 million jobs have been lost and unemployment stands at...
January 07, 2009

Obama vs. Obama: President Signals Intent to Break Campaign Promise on Lowering Health Care Premiums

During last year's campaign, then-Senator Obama unveiled a health care plan that he promised would save families up to...
January 07, 2009

Pence: New CBO Report Confirms Latest Democrat Health Care Bill Increases Premiums on Families

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

Democrat Dithering on the U.S.—Korea FTA

On November 18, 2009, President Obama arrived in South Korea, the final stop on his Asia trip.  Although free...
January 07, 2009

Will $210 Billion in New Deficit Spending Kill American Jobs?

"It is important though to recognize if we keep on adding to the debt, even in the midst of...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls on President to Embrace Immediate Tax Relief to Create Jobs Without Further Delay

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after President Obama announced...
January 07, 2009

Stimulus Jobs--Deceptive Reports & Disputed Facts

"If we see money being misspent, we're going to put a stop to it, and we will call it...
January 07, 2009

While Democrats Ignore Unemployment, Americas Pay the Price

"Our team is working with members of Congress every day on this issue (health care), and it is my...
January 07, 2009

What are Democrats Doing about Job Loss? Making it Worse.

Today, the unemployment rate jumped to 10.2 percent, the highest level in 26 years.  Rather than working with Republicans...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence has a lot to say about the unemployment numbers released this morning: The...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

The Debt Limit and the Troops

According to press reports, Democrats are planning to attach legislation to increase the national debt ceiling to the Fiscal...
January 07, 2009

State Unemployment Figures Confirm Regrettable Truths

Eight months ago the President signed a $787 billion "stimulus" bill that had been rammed through the House without...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls for Transparency in Health Care Debate and Real Help to Small Businesses

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks regarding the...
January 07, 2009

Democrats, Deficits and Debt By the Numbers

"The cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the federal budget. This rising...
January 07, 2009

“Stimulus” Recipients and the White House Spin

Today, the White House announced the first "hard" evidence of their effort to account for jobs created by the...
January 07, 2009

October 14, 2009 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Republican Leadership Press Conference October 14, 2009 Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric...
January 07, 2009

Pence Disputes President’s Claim of Health Care Consensus

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of...
January 07, 2009

The Reformed CFPA-New Paint, Same Old Clunker

"There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics:  As...
January 07, 2009

Pence: “Senate Energy Bill Just Another Jobs-Killing National Energy Tax”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference and the American Energy Solutions Group,...
January 07, 2009

House Democrats' Health "Reform" Will Harm American Economy

Even as unemployment approaches 10 percent nationwide, a recent Heritage Foundation analysis found that House Democrats' government takeover of...
January 07, 2009

Trade Protectionism at the Worst Economic Time

"What is prudence in the conduct of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great...
January 07, 2009

CBS News: Obama Admin: Cap and Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year

Posted by Declan McCullagh September 15, 2009 9:03 PM   The Obama administration has privately concluded that a cap...
January 07, 2009

Wall Street Journal Editorial: The Quietest Trillion

Congratulations. You're about to own $100 billion a year in student loans. The furor over President Obama's trillion-dollar...
January 07, 2009

Pence Says President’s Regulatory Reform Plan "Protects the Status-Quo"

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on...
January 07, 2009

House Democrat Health "Reform" Legislation: Short Summary of the Government Takeover of Health Care

BACKGROUND   On July 14, 2009, the Chairmen of the three House Committees with jurisdiction over health care...
January 07, 2009

Democrats’ Government Takeover Will Raise Medicare Premiums By 20%

"I'm appalled by the deal the White House has made with the pharmaceutical industry's lobbying arm to buy...
January 07, 2009

Barack Obama and “Big Pharma:” Hypocrisy You Can Believe in

“I’m appalled by the deal the White House has made with the pharmaceutical industry’s lobbying arm to buy...
January 07, 2009

Congressman Pence Discusses Health Care on ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos

