Pence Urges Senate Colleagues To Reject Democrat Spending Bill

Pence Urges Senate Colleagues To Reject Democrat Spending Bill

FEBRUARY 5, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in response to the "stimulus bill" being debated in the Senate:
"While some say the problems with the so-called stimulus bill amount to less than one percent of the bill, the American people know this legislation goes 100 percent in the wrong direction.

"Democrats in Congress are exploiting a national economic crisis to fund a wish list of tired, liberal spending priorities that have little to do with creating jobs.

"We cannot borrow and spend our way back to a growing economy.
"The American people deserve a stimulus bill that will create jobs and draw on the best ideas of both political parties. This partisan bill fails that standard, and it will fail to stimulate anything but more government and more debt.

"I urge my colleagues in the United States Senate to scrap this so-called stimulus bill and start over."


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