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11-18-2009 - Full Committee Business Meeting PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 16 November 2009 09:13

Business Meeting Documents



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           Part I                        Part II                           Part III


  • H.R. 2517, the “Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009”; and
  • Several postal naming bills.



Recorded Vote on Reporting H.R. 2517 to the House



Not Voting
Mr. Towns Mr. Issa Ms. Kaptur
Mr. Kanjorski Mr. Burton Mr. Cuellar
Mrs. Maloney Mr. Souder Mr. Mica
Mr. Cummings Mr. Turner Mr. Westmoreland
Mr. Kucinich Mr. McHenry Mr. Cao
Mr. Tierney Mr. Bilbray Mr. Duncan, Jr.
Ms. Clay Mr. Jordan
Mr. Watson Mr. Flake
Mr. Lynch Mr. Fortenberry
Mr. Cooper Mr. Chaffetz
Mr. Connolly Mr. Schock
Mr. Quigley Mr. Luetkemeyer
Ms. Holmes Norton  
Mr. Kennedy  
Mr. Davis (IL)  
Mr. Van Hollen  
Mr. Hodes  
Mr. Murphy (CT)  
Mr. Welch
Mr. Foster
Ms. Speier
Mr. Driehaus
Mrs. Chu


Totals: 23 Aye, 12 No, 6 Not Voting



Amendment #2 to the Manager's Amendment Offered By Mr. Chaffetz of Utah

The Amendment suspends the implementation of the bill unless and until the President of the United
States makes a determination that the bill will not increase Federal Employee Health Benefit
Program premiums.


Click here for Amendment Text

Aye No Not Voting
Mr. Issa Mr. Towns Mr. Cummings
Mr. Burton Mr. Kanjorski Ms. Kaptur
Mr. Souder
Mrs. Maloney Mr. Cuellar
Mr. Turner Mr. Kucinich Mr. Cooper
Mr. McHenry Mr. Tierney Mr. Mica
Mr. Bilbray Mr. Clay Mr. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. Jordan Ms. Watson Mr. Westmoreland
Mr. Flake Mr. Lynch Mr. Schock
Mr. Fortenberry Mr. Connolly Mr. Cao
Mr. Chaffetz Mr. Quigley
Mr. Luetkemeyer Ms. Holmes Norton
Mr. Kennedy
Mr. Davis (IL)
Mr. Van Hollen
Mr. Hodes
Mr. Murphy (CT)
Mr. Welch
Mr. Foster
Ms. Speier
Mr. Driehaus
Mrs. Chu

Totals: 11 Aye, 21 No, 9 Not Voting


Amendment #5 to the Manager's Amendment Offered by Mr. Jordan

The Amendment clarifies that the bill does not modify, supersede or otherwise affect the Defense of

Marriage Act.  The amendment further specifies that the provision of benefits to anyone other than a

spouse as defined in the Defense of Marriage Act is not intended to modify, supersede or otherwise

affect the Defense of Marriage Act.


Click here for Amendment Text


Aye No Not Voting
Mr. Issa Mr. Towns Mr. Cooper
Mr. Burton Mr. Kanjorski Ms. Kaptur
Mr. Souder Mrs. Maloney Mr. Cuellar
Mr. Turner Mr. Cummings Mr. Mica
Mr. McHenry Mr. Kucinich Mr. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. Bilbray Mr. Tierney Mr. Westmoreland
Mr. Jordan Mr. Clay Mr. Cao
Mr. Flake Ms. Watson
Mr. Fortenberry Mr. Lynch
Mr. Chaffetz Mr. Connolly
Mr. Schock Mr. Quigley
Mr. Luetkemeyer Ms. Holmes Norton
Mr. Kennedy
Mr. Davis (IL)
Mr. Van Hollen
Mr. Hodes
Mr. Murphy (CT)
Mr. Welch
Mr. Foster
Ms. Speier
Mr. Driehaus
Mrs. Chu

Totals: 12 Aye, 22 No, 7 Not Voting


Amendment #6 to the Manager's Amendment Offered by Mr. Issa

The Amendment clarifies that the bill does not modify, supersede or otherwise affect the Defense of

Marriage Act.


Click here for Amendment Text


Aye No Not Voting
Mr. Issa Mr. Towns Ms. Kaptur
Mr. Burton Mrs. Maloney Mr. Cuellar
Mr. Souder Mr. Cummings Mr. Mica
Mr. Turner Mr. Kucinich Mr. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. McHenry Mr. Tierney Mr. Westmoreland
Mr. Bilbray Mr. Clay Mr. Cao
Mr. Jordan Ms. Watson
Mr. Flake Mr. Lynch
Mr. Fortenberry Mr. Cooper
Mr. Chaffetz Mr. Connolly
Mr. Schock Mr. Quigley
Mr. Luetkemeyer Ms. Holmes Norton
Mr. Foster Mr. Kennedy
Mr. Kanjorski Mr. Davis (IL)
Mr. Driehaus Mr. Van Hollen
Mr. Hodes
Mr. Murphy (CT)
Mr. Welch
Ms. Speier
Mrs. Chu

Totals: 15 Aye, 20 No, 6 Not Voting

Amendment #7 to the Manager's Amendment Offered by Mr. Bilbray

The Amendment requires all persons who would become eligible to receive federal employment

benefits through a Domestic Partnership to be screened through the E-Verify program to insure they

are lawfully present in the United States.


Click here for Amendment Text

Aye No Not Voting
Mr. Issa Mr. Towns Ms Kaptur
Mr. Burton Mrs. Maloney Mr. Cuellar
Mr. Souder Mr. Cummings Mr. Mica
Mr. McHenry Mr. Kucinich Mr. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. Bilbray Mr. Tierney Mr. Westmoreland
Mr. Jordan Mr. Clay Mr. Cao
Mr. Flake Ms. Watson
Mr. Fortenberry Mr. Lynch
Mr. Chaffetz Mr. Cooper
Mr. Schock Mr. Connolly
Mr. Luetkemeyer Mr. Quigley
Mr. Foster Ms. Holmes Norton
Mr. Kanjorski Mr. Kennedy
Mr. Driehaus Mr. Davis (IL)
Mr. Van Hollen
Mr. Hodes
Mr. Murphy (CT)
Mr. Welch
Ms. Speier
Mrs. Chu

Totals: 15 Aye, 20 No, 6 Not Voting

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