Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

108th Cong.  ↑  117 Stat.  ↑  Apr. 16, 2003  ↑  108–10 108–11 108–15
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1309(b) 568 22 2151 nt
1315 570 10 2306c nt
1316(a) 570 37 310
1316(b) 570 37 427
1316(c) 570 37 310 nt
1316(c)(2) 570 37 427
1316(d) 571 37 310 nt
1506 580 22 2151 nt
1701 585 42 1313
2101(b) 589 7 3101 nt
2105 589 7 6506
2106(a) 590 16 3841
2106(b) 590 16 3841 nt
2503 599 20 6537
2504 599 20 7544
2601(a) 599 2 1805
2601(b) 599 2 1805 nt
2702 600 49 47107
2708 601 49 41743
603 7 136a–1 nt
301–303 603, 604 38 2409 nt
4001(a) 606 49 44302
4001(b) 606 49 44303
4001(c) 606 49 44310
4002 607 26 3304 nt