var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /** * @author Paul Tepper Fisher -- May 1, 2007 * */ var EventBroker = Class.create(); EventBroker.prototype = { _eventListeners: {}, initialize: function() { this._eventListeners = {}; }, addEventListener: function(eventType, context, handler) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("addedEvent: " + eventType + " " + context + " " + handler); if (this._eventListeners[eventType] == undefined) { this._eventListeners[eventType] = []; } this._eventListeners[eventType].push({context: context, handler: handler}); }, removeEventListener: function(eventType, context) { if (this._eventListeners[eventType] != undefined) { this._eventListeners[eventType] = this._eventListeners[eventType].findAll(function(listener) { return !=; }); if (this._eventListeners[eventType].length == 0) { delete this._eventListeners[eventType]; } } }, notifyListeners: function() { var args = $A(arguments), response = args.pop(), callbackParams = args; // Handle multiple events, one at a time if ( != undefined) { { this.notifyListenersOfEvent(event, callbackParams); }); // Otherwise, handle single event } else if (response.eventType != undefined) { this.notifyListenersOfEvent(response, callbackParams); } }, notifyListenersOfEvent: function(event, callbackParams) { var listeners = this._eventListeners[event]; // put event as first argument //callbackParams.unshift(event); if (listeners && listeners.each) { listeners.each(function(listener) { listener.handler.apply(listener.context, callbackParams); }); } } }; var EventListener = Class.create(); EventListener.prototype = { initialize: function() { if ( == undefined) { var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10001); = (random + "_" + new Date().getTime()).toString(); } } }; var DOMElement = { get: function(elementId, type) { if ($(elementId)) { return $(elementId); } else { var element = document.createElement(type); = elementId; return element; } } }; var CommentBroker = Class.create(); CommentBroker.prototype = { // constants COMMENT_REQ_: "COMMENT_REQ_", GET_COMMENTS_EVENT: "GET_COMMENTS_EVENT", ERROR_STATUS: "ERROR", GETCOMMENTS_URL: "/comments/getcomments", COMMENTS_PER_PAGE: 10, COOKIE_NAME: "wired_reddit", LOGIN_URL: "/user/login", REGISTRATION_URL: "/user/registration", REDIRECT_URL: "/user/commentLoginRedirect", SHOWALLCOMMENTS_PARAM: "showAllComments", COMMENTID_PARAM: "commentId", LOGOUT_URL: "/user/logout", PROFILEUPDATE_URL: "/user/profile_update", PAGENUM_PARAM: "commentPageNum", //properties requestCounter: 0, activeForm: undefined, isPendingRequest: false, requestData: undefined, requestId: undefined, baseUrl: undefined, eventBroker: undefined, activeScripts: [], currentCommentKey: undefined, commentPageRef: undefined, currentPage: undefined, includePagination: false, //default for includingpagination -- gets overridden in requestComments // constructor initialize: function(url) { this.baseUrl = url; this.eventBroker = new EventBroker(); }, initiateCall: function(eventType, eventListener, requestUrl, url, limit, offset, optionalCommentId) { //cache the current "Comment key" this.currentCommentKey = url; var ssoCookie = this.getSSOCookie(); var eventId = this.registerEvent("comments", eventListener); var paramData = $H({url: url, uid: ssoCookie, offset: offset, callback: this.getCallback(), eventName: eventId, "markdown": true }); if ((optionalCommentId != undefined) && (optionalCommentId != "")) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("Including commentId: " + optionalCommentId); paramData = paramData.merge({id: optionalCommentId, limit: 1}); } else { paramData = paramData.merge({limit: limit}); } var dynScript = this.createScriptRequest(requestUrl, paramData); CommentBroker.prototype.trace("initiateCall: " + requestUrl + " data: " + paramData); eventListener.setDynamicScript(dynScript); }, createScriptRequest: function(url, paramData) { var jsUrl = url + "?" + paramData.toQueryString(); var temp = document.createTextNode(paramData); var dynScript = new JSONscriptRequest(jsUrl); dynScript.buildScriptTag(); dynScript.addScriptTag(); this.activeScripts.push(dynScript); return dynScript; }, setCommentPageRef: function(pageRef) { if (pageRef == undefined) { return; } if (this.commentPageRef != undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("commentPageRef is already defined -- must be page refresh"); } CommentBroker.prototype.trace("commentPageRef.uid: " + pageRef); this.commentPageRef = pageRef; }, getCallback: function() { return "commentBroker.handleEvent"; }, registerEvent: function(eventType, eventListener) { var eventId = (eventType + "_" + (CommentBroker.prototype.requestCounter++)); this.