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2008 News

  • Two Town Hall Meetings Upcoming

    Congressman Lungren will be holding two town hall meetings. The first is on January 31 at Citrus Heights City Hall, the second on February 4 at Galt City Council Chambers. Please bring questions! Details are as follows:
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  • Congressman Lungren Honors Memory of Martin Luther King

    Washington, D.C.–Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), one of the key supporters in the passage of the bill establishing the Martin Luther King national holiday, today released the following statement:
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  • Two Town Hall Meetings in March

    Congressman Lungren will be holding two town hall meetings in March. Please bring questions! Details are as follows:
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  • Congressman Lungren's X Prize Resolution Passes House

    A resolution authored by Congressman Dan Lungren praising the X Prize Foundation for its new automotive prize passed the House last night. The multimillion dollar purse will be awarded to "teams that can design, build, and demonstrate production-capable vehicles that achieve 100 miles-per-gallon."
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  • William F. Buckley, Jr. R.I.P.

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), today issued the following statement after learning of the passing of conservative icon William F. Buckley: "Today, the country has lost one of its preeminent writers and intellectual minds."
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  • FISA Expiration Hurting Intelligence Gathering

    In spite of valiant, repeated attempts by the Minority Party, the Majority continues to refuse to allow a vote on the bipartisan Senate bill that would modernize the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA). 21 days ago, a temporary fix to problems with FISA expired. As time marches on, our intelligence services will be hampered more and more by this expiration.
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  • Lungren Votes Against Misguided FISA Rewrite

    oday Congressman Lungren (R-CA) voted to protect Americans from overseas terrorist threats by voting against the Majority's ill-advised rewrite of the Senate electronic surveillance bill, which Senate Democratic leaders said they would not support.
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  • Senate Follows Suit With X Prize Resolution

    The Senate passed a bill praising the new automotive X Prize Friday, following the passage of a similar bill authored by Congressman Dan Lungren that passed the House in February.
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  • Paid Internship Opportunity

    n his capacity as member of the Joint Committee on the Library that has oversight over the Library of Congress, Congressman Dan Lungren is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for college students from the 3rd District of California. The Library of Congress–the largest library in the world and considered by many to be the most beautiful building in Washington–is offering a paid summer internship.
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  • How to Receive Your Stimulus Check

    In early February, the U.S. Congress approved an economic stimulus package, which passed both the House and Senate by wide margins and was signed by President Bush. This package includes a tax rebate check for low-income individuals, including retirees on Social Security and disabled veterans who pay no income taxes.
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  • Beware of Scams Involving Your Stimulus Check

    Congressman Dan Lungren wants constituents of the 3rd District to be aware that there exists a potential for scams and fraud with the upcoming stimulus payments (rebates). There have been reports of individuals posing as IRS agents asking for personal and financial information. By following a few simple steps, you can obtain your stimulus payment and protect yourself from fraud.
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  • Lungren Celebrates Earth Day

    Washington DC- Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), in recognition of Earth Day, called for practical, common sense approaches to make our nation energy self-sufficient.
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  • Lungren Meets with Military Academy Nominees

    Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Gold River) hosted a ceremony and reception at the California Aerospace Museum for local High School seniors who were selected to join the U.S. Military Service Academies' Class of 2012.
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  • Lungren Applauds Efforts in Rural Counties

    Congressman Dan Lungren recognized Amador County for receiving a grant award from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The $150,000 in funds will support an Environmental Study at Westover Field, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The environmental impacts to be assessed are relating to construction of a drainage retention pond, taxiway, and service road.
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  • Lungren Applauds Company For Clean Energy Production

    Congressman Dan Lungren recognized Clean Energy Systems (CES) of Rancho Cordova, developer of zero emissions power plant technology, for being chosen to supply carbon dioxide to a large scale carbon capture and store project under the leadership of the West Coast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (WESTCARB).
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  • Letter Exhorts Passage of Free Trade Agreement

    The Ambassadors of five Latin American countries strongly urged passage of the Columbian free trade agreement currently stalled in the House. The Ambassadors, from Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, noted the mutual benefits of such trade agreements.
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  • 'Nature' Highlights Stem Cell Breakthrough

    A recent article in Nature–which has historically supported stem cell research that destroys human embryos–highlighted the significance of a new pluripotent technique that does not require destroying human embryos.
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  • CRS Report Highlights Worrisome Fiscal Trend

    The use of "supplemental" appropriations bills, supposedly for unanticipated emergency spending, has skyrocketed in recent years, concludes a recent Congressional Research Service report. Furthermore, this practice has hid the increasing size of the federal government from measures designed to keep a check on spending.
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  • Lungren Says CA Court Decision Overturns Will of the People

    Congressman Dan Lungren issued the following statement condemning yesterday's judicial overreach by the California Supreme Court which overturned the will of the people of California who voted in 2000 to define marriage as being between one man and one woman:
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  • Lungren Honors Those Who Gave All

    Congressman Lungren offered the following statement in recognition of Memorial Day: "A short while ago, I had the opportunity and the honor of visiting Omaha Beach along the Normandy coast of France. My Father, an army doctor, landed along the Omaha Beach head shortly after June 6, 1944. He later went on to serve on the front lines at the battle of Saint Lo during some of the fiercest fighting of the Normandy Campaign.
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  • Democrats Push for the Largest Tax Increase in History

    Congressman Dan Lungren, Member of the House Budget Committee, today issued the following statement after the House Majority passed a budget that would impose the largest tax increase in American history while recklessly increasing wasteful Washington spending:
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  • Energy Fact of the Day

