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Rep. Brian Bilbray Official Biography PDF Print E-mail

Congressman Brian P. Bilbray was elected to represent the 50th Congressional District of California on June 6, 2006. He currently serves on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the Science and Technology Committee. He is also a member of the House Republican Policy Committee and the Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus.

Congressman Bilbray is a native San Diegan and was born at Coronado Naval Air Station where his father served in the Navy. Congressman Bilbray brings to his constituency a unique level of experience having served the people of San Diego County as a Mayor, County Supervisor and as a member of Congress. During his two decades of local government service, Brian fought to protect and enhance the quality of life that has attracted millions to San Diego County. He supported a number of economic development policies that helped solidify the County’s reputation for being a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship.


The Congressman’s first tenure in Congress began in 1994, as a part of the historic class of Republicans who took control of both the House and Senate for the first time since 1954. There he championed the fiscally responsible philosophies that produced a balanced budget and a $155 billion budget surplus. He continued his work on border control issues and successfully fought for legislation that added nearly 1,400 new agents to the U.S. Border Patrol. Congressman Bilbray successfully secured $425 million in funds to reimburse border states for the costs associated with illegal alien incarceration.


Congressman Bilbray became a key ally of the public safety community with his support of Megan’s Law, the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1998 and the Child Protection and Sexual Predator Act. He was also an advocate for the Care for Police Survivors Act of 1998 and the Child Protection Act of 1997.


He continued to fight for the quality of life protection measures he supported while serving in local government. Utilizing his experience as a member of the California Air Resources Board and on the California Coastal Commission, Congressman Bilbray worked to pass landmark clean air and clean water legislation. He was the author of H.R. 999, the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act that was signed into law in 2000, as well as the Border Smog Reduction Act, also signed into law in 1998. He was one of two co-sponsors of H.R. 5131, the Halt Electricity Price-Gouging Act of 2000 and co-sponsored a number of bills aimed at reducing our dependency on foreign oil while providing incentives to purchase and produce fuel efficient vehicles.


After leaving Congress in 2001, Congressman Bilbray continued his work to develop and implement meaningful immigration reform, serving as the Co-Chairman of the National Board of Advisors for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). It was the issue of illegal immigration that propelled Brian back into Congress in June of 2006.


Since his election, Congressman Bilbray has co-sponsored legislation aimed at securing our borders by increasing interior enforcement measures and eliminating illegal immigration incentives. Specifically, he has recently worked with Congressman David Dreier (R-CA) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Congressman Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) to introduce H.R. 98, a bill aimed at implementing a tamper-resistant Social Security Card that every worker would need to gain employment. This would put into a place the infrastructure needed to crack-down on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.


Congressman Bilbray was also at the forefront of the battle to protect the Mt. Soledad Veterans War Memorial. He co-sponsored legislation signed into law in August of 2006 that will preserve the Mt. Soledad National War Memorial for generations of San Diegans to enjoy.


Recognizing the Congressman’s commitment to reform, he was appointed Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement. The jurisdiction of the subcommittee includes management of government operations, reorganization and federal procurement.


As Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus, Congressman Bilbray will continue to be a leading voice for the call of illegal immigration reform. His other key priorities in the 111th Congress include the continuation of his past work on clean air and clean water, efforts to bring accountability and transparency to the federal budget process, health care reform and ensuring our nation’s future through alternative energy.


He and his wife Karen are proud parents of five children and six grandchildren.


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