Bilirakis: Stop Taxpayer Funding of ACORN PDF Print E-mail

WASHINGTON (16 September) - Today U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, delivered the following remarks after sending a letter to President Obama asking him to end taxpayer funding of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). In addition, Bilirakis co-sponsored H.R. 3571, the Defund ACORN Act, which would prevent any federal funding or support for ACORN. Since 1994, ACORN has received more than $50 million in direct funding from the federal government.


Remarks as prepared for delivery:

Madame Speaker, I rise today to share my outrage about corruption at ACORN.

Illegal activities at ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Miami show that the corruption is not isolated.  

Already under suspicion for disturbing activities such as voter fraud in the 2008 elections, ACORN employees encouraged prostitution, tax fraud, and human trafficking.

This culture of corruption must be stopped.

Madame Speaker, I for one will not sit idle and allow my taxpaying constituents to be swindled by an organization that receives millions in federal funds.

Yesterday, I signed a letter to President Obama asking him to disclose and terminate all taxpayer funding of ACORN. In addition, I have co-sponsored a bill which would stop federal funding of this reprehensible enterprise.

I call on Speaker Pelosi to bring this legislation to the floor for a vote so that we stop subsidizing this outrageous and illegal activity.

We owe this to our constituents.

I yield back my time.
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