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Grant Information

Fire Prevention and Safety 

"This serves as notification that the application period for awards under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Fire Prevention & Safety (FP&S) Grants Program opens today, October 22, 2007 and closes on November 30, 2007.  The application kit will be made available today at: and at  Actual awards will be made at a later date.


"The FP&S Grant Program is a component of FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program, whose purpose is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards. FP&S grants provide support for efforts to mitigate incidence of death and injury caused by fire and fire-related hazards, especially in high-risk target groups such children, the elderly, and firefighters. For additional information, please contact Andrew White at 202-786-9452, or Michael Cappannari at 202-447-5457."