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I am committed to honoring our Nation's veterans.  As George Washington said, "the willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."  I have the utmost respect for the men and women who have served our country and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  Our country owes a large debt of gratitude to those who have made freedom in this country possible. 

I am therefore a co-sponsor of the Jobs for Veterans Act of 2009 (H.R. 620) which would amend the Internal Revenue Code to allow an increased work opportunity tax credit for the hiring in 2009 or 2010 of veterans discharged or released from active military duty after September 11, 2001.

Please be assured that I am committed to the obligation we have to those who have put their lives on the line for our nation.  We must respond to their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families with an appropriate level of gratitude.