To view this clip, click here.   Excerpts below: "Republicans are ready to work for comprehensive health...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Unemployment Report Shows Administration’s Economic Policies Are Not Working

"The American people know that true economic recovery starts with fiscal discipline in Washington, and tax relief for working...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls on President Obama to Start Over on Health Care

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks on the...
January 07, 2009

OMB and CBO Re-Estimates by the Numbers

On August 25, 2009, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) each...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Budget Numbers Warn of Fiscal Train Wreck

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

Pence on Six Month Anniversary of Stimulus Signing: “the Results Are In: the Stimulus Isn’t Working”

WASHINGTON, DC-U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today regarding the six...
January 07, 2009

July 28, 2009 Republican Leadership Stakeout

Participants: - Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) - Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on PAYGO

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement on the...
January 07, 2009

Congressman Pence Discusses Jobs and Democrat Health Care Bill on MSNBC’s Morning Joe

To view this clip, click here. Transcript below:   [Clip of Hoyer on the House floor]  ...
January 07, 2009

Has the President Really "Rescued the Economy?"

President's Economic Fiction White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel:  "Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff,...
January 07, 2009

Pence Challenges Government Takeover of Health Care During Economic Recession

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement on the...
January 07, 2009

State Unemployment Numbers Rise as “stimulus” Fails

"Now most of the money that we're investing as part of this plan will get out the door immediately...
January 07, 2009

New Video: Obama Vs. Obama on the Stimulus

Washington, DC - The House Republican Conference unveiled the following video today on MSNBC's Morning Joe. As reports continue...
January 07, 2009

Obama Administration Insists That the Economy Is Going Through A “Healthy Adjustment” as Unemployment Reaches 26-year High of 9.5%

What the economy "is going through is a very necessary and healthy adjustment as [Americans] go back to living within...
January 07, 2009

House Republican Conference Releases New Web Video on Jobs

Washington, DC - The House Republican Conference unveiled the following hard-hitting jobs video on Hannity last night. In the...
January 07, 2009

Pence: The Stimulus "Has Not Done It's Job"

 "The American people are starting to get wise to the Democrat plan here. They understand the Democrat agenda is...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on Unemployment Numbers

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement to today's...
January 07, 2009

GOP Talkers on Democrats' Runaway Spending

  This is not about process; this is about runaway federal spending.Here are the facts on spending from this...
January 07, 2009

House Republican Leaders Propose $375 Billion in Common-Sense Taxpayer Savings

WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), on behalf of House...
January 07, 2009

WSJ: Martin Feldstein - Tax Increases Could Kill the Recovery

By MARTIN FELDSTEIN The barrage of tax increases proposed in President Barack Obama's budget could, if enacted by Congress,...
January 07, 2009

Washington Post: Despite Stimulus Funds, States to Cut More Jobs

Budget Shortfalls Prompt Mass Layoffs By Alec MacGillis Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Eleven weeks...
January 07, 2009

Associated Press: Stimulus Watch: Road Money Skips Over Needy Areas

"The AP findings suggest the White House raised expectations too high for the transportation spending, said a spokesman for...
January 07, 2009

USA Today: Obama's Pattern on Federal Spending Not Flattering

When it comes to federal spending, there's a pattern emerging with President Obama, and it's not a...
January 07, 2009

NY Times: White House Forecasts No Job Growth Until 2010

President Obama's chief economics forecaster said on Sunday that the country was not likely to see positive...
January 07, 2009

CQ: Small Program Cuts, Big Headaches

"Color us not particularly impressed with the record of the president for fiscal discipline to date, but hope springs...
January 07, 2009

Leader Boehner Addresses the Issues on Fox News (video)

House Republican Leader John Boehner appeared on Fox News to speak on how House Republicans will cut government waste...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls Democrats’ Budget More Debt and Taxes

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today in...
January 07, 2009

McCarthy and And Scalise on Why Cap and Tax Is Wrong

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) spoke with bloggers today about the cap and tax energy...
January 07, 2009