    FACT: The mean estimate of technically recoverable American oil in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is 10.4 billion barrels – all of which is now economically recoverable.
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  • Energy Fact of the Day, Vol. 2

    FACT: The total amount of American oil currently closed off to drilling and exploration to American energy users: 1.13 trillion barrels. That's enough oil to supply America for about 141 years.
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  • Energy Fact of the Day, Vol. 3

    FACT: Of the more than 7 billion barrels of oil that have been pumped offshore in the last 25 years, only .001% has been spilled.
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  • Bill Lowering Price of Oil Blocked From House Floor

    Congressman Dan Lungren today issued the following statement on legislation (H.R. 2279) that would require the President to open at least three new oil refineries on closed military bases–which would increase supply and therefore lower oil prices. Lungren signed a discharge petition to force a vote on the bill, which Majority leaders have blocked from the floor:
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  • Two Upcoming Town Halls

    Congressman Lungren will be holding two town halls, on June 29 and 30:
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  • Energy Fact of the Day, Vol. 4

    Last week Majority leaders had time to schedule legislation on the interstate sale of monkeys (H.R. 2964) but apparently didn't have time to listen to the large majority of Americans who support more American energy production.
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  • Second Amendment Upheld by High Court

    Congressman Dan Lungren, member of the House Judiciary Committee, today issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Second Amendment rights of D.C. residents:
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  • Crucial Intelligence Bill Signed Into Law

    A crucial intelligence bill giving authorities needed tools to help prevent terrorist attacks was signed into law by President Bush today. Congressman Dan Lungren, member of the House Judiciary Committee, today issued the following statement on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 2008:
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  • Lungren Unveils Landmark Energy Bill

    Congressman Dan Lungren unveiled a landmark energy bill alongside Republican colleagues yesterday. The group, gathered on the West front steps of the U.S. Capitol, publicly introduced the American Energy Act, which will lower gas prices and break our nation's dependence on foreign oil.
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  • * Lungren Passes Critical Law Enforcement Tool

    Legislation authored by Congressman Dan Lungren giving law enforcement authorities a critical tool in the fight against drug lords and terrorists passed the House yesterday.
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  • The People Take Back the House

    "The Democrats have gone home, and the People have taken back the House!" said Rep. Tom Price, sans microphone, to the assembled crowd in the House of Representatives. Usually that crowd would comprise Members of Congress. But with Congress having left for a five week vacation, Republicans instead filled the seats with boy scout troops, soldiers on leave, families from back home, and staff.
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  • Congressman Lungren Welcomes California Retired Teachers Association (CRTA)

    (Gold River, Calif.) -- A number of members from the California Retired Teachers Association (CRTA) met with Congressman Lungren this afternoon to celebrate the 73rd birthday of Social Security.
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  • Congressman Lungren Discusses American Energy in Carmichael

    (Carmichael, Calif.) - Tuesday evening, August 19, Congressman Dan Lungren welcomed roughly 100 residents of California's Third Congressional District to a Town Hall Meeting, at the La Sierra Community Center, to discuss their issues of concern. The robust conversation chiefly covered American Energy and the need for solutions through various technologies.
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  • Democrats Push for Shorter Work Week as Americans Ask for More USA Energy

    Gold River CA – Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), today issued the following statement after the Washington Post reported that Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) was "pushing" for a four day work week for federal employees to help cope with rising gas prices:
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  • Lungren Joins House Colleagues: Calls for Energy Bill with Drilling

    WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA) joined fellow House Republicans calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to allow an up-or-down vote on the American Energy Act, a comprehensive energy package that allows for more domestic oil drilling.
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  • Lungren Receives Honest Abe Integrity in Government Award

    Washington D.C. – Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Gold River), today received the "Honest Abe 2008 Integrity in Government Award," being recognized as a champion of the American taxpayer by the organization, Taxpayers Against Fraud. This is the third time this distinction has been given to a Member of Congress. Previous recipients have been Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
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  • Lungren Receives Guardian of Small Business Award

    (Washington, DC) - Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA) was presented with the "Guardian of Small Business" award by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
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  • Lungren Strengthens the Hand of Maritime Law Enforcement

    Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Lungren (R-CA) achieved passage of the Drug Trafficking Vessel Interdiction Act of 2008 in the House of Representatives. Lungren worked with Senator Lautenberg (D-NJ) to craft the legislation (S.3598) which received expedited consideration in the Senate prior to its passage by the House.
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  • Lungren Says: "Put the Nation First"

    Washington, DC - Today, Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA) after supporting the bipartisan Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (H.R. 3997), released the following statement:
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  • Congressman Lungren to Host Biomass Policy Forum, October 24th

    Congressman Dan Lungren invites you to attend a Biomass Policy Forum featuring:
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  • Congressman Lungren Meets with Mayor Kevin Johnson

    Washington, D.C. - Today Congressman Lungren (R-Gold River) met with Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson to discuss areas where the federal and local government can work together on matters important to the 3rd Congressional District.
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  • Lungren Opposes Taxpayer Money for Auto Bailout

    Washington D.C. - Today, Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA), member of the conservative Republican Study Committee (RSC), joined 25 fellow Members in signing a letter to President Bush opposing the use of financial rescue money to bail out the "Big Three" auto manufacturers.
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  • Wayward Eye on the Homeland

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  • Congressman Lungren Offers Perspective on Israeli-Hamas Conflict in the Gaza Strip

    Read the transcript of Congressman Lungren's remarks.
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