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December 2, 2009 - House and Senate GOP Leaders Call for Withdrawal of EPA Endangerment Finding, Other Rules Based on Dubious Science Exposed by E-mails


November 24, 2009 - Issa-Boehner Letter Calls for Administration to Suspend Use of Inaccurate Jobs “Created or Saved” Numbers


November 13, 2009 - Issa Letters to FCC Regarding the Development of Net Neutrality Regulations


October 8, 2009 - New SEC Document Reveals Treasury and the Fed Told About$3.6 Billion Merrill Lynch Bonus Payments

October 7, 2009 - FEMA Suspends ACORN Grant - Issa, Collins Call for Immediate Review of DHS Grants to ACORN

October 7, 2009 - Issa, Jordan Call on Towns, Kucinich to Hold Hearings on Obama's Latest Czar

September 1, 2009 - AIG Arbitration Decision Winds Down Give-Away of Taxpayer Dollars to Trial Lawyers

August 13, 2009 – Rep. Issa Expands ACORN Investigation

July 29, 2009 – Chairman Towns, Ranking Member Issa Call for Replacement of Amtrak’s ‘Interim’ IG

July 22, 2009 – Issa Questions General Motors on Inappropriate Political Interference in Business Decisions

July 15, 2009 – Rep. Issa Renews Demand for Probe of Administration’s Suppression of Dissent in Cap & Trade Debate

July 9, 2009 - Issa on CIA Controversy: “The whole question of lying to Congress is serious enough that it should always be investigated and taken seriously.”

June 24, 2009 - Bank of America Ready to Turn Over ‘Countrywide VIP’ Documents if Majority Will Issue Subpoena

June 23, 2009 - Issa Weighs-in on Administration’s Roll-back of Union Transparency Requirements

June 18, 2009 - Issa Presses U.S. Attorney on White House Dismissal of AmeriCorps IG

June 16, 2009 - Issa Probes White House Pressure on U.S. Attorney in Dismissal of AmeriCorps IG

June 12, 2009 - Ten GOP Ranking Members Request EPA Extension on Endangerment Finding

June 12, 2009 - Oversight Committee Republicans Ask President to Explain Methodology of Jobs ‘Created and Saved’ Claims

June 11, 2009 - Ranking Members Issa, Sensenbrenner Demand Joint Committee Probe on Carbon Emissions ‘Vow of Silence’

June 4, 2009 - Issa Asks Pelosi to Request Rep. Visclosky’s Resignation from Appropriations Committee Pending Outcome of Investigation

June 3, 2009 - Issa Questions Transparency in Chrysler Dealings

May 21, 2009 - Issa to FAA: Furnish Documents on John Murtha Airport Decision

May 5, 2009 - Issa, Smith Criticize Administration’s Use of ‘Chicago-style’ Tactics to Force Chrysler Deal

May 5, 2009 - Issa to OGR Committee: ‘Not the Right Time’ for New $850 million Benefit for Federal Employees

April 29, 2009 - Issa Questions White House on Panic-Inducing Manhattan Photo-Op

April 29, 2009 - Did Administration Delay Release of Report Detailing Successes of DC Voucher Program?

April 28, 2009 - GOP Census Task Force Questions Backdoor Hiring of Clinton Census Director

April 27, 2009 - Issa, Towns Challenge OSHA to Rectify Workplace Safety Enforcement Failures

April 16, 2009 - Issa Asks Federal Inspectors General: When Should Taxpayers Expect Implementation of Recommendations?

April 9, 2009 - Issa Calls on Towns to Use the Committee’s Subpoena Power to Get TARP Answers from Treasury

April 8, 2009 - New TARP Report Underscores Need to Value Toxic-Assets Properly and Institute Transparency

April 8, 2009 - Justice Department Ignores Office of Legal Counsel, Politicizes D.C. Voting Rights Bill

April 7, 2009 - Lack of Transparency in Administration’s Toxic-Asset Purchase Program Raises Key Conflict-of-Interest Questions

March 26, 2009 - Conflicting Statements by Military, White House on Preparations for North Korean Launch Raise Questions

March 24, 2009 - EPA Emissions Ruling Weakens Small Businesses

March 17, 2009 - Issa to White House: When did you learn of AIG Bonuses?

March 12, 2009 - More Questions Than Answers Regarding Recovery.Gov

March 4, 2009 – Issa Probes Conflict Between Countrywide VIP Program Documents, Sworn Testimony of Former Fannie Mae CEO

February 26, 2009 - Ranking Member Issa Named to House-Senate Fiscal Responsibility Group

February 26, 2009 - McHenry: What is Locke’s Position on Census?

February 3, 2009 - Reported Conflict-of-Interest Prompts Ranking Member Issa to Call for DTV Vote Delay and Full Disclosure of Industry Insider’s Involvement in Crafting Policy



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