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, eventListener, eventListener.handleCallbackEvent); return eventId; }, handleEvent: function(jsonData, event) { this.eventBroker.notifyListenersOfEvent(event, new Array(jsonData)); }, handleUserEvent: function(event) { this.eventBroker.notifyListenersOfEvent(event, new Array(event)); }, initAction: function(actionMode, commentId, uid) { if (actionMode == "report" || actionMode == "delete") { this.sendAction(actionMode, commentId, uid); } else { // we are instead triggering an edit, mod, or reply action } }, isDev: function() { return (document.location.hostname.indexOf("") < 0 ); }, getSSOCookie: function() { if (this.isDev()) { return readCookie(CommentBroker.prototype.COOKIE_NAME); } else { return ""; } }, sendAction: function(actionMode, commentId, uid, comment, commentEntity) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("comment: " + comment); var actionListener = new CommentActionListener(commentId, uid, actionMode, commentEntity); var eventId = this.registerEvent(actionMode, actionListener); var ssoCookie = this.getSSOCookie(); var paramData = $H({action: actionMode, hash: this.commentPageRef.uid, uid: ssoCookie, url: this.currentCommentKey , id: commentId, callback: this.getCallback(), eventName: eventId, "markdown": true }); if (comment != undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("adding comment to hash."); paramData = paramData.merge({comment: comment}); } CommentBroker.prototype.debug("paramData: " + paramData.toQueryString()); var dynScript = this.createScriptRequest(this.getCommentsUrl(), paramData); actionListener.setDynamicScript(dynScript); }, voteAction: function(commentId, uid, vote, commentEntity) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("Voting: " + commentId + " " + vote); if (this.commentPageRef != undefined && !this.commentPageRef.isLoggedIn()) { CommentBroker.prototype.message("Sorry, you must be logged in in order to vote."); return; } var actionMode = CommentEntity.prototype.MOD_ACTION; var actionListener = new VoteActionListener(commentId, uid, vote, commentEntity); var eventId = this.registerEvent(actionMode, actionListener); var ssoCookie = this.getSSOCookie(); var paramData = $H({dir: vote, action: actionMode, hash: this.commentPageRef.uid, uid: ssoCookie, url: this.currentCommentKey , id: commentId, callback: this.getCallback(), eventName: eventId }); var dynScript = this.createScriptRequest(this.getCommentsUrl(), paramData); actionListener.setDynamicScript(dynScript); }, exception: function(e) { var msg = "Exception: "; for (prop in e) { msg += prop + ": " + e[prop] + " "; } CommentBroker.prototype.error (msg); }, requestComments: function(articleId, pageNum, numCommentsPerPage, includePagination, optionalCommentId) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("RequestingComments: " + articleId + " pageNum: " + pageNum + "include: " + includePagination); var commentListener = new CommentListener(articleId, pageNum, (numCommentsPerPage != undefined ? numCommentsPerPage : CommentBroker.prototype.COMMENTS_PER_PAGE), includePagination); this.includePagination = includePagination; this.currentPage = pageNum; //this[currentPage] = pageNum; //globalPageNum = pageNum; this.initiateCall(CommentBroker.prototype.GET_COMMENTS_EVENT, commentListener, this.getCommentsUrl(), articleId, (numCommentsPerPage != undefined ? numCommentsPerPage : CommentBroker.prototype.COMMENTS_PER_PAGE), pageNum, optionalCommentId); }, refreshPage: function() { var curPageNum = this.currentPage; if (curPageNum == undefined) { alert("Invalid PageNum"); curPageNum = 0; } else { //alert("Page: " + curPageNum); } this.renderPage(curPageNum); }, renderPage: function(pageNum) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("CommentBroker::Rendering Page: " + pageNum + "commentsPerPage: " + this.commentPageRef.commentPageRef.commentsPerPage); this.requestComments(this.currentCommentKey, pageNum, this.commentPageRef.commentPageRef.commentsPerPage, this.includePagination); }, setPageNumUrl: function(pageNum) { var curLoc = document.location.href; if (curLoc.indexOf(CommentBroker.prototype.PAGENUM_PARAM) >= 0) { // pagenum in url var regex = /(commentPageNum).(\d+)/g; var result = curLoc.match(regex); var replacedUrl = curLoc.replace(regex, ("$1" + "=" + pageNum)); if (replacedUrl != undefined) { curLoc = replacedUrl; } } else { if (curLoc.indexOf("?") >= 0) { curLoc += "&"; } else { curLoc += "?" } curLoc += CommentBroker.prototype.PAGENUM_PARAM + "=" + pageNum; } document.location = curLoc; }, getSeeAllCommentsLink: function(commentId) { var link = document.location.href; if (link.indexOf("?") > -1) { link += "&"; } else { link += "?"; } link += CommentBroker.prototype.SHOWALLCOMMENTS_PARAM + "=true"; if (commentId != undefined) { link += "&" + CommentBroker.prototype.COMMENTID_PARAM + "=" + commentId; } return link; }, goToSeeAllCommentsPage: function(commentId) { // if commentId is not empty, then it is a permalink var link = this.getSeeAllCommentsLink(commentId); if (link != undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("Going to: " + link); document.location = link; } }, getCommentsUrl: function () { return (this.baseUrl); }, error: function(message) { alert (message); }, debug: function(message) { var debug = gup("debugMode"); if(debug == "true") alert(message); }, trace: function(message) { var debug = gup("debugMode"); if(debug == "true") alert (message); }, /** * Handles Messages to be displayed to user * @param {String} message */ message: function(message) { alert(message); } }; var JSONListener = Class.create(); JSONListener.prototype = { ERROR_STATUS: "ERROR", CROSS_DOMAIN_HOST: "", context: undefined, scriptRef: undefined, handleCallbackEvent: function(jsonData) { if (jsonData == undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("jsonData is undefined."); return; } var unescapedResponse = unescape(jsonData); var jsonObj = JSON.parse(unescapedResponse); if (jsonObj == undefined || jsonObj.status == JSONListener.prototype.ERROR_STATUS) { CommentBroker.prototype.error("Error parsing JSON response"); return; } else { //extract message from response wrapper var jsonData = (jsonObj.responses[0]); var uid = jsonObj["hash"]; CommentBroker.prototype.trace(uid); this.doExtraction(jsonData, uid); //remove dynamic script tag this.removeDynamicScript(); return jsonData; } }, removeDynamicScript: function() { if (this.scriptRef != undefined) { this.scriptRef.removeScriptTag(); } }, setDynamicScript: function(scriptRef) { this.scriptRef = scriptRef; } }; var TrackingListener = Class.create(); Object.extend(TrackingListener.prototype = { initialize: function() { }, doExtraction: function(data, uid) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("Inside trackingListener"); } }, JSONListener.prototype); var CommentListener = Class.create(); //CommentListener.prototype = {}; Object.extend( CommentListener.prototype = { articleId: undefined, startPageNum: 0, numCommentsPerPage: undefined, includePagination: false, //constants COMMENT_CONTAINER: "commentContainer", initialize: function(articleId, pageNum, numCommentsPerPage, includePagination) { this.articleId = articleId; if (pageNum != undefined) { this.startPageNum = pageNum; } this.numCommentsPerPage = numCommentsPerPage; this.includePagination = includePagination; }, doExtraction: function(data, uid) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("in doExtraction: " + JSON.stringify(data) + " uid: " + uid); var wrapperId = "CommentPage_WrapperElem"; var oldWrapper = $(wrapperId); if (oldWrapper != undefined) { oldWrapper.remove(); } var commentPageWrapper = document.createElement("DIV"); commentPageWrapper.setAttribute("id", wrapperId); = wrapperId; var commentPageHolder = $(CommentListener.prototype.COMMENT_CONTAINER); commentPageHolder.appendChild(commentPageWrapper); var commentPage = new CommentPage(commentPageWrapper, this.includePagination, data, uid); commentBroker.setCommentPageRef(commentPage); commentPage.generate(); if (commentPage.commentPageRef.pageNum > 0) { // only scroll to top if it isn't an initial load of page var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(commentPageWrapper); window.scrollTo(0, pos[1]); } } }, JSONListener.prototype); var CommentActionListener = Class.create(); Object.extend( CommentActionListener.prototype = { commentId: undefined, uid: undefined, actionType: undefined, commentEntity: undefined, // can be either a commentEntity or CommentPage initialize: function(commentId, uid, actionType, commentEntity) { this.commentId = commentId; this.uid = uid; this.actionType = actionType; this.commentEntity = commentEntity; }, doExtraction: function(data, uid) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("callback from CommentActionListener: " + JSON.stringify(data)); if (this.actionType == CommentEntity.prototype.REPORT_ACTION) { CommentBroker.prototype.message("Thank you. This comment will be reviewed by a moderator."); return; // no need to refresh } if (this.commentEntity != undefined) { // we have a reference to a commentEntity or a commentPage /* if (this.actionType == CommentEntity.prototype.COMMENT_ACTION) { if (data != undefined) this.commentEntity.addChildComment(data); } else if (this.actionType == CommentEntity.prototype.EDIT_ACTION) { this.commentEntity.refreshContent(); } */ } // do a full refresh of page commentBroker.refreshPage(); } }, JSONListener.prototype); var VoteActionListener = Class.create(); Object.extend( VoteActionListener.prototype = { commentId: undefined, uid: undefined, voteDirection: undefined, commentEntity: undefined, // can be either a commentEntity or CommentPage initialize: function(commentId, uid, voteDirection, commentEntity) { this.commentId = commentId; this.uid = uid; this.voteDirection = voteDirection; this.commentEntity = commentEntity; }, doExtraction: function(data, uid) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace(JSON.stringify(data)); if (this.commentEntity != undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("Displaying Vote results: " + this.voteDirection + " " + (this.commentEntity != undefined)); this.commentEntity.updateVote(this.voteDirection); } CommentBroker.prototype.trace("callback from VoteActionListener: " + JSON.stringify(data)); commentBroker.refreshPage(); } }, JSONListener.prototype); var CommentPage = Class.create(); CommentPage.prototype = { commentPageElement: undefined, commentPageRef: undefined, enclosingDiv: undefined, topLevelComments: [], numCommentsPerPage: undefined, includePagination: false, uid: undefined, commentsWrapper: undefined, //constants COMMENT_PAGE_CLASS: "commentPage", COMMENTS_WRAPPER_CLASS: "the_comments", NO_COMMENTS_MESSAGE: "There are no comments", NUM_COMMENTS_COUNTER_ID: "numCommentsOnPage", POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_CLASSNAME: "comment_text", POST_FORM_CLASSNAME: "comment_form", POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_ID: "comment_text", POST_FORM_SUBMIT_SRC: "", LOGIN_CLASSNAME: "login_class", PAGE_SLIDER_ID: "the_pages", initialize: function(div, includePagination, pageRef, uid) { this.enclosingDiv = div; this.includePagination = includePagination; this.commentPageRef = pageRef; this.uid = uid; }, /** * Iterates through all the comments within the page, generating a new CommentEntity for each */ generate: function() { this.commentPageElement = document.createElement("DIV"); this.commentsWrapper = document.createElement("div"); this.commentsWrapper.className = this.COMMENTS_WRAPPER_CLASS; this.commentPageElement.className = CommentPage.prototype.COMMENT_PAGE_CLASS; this.commentPageElement.appendChild(this.setNumCommentsCounter("Comments (" + this.getTotalComments() + ")")); if (this.isLoggedIn()) { // show post form if (!this.isPermaActive()) this.commentPageElement.appendChild(this.generatePostForm()); } else { //show login-registration link this.commentPageElement.appendChild(this.generateTopLogin()); } var matchbook = document.createElement("div"); matchbook.className = "matchbook_rain_light"; this.commentPageElement.appendChild(matchbook); var comment_top = document.createElement("div"); = "comment_well_top"; this.commentPageElement.appendChild(comment_top); this.renderPagination(comment_top, "top"); this.commentsWrapper.appendChild(document.createComment("Begin Comments")); if (this.commentPageRef == null || this.commentPageRef.comments == null || this.commentPageRef.comments.length <= 0) { this.displayNoComments(); } else { this.commentPageRef.comments.each(function(curComment) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("CurComment: " + curComment); var newComment = new CommentEntity(this.commentsWrapper, curComment, null, 0, this); newComment.generate(); this.topLevelComments.push(newComment); }.bind(this)); } this.commentsWrapper.appendChild(document.createComment("End Comments")); this.commentPageElement.appendChild(this.commentsWrapper); var comment_bottom = document.createElement("div"); = "comment_well_bottom"; this.commentPageElement.appendChild(comment_bottom); this.renderPagination(comment_bottom, "bottom"); var matchbook_bot = document.createElement("div"); matchbook_bot.className = "matchbook_plus"; this.commentPageElement.appendChild(matchbook_bot); if (!this.isLoggedIn()) { this.commentPageElement.appendChild(this.generateLogin()); } else { this.commentPageElement.appendChild(this.generateLogout()); } this.enclosingDiv.appendChild(this.commentPageElement); // set count of comments on page }, generateLogout: function() { var logoutWrapper = document.createElement("div"); logoutWrapper.className = CommentPage.prototype.LOGIN_CLASSNAME; var logoutUrl = this.getLogoutURL(); var logoutLink = this.generateLink(logoutUrl, "Logout"); var updProfUrl = this.getUpdProfURL(); var updProfLink = this.generateLink(updProfUrl, "Update Profile"); logoutWrapper.appendChild(updProfLink); var separator = document.createTextNode(" / "); logoutWrapper.appendChild(separator); logoutWrapper.appendChild(logoutLink); return logoutWrapper; }, renderPagination: function(commentWellRef, paginationLocation) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("renderPagination: " + (this.includePagination ? "True" : "False")); if (this.isPermaActive() || this.commentPageRef == undefined || this.commentPageRef.totalComments <= 0) return; if (this.includePagination) { // render pagination commentWellRef.appendChild(this.generatePagination(paginationLocation)); } else { // no pagination -- just link to See All Page commentWellRef.appendChild(this.generateSeeAllLink()); } }, setNumCommentsCounter: function(counterText) { var counterElem = document.createElement("H3"); counterElem.className = "com_count"; var countText = document.createTextNode(counterText); counterElem.appendChild(countText); return counterElem; }, displayNoComments: function() { var span = document.createElement("SPAN"); span.className = "seeall_com"; var textNode = document.createTextNode(CommentPage.prototype.NO_COMMENTS_MESSAGE); span.appendChild(textNode); this.commentPageElement.appendChild(span); }, generatePagination: function(paginationId) { var paginationWrapper = document.createElement("div"); var pageSlider = document.createElement("div"); = this.PAGE_SLIDER_ID; paginationWrapper.className = "num_comments"; = "pagination_" + paginationId; var totalPages = Number(this.commentPageRef.totalPages); if (totalPages <= 0) return paginationWrapper; // more than 1 page var curPage = this.commentPageRef.pageNum; for (var i = 0; i < totalPages; i++) { pageSlider.appendChild(this.generatePage(i, curPage)); } var showingText = " " + (this.commentPageRef.commentStartIdx) + "-" + (this.commentPageRef.commentEndIdx); showingText += " of " + this.commentPageRef.totalComments; paginationWrapper.appendChild(this.generateSpanElem("Most Recent")); paginationWrapper.appendChild(this.generateSpanElem(showingText + " | Page: ")); paginationWrapper.appendChild(this.generatePageIncrement(-1, this.commentPageRef.isPrevPage == true)); paginationWrapper.appendChild(pageSlider); paginationWrapper.appendChild(this.generatePageIncrement(1, this.commentPageRef.isNextPage == true)) paginationWrapper.appendChild(this.generateSpanElem("Oldest")); return paginationWrapper; }, generatePageIncrement: function(direction, enabled) { var link; var eventId = ("page" + "_" + (CommentBroker.prototype.requestCounter++)); var linkHref = "javascript:doUserAction('" + eventId + "')"; if (direction > 0) { commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.pageUpListener.bind(this)); link = this.generateLink(linkHref, "Next"); } else { commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.pageDownListener.bind(this)); link = this.generateLink(linkHref, "Previous"); } if (direction > 0) { } else { } //link.className = (direction > 0 ? "Next" : "Previous"); if (enabled) { link.className = "active_nextprevious"; /* link.onclick = function(event) { var pageDirection = direction; this.doPagination(pageDirection); }.bindAsEventListener(this); */ } else { link.className = "disabled_nextprevious"; } return link; }, pageUpListener: function() { this.doPagination(1); }, pageDownListener: function() { this.doPagination(-1); }, doPagination: function(direction) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("Pagination: " + direction); var pageNum = this.commentPageRef.pageNum; this.renderPage(pageNum + direction); }, generateSpanElem: function(text, spanClass) { var spanElem = document.createElement("span"); var textNode = document.createTextNode(text); if (spanClass != undefined) { spanElem.className = spanClass; } spanElem.appendChild(textNode); return spanElem; }, generatePage: function(pageNum, curPage) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("generatePage: " + pageNum + " : " + curPage); var page = document.createElement("span"); var pageText = (Number(pageNum) + 1); var pageLink = this.generateLink("javascript:void(0);", pageText); if (pageNum != curPage) { pageLink.onclick = function() { var destPage = pageNum; this.renderPage(destPage); }.bindAsEventListener(this); page.className = "active_page"; page.appendChild(pageLink); } else { page.className = "selected_page"; page.appendChild(document.createTextNode(pageText)); } return page; }, renderPage: function(pageNum) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("Rendering page: " + pageNum); commentBroker.renderPage(pageNum); }, generateSeeAllLink: function() { var linkDiv = document.createElement("div"); linkDiv.className = "seeall_com"; if (this.isSeeAllCommentsActive()) return linkDiv; var linkWrapper = this.generateLink(commentBroker.getSeeAllCommentsLink(), "See All Comments"); linkDiv.appendChild(linkWrapper); return linkDiv; }, isSeeAllCommentsActive: function() { var isShowingComments = (document.location.href.indexOf(CommentBroker.prototype.SHOWALLCOMMENTS_PARAM) > 0); return isShowingComments; }, isPermaActive: function() { var isShowingComments = (document.location.href.indexOf(CommentBroker.prototype.COMMENTID_PARAM) > 0); return isShowingComments; }, getTotalComments: function() { if (this.commentPageRef == undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.error("CommentPageRef could not be found"); return 0; } return (this.commentPageRef.totalComments) ; }, generatePostForm: function() { //CommentBroker.prototype.debug("generatePostForm"); var postCommentForm = this.createFormElement(CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_CLASSNAME, "comment", "form"); var postTextArea = this.createFormElement(CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_CLASSNAME, CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_ID, "textarea") var labelElem = document.createElement("label"); labelElem.setAttribute("for", CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_ID); var labelText = document.createTextNode("Enter your comment below."); labelElem.appendChild(labelText); var submitInput = this.createInputElement("input", "postComment"); submitInput.setAttribute("src", CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_SUBMIT_SRC); submitInput.setAttribute("type", "image"); submitInput.onclick = function(event) { //TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE -- option. You can add an alert and return false to temporarily disable posting new comments. var text = postTextArea.value; if (text == undefined || text == "" || text.length <= 0) { alert ("You must enter a valid comment before submitting."); return false; } CommentBroker.prototype.debug("text: " + text); commentBroker.sendAction("comment", null, this.uid, (text), this); postTextArea.value = ""; // fixes IE submit issues if (event && event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else if (window.event && window.event.returnValue) window.eventReturnValue = false; return false; }.bindAsEventListener(this); postCommentForm.appendChild(labelElem); postCommentForm.appendChild(postTextArea); postCommentForm.appendChild(submitInput); postCommentForm.zIndex = 1000; = 1000; return postCommentForm; }, addChildComment: function(commentRef) { var newComment = new CommentEntity(this.commentsWrapper, commentRef, null, 0, this); newComment.generate(); this.topLevelComments.push(newComment); }, createFormElement: function(className, inputName, inputType) { var elem = document.createElement(inputType); elem.setAttribute("name", inputName); elem.setAttribute("id", inputName); = inputName; = inputName; elem.className = className; return elem; }, createInputElement: function(inputType, inputName) { var inputElem = document.createElement(inputType); inputElem.setAttribute("name", inputName); = inputName; = inputName; return inputElem; }, isLoggedIn: function() { if (this.uid == undefined) return false; var curCookie = document.cookie; if (curCookie.indexOf(CommentBroker.prototype.COOKIE_NAME) > -1) { // this should be a logged-in user //CommentBroker.prototype.trace("wired_reddit cookie found . . . logged in"); return true; } return false; }, getUserName: function() { if (this.isLoggedIn()) { var username = readCookie("amg_user_info"); return username; } else { return undefined; } }, generateTopLogin: function() { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("generateTopLogin"); var loginRegWrapper = document.createElement("p"); loginRegWrapper.className = CommentPage.prototype.LOGIN_CLASSNAME; var registrationUrl = this.getRegistrationURL(); var loginUrl = this.getLoginURL(); var loginLink = this.generateLink(loginUrl, "Login"); var loginText = document.createTextNode("Want to start a new thread or reply to a post?"); var loginTextTrail = document.createTextNode(" and start talking!"); var separator = document.createTextNode("/"); var breaker = document.createElement("br"); var regLink = this.generateLink(registrationUrl, "Register"); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(loginText); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(breaker); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(loginLink); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(separator); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(regLink); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(loginTextTrail); return loginRegWrapper; }, generateLogin: function() { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("generateLogin"); var loginRegWrapper = document.createElement("div"); loginRegWrapper.className = CommentPage.prototype.LOGIN_CLASSNAME; var registrationUrl = this.getRegistrationURL(); var loginUrl = this.getLoginURL(); var loginLink = this.generateLink(loginUrl, "Login"); var separator = document.createTextNode("/"); var regLink = this.generateLink(registrationUrl, "Registration"); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(loginLink); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(separator); loginRegWrapper.appendChild(regLink); return loginRegWrapper; }, modifySocialTextHref: function(href, linkName) { //modify the href only for these specific linkNames if( linkName == "Logout" || linkName == "Update Profile" || linkName == "Login" || linkName == "Register" || linkName == "Registration" ) { if(href.indexOf("") > -1) { //staging href = href.replace("",""); href = href.replace("LoginRedirect%3Freturnto%3D","LoginRedirect%3Freturnto%3D"); href = href.replace("logout?returnto=","logout?returnto="); href = href.replace("profile_update?returnto=","profile_update?returnto="); } else if(href.indexOf("") > -1) { //production href = href.replace("",""); href = href.replace("LoginRedirect%3Freturnto%3D","LoginRedirect%3Freturnto%3D"); href = href.replace("logout?returnto=","logout?returnto="); href = href.replace("profile_update?returnto=","profile_update?returnto="); } } return href; }, generateLink: function(href, linkName) { var linkWrapper = document.createElement("span"); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("href", href); link.href = href; link.href = this.modifySocialTextHref(link.href, linkName); var linkText = document.createTextNode(linkName); link.appendChild(linkText); linkWrapper.appendChild(link); return linkWrapper; }, generateAdvancedLink: function(href, linkName, className) { var linkWrapper = document.createElement("span"); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("href", href); link.href = href; link.className = className; var linkText = document.createTextNode(linkName); link.appendChild(linkText); linkWrapper.appendChild(link); return linkWrapper; }, getReturnTo: function() { return "?returnto="; }, getReturnToURL: function() { return escape(document.location.pathname +; }, getRedirectURL: function() { return CommentBroker.prototype.REDIRECT_URL; }, getRegistrationURL: function() { return ( this.getHostName() + CommentBroker.prototype.REGISTRATION_URL + this.getReturnTo() + escape( this.getRedirectURL() + this.getReturnTo() + this.getReturnToURL()) ); }, getLoginURL: function() { return ( this.getHostName() + CommentBroker.prototype.LOGIN_URL + this.getReturnTo() + escape( this.getRedirectURL() + this.getReturnTo() + this.getReturnToURL()) ); }, getLogoutURL: function() { return ( this.getHostName() + CommentBroker.prototype.LOGOUT_URL + this.getReturnTo() + this.getReturnToURL() ); }, getUpdProfURL: function() { return ( this.getHostName() + CommentBroker.prototype.PROFILEUPDATE_URL + this.getReturnTo() + this.getReturnToURL() ); }, getHostName: function() { return (document.location.protocol + "//" +; } }; var CommentEntity = Class.create(); CommentEntity.prototype = { parentDiv: undefined, commentRef: undefined, parentCommentRef: undefined, elementType: "DIV", commentElement: undefined, COMMENT_ENTITY_CLASS: "comment", COMMENT_MAIN_CLASS: "commentMain", COMMENT_BODY_CLASS: "commentbody", COMMENT_AUTHOR_CLASS: "commentAuthor", nestedCommentEntities: [], nestingLevel: 0, commentPageRef: undefined, replyHolder: undefined, postForm: undefined, commentAuthor: undefined, // element that holds author, date, and points spans commentBody: undefined, commentMain: undefined, isSummarized: true, voteUp: undefined, voteDown:undefined, arrowContainerElement: undefined, //constants ARROWS_CLASS: "arrows", UP_ARROW_CLASS: "uparrow", DOWN_ARROW_CLASS: "downarrow", COMMENT_OPTIONS_CLASSNAME: "commentOptions", COMMENT_ACTION: "comment", EDIT_ACTION: "replace", MOD_ACTION: "mod", PERMA_ACTION: "perma", REPORT_ACTION: "report", REPLY_HOLDER_CLASSNAME: "comment_reply", OPEN_TRIANGLE: "", CLOSED_TRIANGLE: "", VOTE_UP_IMG: " ", VOTE_DOWN_IMG: "", SPAM_MESSAGE: "Comment Deleted.", initialize: