• Gulf spill leads U.S. to drop offshore drilling expansion
    Dec 2, 2010  - The Obama administration on Wednesday reversed its plans to expand offshore drilling along the Atlantic coast and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico in a retreat prompted by last summer's oil spill. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said the new approach will allow federal regulators to continue beefing up... More
  • Panel's findings fail to win over Texas lawmakers
    Dec 1, 2010  - The audacious final report of President Barack Obama's budget commission, which proposed squeezing nearly $4 trillion from federal deficits over the next decade through painful and politically explosive spending cuts and tax increases, drew mixed reviews from Texas lawmakers Wednesday. While legisl... More
  • Hearings Expected on Gitmo Detainee Terror Verdict
    Nov 22, 2010  - The House Judiciary Committee will consider holding hearings on the Obama administration’s decision to try Guantanamo detainee Ahmed Ghailani in civilian court, Rep. Ted Poe, a member of the committee, tells Newsmax. A federal jury convicted Ghailani of one count of conspiracy and acquitted him o... More
  • America's Third War: Mapping the Drug Cartels
    Nov 19, 2010  - Their tactics rival those of Al Qaeda: summary executions, kidnappings, torture, and beheadings. Mexican cartels have executed more than 10,000 people since January -- five times the rate three years ago, before Mexican President Felipe Calderon deployed his military against the syndicates. “The c... More
  • Obama administration plans to pull back National Guard from much of the border
    Nov 18, 2010  - The Obama Administration plans to withdraw National Guard troops from the Texas, New Mexico and California borders by the end February under a new Southwest security plan, even as turmoil in Mexican border cities grows, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner. A letter sent to ... More
  • Ditch TSA altogether: Florida congressman asks nation's 100 busiest airports to employ private security as pat-down backlash grows
    Nov 18, 2010  - In a climate of protests over airport-screening procedures, some airports are considering another way to show dissatisfaction: Getting rid of Transportation Security Administration agents altogether. Federal law allows airports to opt for private-sector screeners. The push is being led by a powerf... More
  • Kay Bailey Hutchison says public has 'legitimate' concerns about 'invasive' pat-downs; Ted Poe says X-Ray strip searches are unconstitutional
    Nov 17, 2010  - Had enough of the Transportation Security Administration's virtual strip-search technology? Or the invasive "grope searches" of women's breasts and men's and women's crotches? Well, Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Humble Rep. Ted Poe have. This morning, Hutchison joined the growing chorus of A... More
  • TSA's new security measures illegal?
    Nov 17, 2010  - TSA's new security measure, full body scans and more detailed pat downs have been called invasive and offensive, but could they be illegal. We've heard lots of opinions about the new measures, and as more and more travelers are subject to them, prosecutors across the country may be forced to decid... More
  • Kingwood Tea Party hosts military salute
    Nov 4, 2010  - Marine Cpl. Eddie Wright remembers April 7, 2004, as if it was yesterday. While serving in the military in Iraq, the SUV Wright was traveling in came under heavy enemy fire and was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. The explosion injured Wright, causing him to lose both of his forearms, hands and... More
  • Conservatives Offer Vision For Future
    Nov 3, 2010  - HUMAN EVENTS has compiled rapid-fire analyses from top conservatives around the nation on what tonight's election means and what the GOP should do moving forward. Here's what you need to know from Heritage Foundation's president Ed Feulner, Fox News contributor Monica Crowley, Rep. Thaddeus McCotter... More
"Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may." ~Sam Houston
"Socialism is the Philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." ~Winston Churchill
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ~Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher