CNN - Dem Blasts Obama's Budget

CNN: Dem Blasts Obama's Budget

FEBRUARY 26, 2009

(CNN) - Mississippi Democratic Rep. Gene Taylor blasted the budget outline President Obama submitted to Capitol Hill today, saying "I don't like it...change is not running up even bigger deficits that George Bush did."

"That's what George Bush did very well. Apparently that's what President Obama is doing."

Taylor, a conservative "blue dog" who voted against the stimulus bill, noted he was still reviewing the plan but was troubled by the additional amount of spending for many government programs on top of the recent increased funding many agencies received in the economic stimulus bill.

As a member of the Armed Service Committee, Taylor noted the budget only gives the Defense Department a "small increase," which he said would barely cover the cost of living adjustments for the military.

Taylor pointed to President Obama's inaugural address that called for Americans to make sacrifices, saying "It's certainly not reflected in his budget."

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