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Statement of Chairman Edolphus Towns on President Obama's Afghanistan Speech PDF Print

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Contact: Jenny Rosenberg: (202) 870-4923

Statement of Chairman Edolphus Towns on President Obama’s Speech to the Nation on Afghanistan

Washington, DC - Chairman Towns issued the following statement in response to President Obama's Afghanistan speech.  

"President Obama reminded the American people tonight of the very reason we entered into the war in Afghanistan.  The president spoke of the tragic event that occurred more than eight years ago, and for me and millions of New Yorkers, it is never far from our thoughts.  The events of September 11, 2001 forever changed the lives of New Yorkers and the world, and the war in Afghanistan is part of that horrific day's legacy.

"We heard from the president tonight a responsible and timely strategy to exit Afghanistan.  I share with the president his reluctance to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, but I stand by his determination that it is in our national interest to take this action.

"As the president stated, the war has come at a high cost in both lives and resources.  I commend all the brave servicemen and women who have risked their lives to protect and defend the United States.  Those who are currently serving or those who are preparing to deploy, and their families, are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy and safe return.

"For the remainder of our time in Afghanistan, I am deeply committed to preventing waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars that are funding this war.  As the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, ensuring the integrity of war funding is of utmost importance to me and the committee members, and I am committed to working in a bipartisan fashion to meet this commitment."


Committee On Oversight and Government Reform

U.S. House of Representatives | 2157 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, D.C. 20515 | (202) 225-5051