The Washington Post: Small Businesses Brace for Tax Battle

Gail Johnson doesn't think of herself as wealthy. The former pediatric nurse has spent 20 years building a chain...
January 07, 2009

Pence Op-ed in Muncie Star Press: on Debt Day, With Regret

Today, April 26, is Debt Day for this fiscal year. That is, today is the day the federal government's...
January 07, 2009

Happy Debt Day: Government to 'run Out' of Cash Sunday, Earliest Ever

"Debt Day," marking the point in the fiscal year when government spending exceeds revenue, falls this Sunday. That's the...
January 07, 2009

Editorials Highlight President’s Fiscal Irresponsibility

Washington Post:  "President Obama is requiring government agencies to find $100 million in savings. Next year's budget deficit will...
January 07, 2009

Cap and Trade Will Cost American Families

*This post originally published on by Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) President Obama is proposing a “cap and trade”...
January 07, 2009

The President’s Budget Is Not What’s Best for America

by Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04) Last week’s Tea Parties were a powerful message to Washington in protest to the...
January 07, 2009

Boehner Talks With George Stephanopoulos

House Leader John Boehner appeared yesterday on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, saying legislators should beware of "trillion dollar...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on Tax Day

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today regarding...
January 07, 2009

When Is Enough Spending Going to Be Enough

Guest post by Rep. Ed Royce (CA) The Democrat Leadership’s 2010 budget calls for an unprecedented $3.5 trillion in...
January 07, 2009

Democrats’ Budget Hypocrisy

That was then For years, House Democrats criticized the Bush White House for proposing a five-year budget: Then-Ranking Member John...
January 07, 2009

Democrats’ Budget Hypocrisy

That was then... Democrats criticized a budget that “excluded” a permanent fix for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)… House...
January 07, 2009

Republicans Stand Together on the Budget

It was a special day for Republicans on Capitol Hill, as House and Senate leaders gathered for a...
January 07, 2009

Pence on Sean Hannity Radio Show

Click here to listen to the audio. Below is an excerpt from the interview: PENCE: "The Republican proposal...
January 07, 2009

The GOP Alternative

Fiscal Policy: President Obama claims that Republicans "don't offer an alternative budget." In fact, they do, and it costs...
January 07, 2009

The Road to Recovery Begins Here

House Republicans today released the "Republican Road to Recovery," an 18-page booklet specificying the steps they will take to...
January 07, 2009

Pence: Republicans Have A Better Solution on the Budget

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on...
January 07, 2009

Distortions From Last Night

House Leader John Boehner's office was quick to break down President Obama's address to the nation last night. After...
January 07, 2009

USA Today: Opposing View: Stop Using Taxpayers' Money

By Rep. Jeb Hensarling I hope Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's plan to rescue America's largest financial institutions works....
January 07, 2009

Budget Myths: $2.3 Trillion Off

House Whip Eric Cantor's office has done a great job compiling facts for Republicans to lean on as America's...
January 07, 2009

7 Questions on the Budget for President Obama

The White House predicts 7.9% unemployment in 2010. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts 9.2% unemployment in 2010. Where are...
January 07, 2009

Get Rid of Ineffective Education Programs With Howard "Buck" McKeon

After a Democrat Administration passed an omnibus bill with language to eliminate a vital school choice program, swiping vouchers...
January 07, 2009

Rep. Ryan Teams Up With Cato

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI), the ranking Member on the Budget Committee, has been hard at work drafting Republican budget...
January 07, 2009

Republicans' Budget Alternative

House Republicans want you to know there is a better way and we've got an alternative plan that is...
January 07, 2009

Jeff Flake: Uncensored

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the...
January 07, 2009

Your Members on the Move

Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) has been stirring the pot lately, with her explosive House floor ventures and determined messages...
January 07, 2009

Dreamy Eyed Democrats: Greatest Hits

Video is powerful. Most people don't sit around watching C-SPAN2 all day but guess what? Everything that happens on...
January 07, 2009

Pence: "Americans Have a Right to Know Who Changed the Language"

