Flatlines: More Bad News for Jobs

66% of Employers Bracing for Higher Costs;  Consider Cutting Hours for Workers
A new survey from Mercer shows that employers are bracing for higher health care costs under ObamaCare and are considering cutting the number of hours for workers.
Fully, 66 percent of employers that were surveyed expect costs to increase next year under ObamaCare, while only 3 percent expect costs to remain the same.
In addition, out of the 26 percent of the employers  that don’t offer coverage to employees who work 30 or more hours per week (and therefore, may not be in compliance with ObamaCare’s mandate to offer them coverage), 54 percent say they will consider reducing hours so fewer employees work 30 hours or more a week. 
For previous ObamaCare Flatlines, go to http://www.gop.gov/obamacare.