Republican Outrages

The Real Republican Agenda: Taking Our Eye off the Real Fight, Putting Our Nation at Risk

Today Republicans unveiled their agenda calling for the exact same failed policies of the past.  The national security agenda presented, once again, does not focus on the real fight against terrorism and the places that give them sanctuary and put our nation at risk.  A review of the Real Republican Agenda:
Taking Eye Off Main Fight Against Terrorism

Democrats Calling for Corporate Special Interest Groups Funding Attack Ads to Come Clean

This Fall, corporate special interests are trying to drown out the voices of the American people with a flood of negative advertising funded by shadowy front groups. These groups are taking advantage of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that has enabled them to collect unlimited and undisclosed money from powerful, wealthy and sometimes foreign corporations – all without telling anyone where the money is coming from.  The American people deserve to know exactly who is funding nasty attack ads and trying to sway their elections.

Hoyer Statement on Republican Leader John Boehner’s Speech

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to House Minority Leader John Boehner’s speech in Ohio this afternoon:

Talking Bush Tax Cuts and Fall Agenda on CNN

What we need to realize what was going to happen was put in place by the Republicans in 2001 and 2003, to meet their budgets. And the President said we are not going to allow families to have a tax increase, period. Families in the $250,000 and under people, which is under 98% of the people...

Hoyer Discussing the Republican Agenda on the Ed Show

The GOP is connecting itself to the tea party positions. So we don't have to connect them ourselves. The Republican candidates are doing that already. And when you have people saying, we ought to do away with social security, that as you just pointed out, Mr. Miller, unememployment insurance is somehow unconstitutional, that we want to go back to the policies that failed so badly, not only in the last administration...

The Real Republican Agenda


The Republicans unveiled their “Pledge to America” last week and, just as we thought, it contained no new ideas and was a return to the “exact same” failed agenda as President Bush. Their agenda to return to their previous policies makes it clear who they stand with—big corporations and special interests, instead of middle class families.

The Real Republican Agenda: Taking Our Eye off the Real Fight, Putting Our Nation at Risk

Today Republicans unveiled their agenda calling for the exact same failed policies of the past.  The national security agenda presented, once again, does not focus on the real fight against terrorism and the places that give them sanctuary and put our nation at risk.  A review of the Real Republican Agenda:
Taking Eye Off Main Fight Against Terrorism

Discusses Democrats Fighting to Keep Teachers, Police, Firefighters on the Job

It's going to pass. The Senate passed it in a bipartisan way. We came back from our break to make sure we pass it. We're anxious of teachers being laid off. We think this will keep 160,000 teachers on the job teaching our children...

Discussing the Vote on Emergency State Aid on MSNBC

It is a bill that's fully paid for, as you know, and it seeks to help states keep teachers on board so the class sizes are not exploding and we think that is going to keep about 160,000 teachers on the job this fall, which we think is positive for students, for parents and our country...