Blog Posts Tagged 'economy'

Generational Theft is Not Okay (VIDEO)

Washington's runaway spending amounts to generational theft -- and that's not okay. House Republican Whip Eric Cantor's office created this video, "Piggy Bank", on the issue. You can start changing the culture of spending in Washington by voting on YouCut today.   More

WSJ: Fannie, Freddie Elicit Grim Forecast

In more bad news about Fanne and Freddie, the Wall Street Journal reports: Propping up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will cost taxpayers $154 billion under the most likely scenario for home prices, the mortgage giants' regulator said Thursday. But the bill could end up much greater—nearly double the $135 billion already spent—if grimme [...]  More

Unemployment Rises: Where are the Jobs? (VIDEO)

Republicans have been asking "Where are the jobs?" for months now yet in the month of September America lost another 95,000 jobs due to the bad economic policies of the Obama Administration. House Republican Leader John Boehner's shop released a new video today, asking again, "Where are the jobs?" Watch it here:   More

New Video: Stop the Bailouts!

House Republican Conference Vice-Chair Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) has lead the charge against the Greek bailout for months now. Along with House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence, she has made the issue loud and clear: we shouldn't bailing out Greece. Her message prevails in a new video:   More

Democrat Division on Tax Cut Plan Increases

There has been much division in the Democrat Party for sometime now but with November so close, those disagreements are amplified. Here are just a handful of House Democrats speaking out against raising taxes: Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT): "The economy has by no means fully recovered, so my bias is that those high-end tax cuts should be extended." Rep [...]  More

House GOP Meetings, Events, & Town Halls Continue (PHOTOS)

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (GA) meets with Georgians from Henry County.Rep. Sue Myrick (NC) hosts a town hall in Gaston County, North Carolina.Rep. Phil Roe (TN) holds an America Speaking Out Forum at the Unicoi County Courthouse in Tennessee.Rep. Paul Broun (GA) listens to 10th District constituents in Augusta, Georgia.Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX) talks w [...]  More

Drudge: Jobless Claims At the Highest Since February

Republicans continue to ask the question, "Where are the jobs?" President Obama has promised time and time again that his policies will help Americans but not much has improved. Every day, we see another poll, statistic or news article displaying high unemployment rates and dissatisfaction with the way our country is being run. Check out this New [...]  More

GRAPH: Democrats' Job Agenda Revealed

Unemployment has remained at a historic high under President Obama and a Democrat-led Congress. House Republicans have offered real solutions but Democrats have refused to listen. The House Republican Conference put together another helpful graph for you to view the declining level of employment in our country under this wrongly-headed Administrat [...]  More

Budgets, Taxes and Spending: Graphs and Charts

We know it's easier to understand things when you can see them laid out. That's why the House Republican Conference has produced a packed of graphs and charts for your easy use and comprehension. See these documents below. If you'd like to use the images for your own site, you can download the PDF here.   More

Rep. John Kline on RedState: President Renews Threat to Workers' Secret Ballot

Rep. John Kline (MN-2) posted the following blog post today on RedState: In June of 2009, the unemployment rate surged to 9.5 percent for the first time in almost 26 years. Despite some ups and downs, today the unemployment rate continues to hover near 10 percent and 14.6 million Americans are unemployed and searching for work. I see the evide [...]  More

ASO: Pence Calls For a Stop to Democrats' Job-Killing Tax Increases

Rep. Mike Pence is on the front page of America Speaking Out today to discuss job creation and ask for your input:   More

How Do You Solve Fannie and Freddie? Rep. Ken Marchant Is On It

Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX) appeared today on "Coffee and Markets" a podcast radio show featured on The New Ledger and On this episode, the Congressman talked with hosts about the latest GDP numbers, Fannie and Freddie, and the challenges facing small businesses.  Check out the podcast here!  More

Rep. Jim Jordan Fights to "Get a Handle" on the Spending (VIDEO)

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) goes on record to recognize the GOP's fight to "get a handle" on the out of control spending Democrats have perpetrated on America. Watch the video here:   More

Small Businesses Face Higher Taxes Under Obama Plan

The latest Obama economic plan regarding tax cuts will cause strife for small businessses, which will face higher taxes because of it. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, more than half of small businesses will be affected in this way. The law is described as follows: "Present law and the President's fiscal year 2011 budget proposals rel [...]  More

