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Real Name: Duncan Black
Age: 38
Location: Philadelphia

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Friday, December 24, 2010
Morning Thread

Time to dash out for last minute stuff? Happens every year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Because nothing says The Hellidays without a YouTube war, CHECK YER STOCKING, Tintin. Dashing through the snow, with a one horse open SLAY!

Check out the Pam Gellar screech solo...

Strange World

Some days I think I'm the only one who has noticed that unemployment is at 9.6%.

Except the unemployed, of course.


Randomly thought of this for no particular reason.


Also, you know, jobs and incomes.

Holiday Schedule

Usual end of the year blog slowdown is here. Will keep posting, just won't be at my computer 12 hours a day like I usually am.

Happy holidays. Better luck next year with the War On Christmas!

Afternoon Thread

Any Christmas Eve Eve plans?

The Way The World Doesn't Work

As Ireland lights another pile of money on fire, I'm reminded that another way to save the big banks and let rich assholes continue to receive absurd bonuses would have been to give people money to pay down their debts. Banks would have gotten their money, and people would have less debt. This would never happen because it would grossly unfair to help some people so we'll do the fair thing and just give money to rich assholes.

But I Thought Harold Ford Was the Junior Senator From New York

One of the silliest made up media narratives was how Gillibrand was a DOOOOOOOOOOMED politician.

Must Love SEPTA

My local transit authority is hilarious flawed and certainly deserves much of the criticism locals heap on it, but overall the hellhole is quite fortunate to have as comprehensive a system as it is. It's biggest strength, for better or for worse, is probably the regional rail system, and we could certainly use another subway line or two (not likely), but overall we're pretty lucky.

On the SEPTATRAIN for quick trip to Wilmington.

Deep Thought

9.6% unemployment isn't so bad, really.

If It's What People Wanted You Wouldn't Have To Mandate It

Posts like these inevitably get commenters saying something along the lines of "people like grass!" I think Matt's a bit more anti-land use regulation in general than I am, but the point is that if that's what people really wanted it wouldn't be necessary to regulate it. And while there's nothing wrong with a bit of green, pointless setbacks and other ways in which developers meet development regulations are often really out of place in a dense urban area.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

420K new lucky duckies.

Not awful, but still high.

Wakey, Wakey

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday Night


I'm No Bob Shrum Or Mark Penn

But, uh, jobs?

Extra Xmas Over

Did I miss anything today?

Cocktail Thread?

A first for me.

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Drinking Liberally