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC today to comment on AIG bonuses and question the provision that...
January 07, 2009

Democrats’ False Hope for Change

As Republicans fought to protect taxpayers from $350 billion in additional Wall Street bailouts, Democrats assured the American people...
January 07, 2009

AIG: An Outrage

House Republicans are outraged. They are outraged about bailouts. They are outraged about massive overspending. They are outraged about...
January 07, 2009

"Stimulus" Fails to Deliver the Relief the President Promised

THAT WAS THEN: On February 12, President Obama visited employees at an Illinois Caterpillar plant and said, "when they...
January 07, 2009

Pence Statement on AIG

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement at a...
January 07, 2009

A False Sense of Confidence

It was JUST TWO WEEKS AGO that the Administration said it was "confident" it knew how AIG was spending...
January 07, 2009

Republican Principles for Economic Recovery

PROTECTING JOBS AND LOWERING TAXES Instead of raising taxes on all Americans in the midst of a recession, Republicans...
January 07, 2009

St. Petersburg Times: GOP's unified "no" strategy against Obama's spending

WASHINGTON - When it comes to President Obama and the Democrats these days, you couldn't knock Republican leaders of...
January 07, 2009

The Facts Are On Our Side

Republicans have a few big things on their side when it comes to the economy: the facts. These include...
January 07, 2009

Pence: President and Congressional Democrats on "Unprecedented Spending Binge"

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement on the...
January 07, 2009

Obama vs. Obama - Spending

President Obama once criticized out-of-control spending and “enormous deficits” but... President Obama once criticized an “orgy of spending and...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls on President to Veto Democrats’ Omnibus Bill

Washington, DC- Today, U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls Card Check Pathway to Workplace Intimidation

Washington, DC - Today, U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement in...
January 07, 2009

GOP Member Activity Update: Taking Our Case to the American People

Republicans in the News: Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on FOX Business Happy Hour to discuss the "cramdown" housing bill....
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls for Spending Freeze

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on...
January 07, 2009

Obama vs. Obama - Earmarks

President Obama says he supports slashing earmarks and making all spending decisions open to the public… President Obama Pledges...
January 07, 2009

Talking Points on the Budget

 The American people are hurting. Congress was right to take action to get this economy moving, but higher taxes...
January 07, 2009

Obama vs. Obama - Taxes

President Obama promises that taxpayers making less than $250,000 would not have their taxes "increased a single dime." President Barack...
January 07, 2009

The President’s "Radical Agenda"

"We have an agenda in this country now that I would regard as being a radical agenda. I think...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls On President Obama To Veto Bloated Spending Bill

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today after...
January 07, 2009

CNN: Dem Blasts Obama's Budget

(CNN) - Mississippi Democratic Rep. Gene Taylor blasted the budget outline President Obama submitted to Capitol Hill today, saying...
January 07, 2009

Pence: “Administration’s Budget is Prescription for Economic Decline”

Washington, DC - Today, U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement in...
January 07, 2009

OP-ED: Hold Your Nose For Tarp II

President Obama's address to Congress on Tuesday night foreshadowed the next development in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)...
January 07, 2009

OP-ED: Letting Judges Rewrite Loans Is Toxic Itself

"At first blush it seems somewhat strange that the Bankruptcy Code should provide less protection to an individual's interest...
January 07, 2009

Budget Talking Points

The American people are hurting, and Republicans want to work with the President to get the American people...
January 07, 2009

Pence Renews No Earmark Policy

WASHINGTON, DC - With consideration of the Democrats' omnibus spending bill set for tomorrow, U.S. Congressman Mike Pence released...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls For Spending Freeze: "Enough is Enough"

“Let's do what every American family, what every small business is doing - let's freeze federal spending immediately and...
January 07, 2009

Republicans Call For Spending Freeze Now!

