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Census Data and Its Use in the Development Process PDF Print

The Census Bureau conducts over 100 surveys every year, in addition to the decennial census. The data collected is used to appropriate funds and is used by state and local governments to allocate their resources. In addition, census informatyion is important to many other data users, including many government agencies, academia and the private sector.

Witnesses for the October 29 Hearing include:

Panel One

Mr. Steve Kelley
Director, Office of Strategic Research
Ohio Department of Development

Mr. Matthew Scirè
Director, Strategic Issues
Government Accountability Office

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(Written testimony)

U.S. Bureau of the Census
(Written testimony)

Panel Two

Hon. Dean Lovelace (no testimony submitted)
Commissioner, Dayton City Commission

Mr. Dan Barton,
Grafton Hill Neighborhood Association

Mr. David Bohardt
Vice President, St. Mary Development Corporation

Ms. Teresa Brandt
President, Dayton View Historic

Ms. Theresa Gasper
President, Full Circle Development, LLC

Ms. Karin Manovich
Historic South Park, Incorporated

Ms. Idotha Bootsie Neal
President, Wright Dunbar, Inc.


Committee On Oversight and Government Reform

U.S. House of Representatives | 2157 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515 | (202) 225-5051