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September 30, 2010 - "Are 'Superweeds' an Outgrowth of USDA Biotech Policy? (Part II)"


September 29, 2010 - "From Molecules To Minds: The Future Of Neuroscience Research And Development"'


July 28, 2010 - "Are 'Superweeds' an Outgrowth of USDA Biotech Policy? (Part I)"


July 22, 2010 - "Quitting Hard Habits: Efforts to Expand and Improve Alternatives to Incarceration for Drug-Involved Offenders"


July 21, 2010 - "International Counternarcotics Policies: Do They Reduce Domestic Consumption or Advance other Foreign Policy Goals?"


May 26, 2010 - "Assessing EPA's Efforts to Measure and Reduce Mercury Pollution from Dentist Offices"


April 20, 2010 - "Nuclear Power's Federal Loan Guarantees: The Next Multi-Billion Dollar Bailout?"


April 14, 2010 - "ONDCP's FY 2011 National Drug Control Budget: Are We Still Funding a War on Drugs?"


March 4, 2010 - "Continuing Problems in USDA's Enforcement Of The Humane Methods Of Slaughter Act"


March 2, 2010 - "Will NOAA's New Leadership Address Serious Problems in Fishery Law Enforcement?"


February 25, 2009 - "Foreclosures Continue: What Needs To Change In The Administration's Response?"


December 17, 2009 - "The US Government As Dominant Shareholder" Day 2


December 16, 2009 - "The US Government As Dominant Shareholder"


December 7, 2009 - "Examining Local Efforts to Address The Foreclosure Crisis:Perspectives From Ohio"


November 2, 2009 - "Examining the Continuing Crisis in Residential Foreclosures and the Commercial Real Estate Crisis"


October 7, 2009 - "Medicaid's Efforts to Reform since the Preventable Death of Deamonte Driver: a Progress Report"

September 17, 2009 - “Between You and Your Doctor:  The Bureaucracy of Private Health Insurance” - Day 2


September 16, 2009 - “Between You and Your Doctor:  The Bureaucracy of Private Health Insurance” - Day 1

July 29, 2009 - "Ready-to Eat or Not? Examining the Impact of Leafy Greens Marketing Agreements"

July 22, 2009 - "Arbitration or 'Arbitrary': The Misuse of Mandatory Arbitration to Collect Consumer Debts"

June 18, 2009 - "After Injury, the Battle Begins: Evaluating Workers' Compensation for Civilian Contractors in War Zones"

May 19, 2009 - "ONDCP's Fiscal Year 2010 Natoinal Drug Control Budget and the Policy Priorities of the Office of Natoinal Drug Control Policy under the New Administration"

April 23, 2009 - "The H-2B Guestworker Program and Improving the Department of Labor's Enforcement of the Right's of Guestworkers"

March 11, 2009 - "Peeling Back the TARP: Exposing Treasury's Failur to Monitor the Ways Financial Institutions are Using Taxpayer Funds Provided under the Troubled Assets Relief Program"


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