function(parentDiv, commentRef, parentCommentRef, level, commentPageRef) { this.parentDiv = parentDiv; this.commentRef = commentRef; this.parentCommentRef = parentCommentRef; this.nestingLevel = level; this.commentPageRef = commentPageRef; this.isSummarized = true; }, generate: function() { if (this.parentDiv == undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.error("No parentDiv defined!"); return; } this.commentElement = document.createElement(this.elementType); this.commentElement.className = this.COMMENT_ENTITY_CLASS; = "c_" + this.commentRef.commentId; this.commentMain = document.createElement(this.elementType); this.commentMain.className = this.COMMENT_MAIN_CLASS; this.commentBody = this.createCommentContent(this.COMMENT_BODY_CLASS, (this.commentRef.commentBody)); this.commentAuthor = this.createAuthorContent(this.COMMENT_AUTHOR_CLASS, this.getAuthorName()); this.arrowContainerElement = this.createVotingArrows(); this.commentElement.appendChild(this.arrowContainerElement); this.commentMain.appendChild(this.commentAuthor); this.commentMain.appendChild(this.commentBody); this.commentMain.appendChild(this.createBottomRow()); this.replyHolder = this.generateReplyHolder(); this.commentMain.appendChild(this.replyHolder); this.commentElement.appendChild(this.commentMain); this.parentDiv.appendChild(this.commentElement); // recursive generation if (this.commentRef.nestedComments != undefined && this.commentRef.nestedComments.length > 0) { this.commentRef.nestedComments.each(function(curComment){ var curCommentEntity = new CommentEntity(this.commentElement, curComment, this.commentRef, (this.nestingLevel + 1), this.commentPageRef); curCommentEntity.generate(); this.nestedCommentEntities.push(curCommentEntity); }.bind(this)); } }, refreshContent: function() { var newCommentBody = this.createCommentContent(this.COMMENT_BODY_CLASS, (this.commentRef.commentBody)); this.commentMain.replaceChild(newCommentBody, this.commentBody); this.commentBody = newCommentBody; }, updateVote: function(voteDirection) { if (Number(voteDirection) == undefined) return; if (this.commentRef.likes == voteDirection) { this.commentRef.likes = 0; this.commentRef.points -= Number(voteDirection); } else { this.commentRef.likes = voteDirection; this.commentRef.points += Number(voteDirection); } var container = document.createElement("div"); container.appendChild(this.createVotingArrows()); $(this.arrowContainerElement).replace(container.innerHTML); }, removeArrows: function() { $(this.voteUp).remove(); $(this.voteDown).remove(); }, generateReplyHolder: function() { var holder = document.createElement("div"); holder.className = CommentEntity.prototype.REPLY_HOLDER_CLASSNAME; return holder; }, createBottomRow: function() { var container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = CommentEntity.prototype.COMMENT_OPTIONS_CLASSNAME; var reportSpan = undefined; var postSpan = undefined; var permaSpan = undefined; var editSpan = undefined; if (this.commentPageRef.isLoggedIn()) { reportSpan = this.createSpanLink("Report", this.generateActionJs(CommentEntity.prototype.REPORT_ACTION), "reportLink"); } if (this.commentPageRef.isLoggedIn()) { postSpan = this.createSpanLink("Reply", this.generateActionJs(CommentEntity.prototype.COMMENT_ACTION), "postLink"); } if (this.commentPageRef.isLoggedIn() && this.isCommentAuthor()) { editSpan = this.createSpanLink("Edit", this.generateActionJs(CommentEntity.prototype.EDIT_ACTION), "editLink"); } permaSpan = this.createSpanLink("Permalink", this.generateActionJs(CommentEntity.prototype.PERMA_ACTION), "permaLink"); if (reportSpan != undefined) { reportSpan.appendChild(this.getActionSeparator()); container.appendChild(reportSpan); } if (postSpan != undefined) { postSpan.appendChild(this.getActionSeparator()); container.appendChild(postSpan); } if (editSpan != undefined) { editSpan.appendChild(this.getActionSeparator()); container.appendChild(editSpan); } if ( < 0) { container.appendChild(permaSpan); } return container; }, isCommentAuthor: function() { var curUserName = this.commentPageRef.getUserName(); if (curUserName != undefined && != undefined && curUserName == { return true; } return false; }, getActionSeparator: function() { return document.createTextNode(" | "); }, createSpanLink: function(linkText, href, name) { var spanWrapper = document.createElement("span"); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("href", href); link.setAttribute("name", name); link.href = href; var linkText = document.createTextNode(linkText); link.appendChild(linkText); spanWrapper.appendChild(link); return spanWrapper; }, generateActionJs: function(mode) { if ((mode == CommentEntity.prototype.COMMENT_ACTION) || (mode == CommentEntity.prototype.EDIT_ACTION)) { var eventId = (mode + "_" + (CommentBroker.prototype.requestCounter++)); commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.postCommentListener); return "javascript:doUserAction('" + eventId + "')"; } else if (mode == CommentEntity.prototype.PERMA_ACTION) { var eventId = (mode + "_" + (CommentBroker.prototype.requestCounter++)); commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.permalinkListener); return "javascript:doUserAction('" + eventId + "')"; } else { return "javascript:doCommentAction('" + mode + "', '" + this.commentRef.commentId + "', '" + this.commentPageRef.uid + "');"; } }, permalinkListener: function() { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("initiating