American families and small businesses are making sacrifices and cutting expenses.  Whether through tightening family budgets, or cutting expenses...
January 07, 2009

Blunt: Freeze Federal Spending -- Now

Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt, a Republican and U.S. Senate candidate from southwest Missouri, today responded to President Obama's call...
January 07, 2009

Analysis: Stimulus Won't Jump-start Economy

WASHINGTON -- No, the big stimulus plan won't "save or create 3.5 million jobs," as the president and congressional...
January 07, 2009

CBO Predicts Lower GDP In A Decade

"The Congressional Budget Office says President Obama's giant economic recovery bill will actually hurt Americans' paychecks in the long...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls For Democrats To Show Americans the Stimulus'

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today in...
January 07, 2009

Pence Calls Democrat “Deal” On Stimulus “Long Wish List Of Big Government Spending That Won’t Put Americans Back To Work”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today in response to reports...
January 07, 2009

Washington Post Criticizes Obama's "Straw Man" Tactics

By Michael D. Shear and Anne E. Kornblut Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, February 11, 2009; A06 FORT...
January 07, 2009

Talking Points On Pelosi-Reid Backroom Deal

House Republicans know we are in a serious recession. The American people are hurting and Republicans know Congress must act...
January 07, 2009

Drudge: $300 Million In Stimulus For 'Green Golf Carts'

New York Post: CONGRESS $HOPPING CARTS Access the original article here. By GEOFF EARLE Post Correspondent ELECTRIC...
January 07, 2009

Pence Challenges House Democrats On "Do Nothing" Charge

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, responded to charges from House Democrats...
January 07, 2009

"Worn Idea" the American People Are Tired of is "Runaway Federal Spending"

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press"...
January 07, 2009

Pence Urges Senate Colleagues To Reject Democrat Spending Bill

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in...
January 07, 2009

WSJ: What Is Congress Stimulating?

Contrary to conventional Beltway wisdom, the House Republicans' zero votes for the Obama presidency's stimulus "package" is looking like...
January 07, 2009

Stimulus Talking Points

- Our nation is in a recession and millions of Americans are hurting. - Congress and the...
January 07, 2009

What They're Saying: Republicans Have A "Legitimate" Objection To Democrat "Stimulus" Plan

"... the economic measures racing through Congress would devote tens of billions of dollars to causes that have little to...
January 07, 2009

Pence: “More Big Government Spending On A Liberal Wish List Of Programs Won't Cure What Ails the American Economy”

Note: To view the speech, click here   WASHINGTON, DC -- Following are the remarks delivered by Congressman Pence,...
January 07, 2009

GOP Challenges House Democrats To Release Omnibus Details

House Republican leaders on Tuesday called for public release of the proposed omnibus legislation that would encompass the nine...
January 07, 2009

Purely Partisan Bill Will Burden Generations With Unsustainable Debt Despite Bipartisan Opposition

Today the House passed H.R. 1 [digest | votes], the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009." The...
January 07, 2009

Pence Denounces Democrat Stimulus Bill:

WASHINGTON – In response to the filing of the Democrat version of a stimulus bill, Congressman Mike Pence, chairman...
January 07, 2009

Stimulus Talking Points

The American people are hurting and our economy is in a recession. Congress is right to take action to stimulate...
January 07, 2009

Boehner Statement on House Republicans’ Economic Recovery Proposals

House GOP Leader: “Our proposals are rooted in the belief that fast-acting tax relief, rather than slow-moving and wasteful government...
January 07, 2009

Boarding Pass

TALKERS ON THE STIMULUS The American people are hurting and our economy is in a recession. Congress is right to take action...
January 07, 2009

Pence Lauds RSC Economic Stimulus Bill

Today, the House Republican Study Committee (RSC) unveiled its economic stimulus bill, the Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Relief Act....
January 07, 2009

Editorials Oppose TARP Expansion

Investor's Business Daily Editorial: "Show Us The Money" Excerpts: "One of the key principles of those who want to shrink...
January 07, 2009

Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) Talking Points

We are in a recession, and the American people are hurting. House Republicans are on the side of the...
January 07, 2009

Pence: House Republicans will be on the Side of the American Taxpayer

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following speech on the floor of the...