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Event: 'Subcommittee On Insular Affairs, Oceans And Wildlife Legislative Hearing On H.R. 669'

Subcommittee Hearing
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009 At 10:00:00 AM

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife, led by Del. Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU), will hold a legislative hearing on the following bill:
  • H.R. 669 (Bordallo): To prevent the introduction and establishment of nonnative wildlife species that negatively impact the economy, environment, or other animal species' or human health, and for other purposes. "Nonnative Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act"

NOTE: The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of the Committee on Natural Resources is governed by rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. Use for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

House Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 669

Thursday, April 23, 2009, at 10:00 a.m.

Room 1324 Longworth House Office Building


Gary Frazer
Assistant Director for Fisheries and Habitat Conservation
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
United States Department of the Interior

David Lodge, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Aquatic Conservation
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
University of Notre Dame

Simon C. Nemtzov, Ph.D
Wildlife Ecologist and Scientific Authority for the CITES Convention
Israel Nature and Parks Authority

Lawrence M. Riley
Division Coordinator
Wildlife Management Division
Arizona Game and Fish Department

William R. "Bill" Martin
Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc.

Marshall Meyers
CEO and General Counsel
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council

Opening Statement:
Chairwoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo

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