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Small Business Assistance

The Internet provides a wealth of information, data, and tools of use to small businesses. Below are just a few... 

  • U.S. Business Advisor
    A one-stop electronic link to the information and services government provides for the business community 
    The U.S. government's export and international trade assistance portal 
  • The U.S. Small Business Administration
    The U.S. Small Business Administration, established in 1953, provides financial, technical and management assistance to help Americans start, run, and grow their businesses. 
  • PRO-Net
    An electronic gateway of procurement information -- for and about small businesses. It is a search engine for contracting officers, a marketing tool for small firms and a "link" to procurement opportunities and important information. 
  • TradeNet Export Advisor
    Created to provide a one-stop access point to government for exporting. Takes the U.S. exporter, particularly the small and medium sized enterprise, to a wealth of information, services, and contacts from both government and industry.
  • On-Line Women's Business Center
    The SBA's Office of Women's Business Ownership promotes the growth of women-owned businesses through programs that address business training and technical assistance, and provide access to credit and capital, federal contracts, and international trade opportunities.

  • IRS Tax Info For Small Businesses
    This site provides information for self-employed entrepreneurs, employers and small - large businesses. The site offers a broad range of resources across federal and state agencies, as well as industry/profession specific information.