News and Resources from House Republicans
CBO Says Kerry-Lieberman is Multi-Billion Dollar National Energy Tax

CBO Says Kerry-Lieberman is Multi-Billion Dollar National Energy Tax

“Voters are overwhelmingly opposed to any policy they perceive as increasing taxes on energy and have little interest in...

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August 12, 2010
Obama Administration's EPA Assault on American Jobs

For the past 20 months, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has waged a non-stop assault on U.S. jobs...

July 28, 2010
What Every Member Should Know about the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534)

On Friday, July 30, 2010, the House is expected to consider H.R. 3534, the CLEAR Act.  This legislation represents...

July 01, 2010
Democrats Continue to Exploit Gulf Crisis

“You never want a serious crisis go to waste.  And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to...

June 16, 2010
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Timeline and Q&A;

"From the beginning, the effort has been bedeviled by a lack of preparation, organization, urgency and clear lines of...

June 07, 2010
"Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste": The Kerry-Lieberman National Energy Tax

"The new Democratic strategy seems clear enough: try to capitalize on the unprecedented oil spill disaster unfolding in...

May 12, 2010
The Kerry-Lieberman Cap-and-Tax Bill: Another National Energy Tax

On May 12, 2010, Sens. Kerry (D-MA) and Lieberman (I-CT) introduced the Senate Democrats' cap-and-tax legislation.  According to...

August 24, 2009
Recess Cap-and-Tax Update

The House Republican Conference has compiled new data that has become available since the House passed the national energy...

June 18, 2009
Waxman-Markey Electricity Consumer Allocation Map

Based on the allowance allocation formula in H.R. 2454 for electricity consumers, the red states will not have enough...

April 22, 2009
History Repeats Itself: President Obama’s Cap-and-tax Plan

Summary Both Presidents Clinton and Obama called for a sweeping national energy tax in their inaugural budget submissions.  In...

April 21, 2009
The Waxman-Markey Climate Legislation: Higher Energy Prices, Fewer Jobs, and More Government Intrusion

STATUS On March 31, 2009, House Energy and Commerce Chairman Waxman (D-CA) and Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Markey...

March 17, 2009
Taxing Too Much: the President’s “Cap and Tax” Proposal

 Taxing Too Much: The President's "Cap and Tax" ProposalMarch 17, 2009     Under my plan of a cap...
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