Drudge: Jobless Claims At the Highest Since February

Republicans continue to ask the question, "Where are the jobs?" President Obama has promised time and time again that his policies will help Americans but not much has improved. Every day, we see another poll, statistic or news article displaying high unemployment rates and dissatisfaction with the way our country is being run. Check out this New York Times article from January 2009. Here, the President makes bold claims about job creation "by the end of next year." See this key paragraph:

In the campaign, Mr. Obama vowed to create one million jobs, and after winning election he put forth a plan to create up to three million. The report now puts the figure at roughly 3.7 million, the midpoint of an estimated range of 3.3 million to 4.1 million jobs by the end of next year.

Today, new applications for jobless benefits are at a high since February and the employment rate isn't looking optimistic. See an excerpt of the AP report:

Initial claims have now risen in three of the last four weeks and are close to their high point for the year of 490,000, reached in late January. The four-week average, which smooths volatility, soared by 14,250 to 473,500, also the highest since late February.

The prospects of more layoffs added to this week's grim outlook for the economy, which began Tuesday when the Federal Reserve lowered its assessment of the recovery.

Obama Administration economic advisor Christina Romer recently quit her post at the White House, but not before appearing on national television numerous times to spin for the Administration on jobs. The night before she resigned, she noted that "we are seeing steady growth" on jobs. Really?

Where are the jobs, Mr. President?