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Democrats Push for Shorter Work Week as Americans Ask for More USA Energy

Gas Prices

Gold River CA – Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), today issued the following statement after the Washington Post reported that Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) was “pushing” for a four day work week for federal employees to help cope with rising gas prices:

“The Democrat answer to high gas prices is a four day work week for themselves and federal bureaucrats.  While the Speaker of the House is off jet setting to promote her book, the Majority Leader is figuring out how to get more time off.  Americans are struggling to pay their bills and fill their gas tanks. They deserve better from their elected officials.
“My constituents and people across the country are demanding Congress do something, anything to lower costs at the pump.  The American Energy Act is an all of the above approach that will move the country in the direction of greater energy independence.  For months, we’ve made it clear that we need conservation,  renewable energy, alternative fuels and we need to produce energy in America for Americans so we can drive down the cost of gas.   Though Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer continue to block our efforts, Republicans will keep fighting for a comprehensive, common sense energy plan that includes all of those goals.”