Graves: A Recipe for Economic Disaster

Rep. Sam Graves (MO), the Ranking Republican on the House Small Business Committee, published a piece in the Ripon Forum today. The piece covers how the health care law will affect small businesses. Read an excerpt here: For centuries, small business owners have encouraged prosperity and vitality in this great nation. These entrepreneurs epitomize [...]  More

Tomorrow: Rep. Mike Pence Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Mike Pence will deliver this week's Weekly Republican Address. Check tomorrow morning for the first look:   More

Miss the Presser? Watch it Here! (VIDEO)

Did you miss yesterday's GOP leadership press conference? We've got it here for you. Watch House Republicans leaders talk jobs, the economy and more at their weekly presser:   More

Dems Claim to Be Focused on Jobs -- But Where Are They?

Jobs numbers continue to be disappointing even while Democrats claim to be working on ways to improve them. It is an empty promise we've been hearing for months yet President Obama and the Democrats have been unable to deliver. Here's a big of what Democrats say they are working on now: Democratic aides said they haven’t worked out the detai [...]  More

The Obama Administration's Mixed Messages

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) wrote a recent blog post regarding the mixed messages of the Obama Administration. Why is their message about the stimulus so conflicting? Read more from Broun here: Last week, representatives of the Obama Administration toured the country to tout the unsuccessful, big-government stimulus.  At the same time the Vice [...]  More

State Unemployment Numbers Released Today: Where are the Jobs?

For months, Americans have been asking President Obama, where are the jobs? State unemployment numbers are set to be released this morning and the numbers aren't likely to look good. With a national unemployment rate of 9.5% -- and in some areas of Florida, Indiana and more in double digits -- will the Democrats take responsibility for their bad e [...]  More

Paul Ryan Talks About an "Entreprenuerial Economy" (VIDEO)

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) talks economics on Squawk Box recently. He asks the right questions when it comes the current state of our economy: "Are we going to reclaim the American idea, an entrepreneurial economy, where you make the most of your life, you tap your potential...where you reinvigorate the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise and [...]  More

Pence on Fox News Sunday: ""The American people are frustrated with the lack of leadership out of this administration."

Watch House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence on Fox News Sunday:   More

Will President Obama Address America's Question: Where are the Jobs?

Follow @GOPConference on Twitter | Like on Facebook | Sign Up For Email Updates President Obama will address the nation today regarding the nation's economy but will he answer America's key question: where are the jobs? Unemployment is currently at 9.5% and the President's policies have failed to help. Read an excerpt of an article covering today [...]  More

Pence: White House's Claim That Stimulus Has Created or Saved Millions of New Jobs is "Absurd"

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on Fox News today, discussing the White House claim of job saving and creation. Pence called the notion "absurd" and you can watch it here:   More

Brady: Stimulus Report Deserves a Pulitzer for Fiction

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) explains why the White House Council of Economic Advisers report on the "stimulus" deserves a Pulitzer for fiction. Watch it here:   More

New: Oversight: It's Our Job (VIDEO)

House Republicans on the Oversight Committee want the American people to know what they are doing. The Committee's message: The job of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is to shape a more transparent, efficient and accountable federal government through aggressive oversight of virtually everything government does. GOP Team Oversigh [...]  More

The Hill: House GOP to make jobs a priority

The Hill spotlights a GOP focus on job creation: House Republicans intend to make the economy and jobs a major part of the new Contract With America they hope to unveil in September.   Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) has been charged with putting together the section on jobs, which Republicans see as a unifying policy position for a conference tha [...]  More

Schock on Stimulus Propaganda Signs: "The Height of Narcissism"

Rep. Aaron Schock (IL) wasn't happy to find out how much federal money was being spent on stimulus signs around the country -- touting what the stimulus has supposedly done for different areas. Schock called the more-than $10,000 signs "the height of narcissism" and created a video to demonstrate his disproval. He notes that Illinois has spent ove [...]  More

Republicans Respond to Job Killing Financial Bill

House Republicans came out in full force last night against the Democrats' financial reform bill. Many assert the bill, which passed last night, will kill jobs, fund permanant bailouts and push the economy into further jeopardy. See excerpts of several responses to the bill below: Rep. Judy Biggert (IL): I thought its purpose was to rein in Wall S [...]  More

48 out of 50 States Have Lost Jobs Since Democrats' 2009 "Stimulus"

From the Ways and Means Committee and Ranking Member Dave Camp: Despite the Administration’s declaration that this is the “Summer of Recovery,” data released today by the U.S. Department of Labor, and the chart below, show that virtually the entire country is experiencing a yet another season of continued unemployment. Through Ma [...]  More

Who Ran Up America's Debt?

