Blog Posts Tagged 'tax relief'

Tomorrow: Rep. Mike Pence Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Mike Pence will deliver this week's Weekly Republican Address. Check tomorrow morning for the first look:   More

McCarthy and And Scalise on Why Cap and Tax Is Wrong

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) spoke with bloggers today about the cap and tax energy bill being debated in Congress currently. Scalise participated in the hearings last week, questioning 60 professional witnesses and presenting statements on why the bill is wrong for America.   “The more people see the negative i [...]  More

Bill Will Cap and Tax the Country

After three days of hearing on the cap and tax global warming legislation last week, Republicans are billing it a "national energy tax," according to a piece in the Hill today. Almost everyone who testified in the hearings agreed that the bill would raise gas and energy prices across the board, costing American families more of their hard-earned m [...]  More

Cap and Trade Will Cost American Families

*This post originally published on by Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) President Obama is proposing a “cap and trade” energy tax that will raise utility costs on every American family to generate $646 billion in new taxes, while shipping millions of American jobs to foreign countries. I am very concerned about how the liberals in [...]  More

Why Oversight Is Needed

by Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN) Yesterday, a report was issued by the special inspector overseeing the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) highlighting multiple problems with the Treasury’s implementation of the federal bailout program. Notably, the inspector reported that the American taxpayer is “increasingly exposed to losses and fraud.& [...]  More

The President’s Budget Is Not What’s Best for America

by Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04) Last week’s Tea Parties were a powerful message to Washington in protest to the “spend and tax” binge that the federal government has been on over the last several months.  The last thing struggling families need is Washington taking even more money out of their pockets. Every day, Americans [...]  More

Boehner Talks With George Stephanopoulos

House Leader John Boehner appeared yesterday on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, saying legislators should beware of "trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see." Boehner applauded last week's hurricane of taxpayer tea parties and attended one in Bakersfield, California. "...when I talk to people at these rallies, it was pretty clea [...]  More

When Is Enough Spending Going to Be Enough

Guest post by Rep. Ed Royce (CA) The Democrat Leadership’s 2010 budget calls for an unprecedented $3.5 trillion in spending and results in trillion dollar deficits for years. Except for World War II, these are the highest spending levels in U.S. history. During a recent financial services hearing I questioned the Chairman of the Federal Res [...]  More

Republicans Stand Together on the Budget

It was a special day for Republicans on Capitol Hill, as House and Senate leaders gathered for a rare bi-cameral conference and press conference meeting. Last week, the House revealed their budget blueprint in a document titled "The Republican Road to Recovery" and today the details of that plan were expanded. In a Wall Street Journal article tod [...]  More

The Road to Recovery Begins Here

House Republicans today released the "Republican Road to Recovery," an 18-page booklet specificying the steps they will take to find economic prosperity again. The press conference unveiled a long awaited plan from Budget Committee leadership. House Leader John Boehner kicked things off, offering the chapter by chapter plan as an alternative to t [...]  More

Distortions From Last Night

House Leader John Boehner's office was quick to break down President Obama's address to the nation last night. After the speech, they expressed several points of contention. During the speech, Obama perpetuated the myth that Republicans have offered no alternatives for the budget and asserted that increased taxes on charitable giving will have no [...]  More

Rep. Ryan Teams Up With Cato

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI), the ranking Member on the Budget Committee, has been hard at work drafting Republican budget alternatives but he's not too busy to collaborate with the Cato Institute for an economic message. On Tuesday, March 31, Ryan will join Senior Cato Fellows Chris Edwards and Michael Tanner on Capitol Hill for a briefing entitled "Obama [...]  More

Republicans' Budget Alternative

House Republicans want you to know there is a better way and we've got an alternative plan that is almost complete. Here is House Leader John Boehner discussing an alternative with core priniciples for longterm success: We've boiled it down for you. A Republican alternative that works:  -- Help create and protect jobs by letting families and [...]  More

Jeff Flake: Uncensored

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the mind of Republicans' leading anti-earmark crusader. On healthcare: For good reason, Americans are naturally skeptical about the federal government’s ability to manage a national healthcare program. So Republicans have an advantage [...]  More

Pence: "Americans Have a Right to Know Who Changed the Language"

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC today to comment on AIG bonuses and question the provision that allowed them in the recently signed stimulus bill. The 1,100 page document was criticized by Republicans for its length and the little time allotted for politicians to read it thoroughly. Since it was reported that AIG big wigs re [...]  More