A False Sense of Confidence

A False Sense of Confidence

MARCH 17, 2009

It was JUST TWO WEEKS AGO that the Administration said it was "confident" it knew how AIG was spending taxpayer dollars


Press Secretary Briefing, March 2, 2009:
Jake Tapper, ABC: AIG, is the Administration confident that it, that it knows what happened to the tens of billions of dollars previously given to AIG?
Press Secretary Gibbs: Is it confident - I'm sorry?
Jake Tapper, ABC: That they know, that you guys know what happened to the previous billions before you hand over this next $30 billion?
Press Secretary Gibbs: Yes.

Press Secretary Briefing, March 16, 2009:
Question: Did you guys first find out about these bonuses last week?

Press Secretary Gibbs: I think that's true, based on what I read in the newspaper...

Question:  But, Robert, to follow up on Jake's point, did Secretary Geithner make a mistake by not reviewing these contracts -- they're a year old -- before he cut a new check to AIG?  Why didn't he do that?

Press Secretary Gibbs: I would certainly ask the Treasury -- I'll ask the Treasury that.

Note: "The Real AIG Outrage," an Editorial by the Wall Street Journal.