From the office of Rep. Kevin Brady (TX): Federal Debt Reaches $13 trillion; new report shows Democrats Twice as Culpable As the U.S. Treasury Department is likely to announce today that the gross federal debt of America has reached a staggering $13 trillion, a new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee undercuts claims by Democrats that they [...]  More

Pence Calls Democrat "Grandson of Stimulus" Bill Another Failure

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks on the House floor today:   “I thank the gentleman for yielding and for his outstanding leadership. This is a challenging time in the life of this country. Families are hurting. Businesses in the city and on the farm are struggling. [...]  More

Wall Street Journal: Editorial: American Jobbery

From the Wall Street Journal:Dissecting this week’s stimulus bill. President Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill are publicly fretting about the dangers of spending and debt, which can mean only one thing: Another big spending "stimulus" bill is in the works. And sure enough, the House plans to vote this week on $190 billion in new spending [...]  More

Are We Following Greece to Economic Ruin?

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence published an op/ed in Human Events today entitled "America Following Greece to Economic Ruin?": Greece is a country in crisis and America will be soon. Both countries are flirting with fiscal ruin because of reckless government spending. Greece has given us a stark picture of where endless governme [...]  More

Flatlines: More Bad News for Jobs

66% of Employers Bracing for Higher Costs;  Consider Cutting Hours for Workers   A new survey from Mercer shows that employers are bracing for higher health care costs under ObamaCare and are considering cutting the number of hours for workers.   Fully, 66 percent of employers that were surveyed expect costs to increase next year un [...]  More

PHOTOS: Great Pictures From Our Bailout Forum

If you missed our "End the Bailouts: A Greek Forum" earlier today, you can view some photos from the event. These are from the House Republican Conference Flickr account but have a look here. Don't forget to check out scenes from all of our events at Flickr. Here you go:   More

Pence Calls on President to Embrace Immediate Tax Relief to Create Jobs Without Further Delay

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after President Obama announced that he will host a jobs summit in December: It is clear the proposed tax increases and out of control federal spending being pushed through Congress are having a chilling effect on our economy.  Wheth [...]  More

Pence Statement on Latest Unemployment Numbers

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence has a lot to say about the unemployment numbers released this morning: The American people want to know why Congress is forcing through the Pelosi plan for a government takeover of health care instead of a plan that will help create jobs. Read the full statement here.   More

Leader Boehner Addresses the Issues on Fox News (video)

House Republican Leader John Boehner appeared on Fox News to speak on how House Republicans will cut government waste and keep Americans safe. Find key talking points below the video: BOEHNER ON HOUSE REPUBLICANS’ PLAN TO PROVIDE THE ADMINISTRATION WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CUTTING GOVERNMENT WASTE:   “President [Obama] challenged [...]  More

McCarthy and And Scalise on Why Cap and Tax Is Wrong

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) spoke with bloggers today about the cap and tax energy bill being debated in Congress currently. Scalise participated in the hearings last week, questioning 60 professional witnesses and presenting statements on why the bill is wrong for America.   “The more people see the negative i [...]  More

Cap and Trade Will Cost American Families

*This post originally published on by Rep. Steve Scalise (LA) President Obama is proposing a “cap and trade” energy tax that will raise utility costs on every American family to generate $646 billion in new taxes, while shipping millions of American jobs to foreign countries. I am very concerned about how the liberals in [...]  More

The President’s Budget Is Not What’s Best for America

by Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL-04) Last week’s Tea Parties were a powerful message to Washington in protest to the “spend and tax” binge that the federal government has been on over the last several months.  The last thing struggling families need is Washington taking even more money out of their pockets. Every day, Americans [...]  More

Boehner Talks With George Stephanopoulos

House Leader John Boehner appeared yesterday on "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos, saying legislators should beware of "trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see." Boehner applauded last week's hurricane of taxpayer tea parties and attended one in Bakersfield, California. "...when I talk to people at these rallies, it was pretty clea [...]  More

