Graves: A Recipe for Economic Disaster

Rep. Sam Graves (MO), the Ranking Republican on the House Small Business Committee, published a piece in the Ripon Forum today. The piece covers how the health care law will affect small businesses. Read an excerpt here:

For centuries, small business owners have encouraged prosperity and vitality in this great nation. These entrepreneurs epitomize the American ingenuity that has allowed the United States to become an economic powerhouse in the global marketplace. Without small businesses, we would no longer have the resources we need to continue producing cutting-edge products and services that meet consumer demand worldwide.

In order to help keep small businesses on the forefront of the markets, it is critical that leaders in Washington foster an environment that encourages creativity and promotes free enterprise. Unfortunately, policies and programs that are being pushed by President Obama’s Administration and Majority Leaders in Congress have made small business owners subject to a constant stream of higher taxes, more regulations and more mandates that will discourage entrepreneurs and force employers to cut jobs.

Read more here.