Pence Statement on Tax Day

Pence Statement on Tax Day

"Forcing Americans to pay higher taxes to offset out-of-control government spending is no solution"

APRIL 15, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today regarding Tax Day 2009:

"Millions of hard-working Americans are filing their income taxes today, and joining together to protest our nation's tax burden, a reminder of just how much of their hard-earned money goes to Washington. 
"During these challenging economic times our nation's families, small businesses and family farms are struggling to make ends meet. Forcing Americans to pay higher taxes to offset out-of-control government spending is no solution. The American people know we can't spend and tax our way back to a growing economy.

"In order to create and maintain long-term economic growth, Congress must put politics aside and protect the American taxpayer."


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The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
Matt Lloyd (
Mary Vought (