When Is Enough Spending Going to Be Enough

Guest post by Rep. Ed Royce (CA) The Democrat Leadership’s 2010 budget calls for an unprecedented $3.5 trillion in spending and results in trillion dollar deficits for years. Except for World War II, these are the highest spending levels in U.S. history. During a recent financial services hearing I questioned the Chairman of the Federal Res [...]  More

Republicans Stand Together on the Budget

It was a special day for Republicans on Capitol Hill, as House and Senate leaders gathered for a rare bi-cameral conference and press conference meeting. Last week, the House revealed their budget blueprint in a document titled "The Republican Road to Recovery" and today the details of that plan were expanded. In a Wall Street Journal article tod [...]  More

The Road to Recovery Begins Here

House Republicans today released the "Republican Road to Recovery," an 18-page booklet specificying the steps they will take to find economic prosperity again. The press conference unveiled a long awaited plan from Budget Committee leadership. House Leader John Boehner kicked things off, offering the chapter by chapter plan as an alternative to t [...]  More

Distortions From Last Night

House Leader John Boehner's office was quick to break down President Obama's address to the nation last night. After the speech, they expressed several points of contention. During the speech, Obama perpetuated the myth that Republicans have offered no alternatives for the budget and asserted that increased taxes on charitable giving will have no [...]  More

Budget Myths: $2.3 Trillion Off

House Whip Eric Cantor's office has done a great job compiling facts for Republicans to lean on as America's economic turmoil continues. This week, they've called out the Democrats for a dishonest asessment that the Democrats' plan will "half" the deficit in four years. Most notably, they report that the Democrats' projections are $2.3 trillion lo [...]  More

Get Rid of Ineffective Education Programs With Howard "Buck" McKeon

After a Democrat Administration passed an omnibus bill with language to eliminate a vital school choice program, swiping vouchers from families who needed them, Republicans are more concerned than ever about education.They are especially concerned because of the massive spending in all areas of government since Barack Obama took office. Rep. Howar [...]  More

Rep. Ryan Teams Up With Cato

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI), the ranking Member on the Budget Committee, has been hard at work drafting Republican budget alternatives but he's not too busy to collaborate with the Cato Institute for an economic message. On Tuesday, March 31, Ryan will join Senior Cato Fellows Chris Edwards and Michael Tanner on Capitol Hill for a briefing entitled "Obama [...]  More

Republicans' Budget Alternative

House Republicans want you to know there is a better way and we've got an alternative plan that is almost complete. Here is House Leader John Boehner discussing an alternative with core priniciples for longterm success: We've boiled it down for you. A Republican alternative that works:  -- Help create and protect jobs by letting families and [...]  More

Jeff Flake: Uncensored

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the mind of Republicans' leading anti-earmark crusader. On healthcare: For good reason, Americans are naturally skeptical about the federal government’s ability to manage a national healthcare program. So Republicans have an advantage [...]  More

Your Members on the Move

Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC) has been stirring the pot lately, with her explosive House floor ventures and determined messages on fiscal responsibility. She made her first appearance today on Right Wing News, ready as usual, to tell it like it is: Instead of taking a steady, measured approach to these outrageous AIG millionaire bonuses, Congress did th [...]  More

Dreamy Eyed Democrats: Greatest Hits

Video is powerful. Most people don't sit around watching C-SPAN2 all day but guess what? Everything that happens on the House floor is on camera and we've done the work for you. Earlier this year, Democrats spoke of their trust and faith in President Obama and the Democrat Administration. They indulged in the promises of fiscal responsibility and [...]  More

Pence: "Americans Have a Right to Know Who Changed the Language"

House Republican Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC today to comment on AIG bonuses and question the provision that allowed them in the recently signed stimulus bill. The 1,100 page document was criticized by Republicans for its length and the little time allotted for politicians to read it thoroughly. Since it was reported that AIG big wigs re [...]  More

AIG: An Outrage

House Republicans are outraged. They are outraged about bailouts. They are outraged about massive overspending. They are outraged about AIG. Leader John Boehner says the American people are "rightly outraged" that their tax money is paying the bonuses of those who lead the economy to this mess. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor says we have an "admi [...]  More

The Facts Are On Our Side

Republicans have a few big things on their side when it comes to the economy: the facts. These include statistics proving record breaking job loss, a historic budget imbalance and a deficit forecasted at $10.99 trillion by 2012. The recently passed stimulus and omnibus packages have contributed to these disasterous circumstances. On the new GOP Po [...]  More