permalink: " + this.commentRef.commentId); commentBroker.goToSeeAllCommentsPage(this.commentRef.commentId); }, /** * This handler gets called within this context to respond to post or edit comment events */ postCommentListener: function(eventId) { if (this.postForm != undefined) { $(this.postForm).remove(); } var postCommentForm = this.commentPageRef.createFormElement(CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_CLASSNAME, ("POST_FORM_" + eventId), "form"); var postTextArea = this.commentPageRef.createFormElement(CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_CLASSNAME, ("POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_" + eventId), "textarea"); postCommentForm.action =""; var submitInput = this.commentPageRef.createInputElement("input", ("POST_FORM_SUBMIT_" + eventId)); submitInput.setAttribute("src", CommentPage.prototype.POST_FORM_SUBMIT_SRC); submitInput.setAttribute("type", "image"); var postFunction = function(event, eventId) { //TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE -- option. You can add an alert and return false to temporarily disable posting new comments. var textElem = $(("POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_" + eventId)); var text = textElem.value; CommentBroker.prototype.debug("textElem: " + "POST_FORM_TEXTAREA_" + eventId); CommentBroker.prototype.debug("text: " + text); if (text == undefined || text == "" || text.length <= 0) { alert ("You must enter a valid comment before submitting."); return false; } var actionType = ""; if (this.isEventType(eventId, CommentEntity.prototype.EDIT_ACTION)) { actionType = CommentEntity.prototype.EDIT_ACTION; this.commentRef.commentBody = text; } else { actionType = CommentEntity.prototype.COMMENT_ACTION; } commentBroker.sendAction(actionType, this.commentRef.commentId, this.commentPageRef.uid, (text), this); $(postCommentForm).remove(); // add status message var waitDiv = document.createElement("div"); waitDiv.setAttribute("class", "posting"); = "normal 12px Arial, helvetica, sans-serif"; = "left"; = "7px 0 0 0"; = "#c20"; var waitMessage = document.createTextNode("Posting comment, please wait. . . "); waitDiv.className = "statusMessage"; waitDiv.appendChild(waitMessage); this.replyHolder.appendChild(waitDiv); setTimeout(function() {$(waitDiv).remove()}.bind(this), 3000); if (this.postForm != undefined) { this.postForm = undefined; } // fixes IE submit issues if (event && event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else if (window.event && window.event.returnValue) window.eventReturnValue = false; return false; }; submitInput.onclick = postFunction.bindAsEventListener(this, eventId); postCommentForm.onsubmit = function() { return false; } if (this.isEventType(eventId, CommentEntity.prototype.EDIT_ACTION)) { // copy text into form postTextArea.value = this.commentRef.commentText; } postCommentForm.appendChild(postTextArea); postCommentForm.appendChild(submitInput); if (postTextArea.zIndex) postTextArea.zIndex = 1000; = 1000; this.replyHolder.appendChild(postCommentForm); $(postTextArea).activate(); //store form this.postForm = postCommentForm; return postCommentForm; }, isEventType: function(eventId, eventType) { if (eventId == undefined) return false; if (eventId.indexOf(eventType) >= 0) { return true; } return false; }, addChildComment: function(comment) { var curCommentEntity = new CommentEntity(this.commentElement, comment, this.commentRef, (this.nestingLevel + 1), this.commentPageRef); curCommentEntity.generate(); this.nestedCommentEntities.push(curCommentEntity); }, createVotingArrows: function() { var arrowContainer = document.createElement("div"); if (this.commentRef.likes > 0) { this.voteUp = this.createDefaultArrow(1); this.voteDown = this.createArrow(-1); } else if (this.commentRef.likes < 0) { this.voteUp = this.createArrow(1); this.voteDown = this.createDefaultArrow(-1); } else { this.voteUp = this.createArrow(1); this.voteDown = this.createArrow(-1); } arrowContainer.className = CommentEntity.prototype.ARROWS_CLASS; arrowContainer.appendChild(this.voteUp); arrowContainer.appendChild(this.voteDown); return arrowContainer; }, createArrow: function(direction) { var eventId = ("vote" + "_" + (CommentBroker.prototype.requestCounter++)); if (direction > 0) { commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.voteListener_up.bind(this)); } else { commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.voteListener_down.bind(this)); } var linkHref = "javascript:doUserAction('" + eventId + "')"; var arrow = this.commentPageRef.generateAdvancedLink(linkHref, " ", (direction > 0 ? CommentEntity.prototype.UP_ARROW_CLASS : CommentEntity.prototype.DOWN_ARROW_CLASS)); //arrow.onclick = function(event) { //}.bindAsEventListener(this); // arrow.className = (direction > 0 ? CommentEntity.prototype.UP_ARROW_CLASS : CommentEntity.prototype.DOWN_ARROW_CLASS); return arrow; }, voteListener_up: function() { if (this.commentRef.likes <= 0) { commentBroker.voteAction(this.commentRef.commentId, this.commentPageRef.uid, 1, this); } else { commentBroker.voteAction(this.commentRef.commentId, this.commentPageRef.uid, 0, this); } }, voteListener_down: function() { if (this.commentRef.likes >= 0) { commentBroker.voteAction(this.commentRef.commentId, this.commentPageRef.uid, -1, this); } else { commentBroker.voteAction(this.commentRef.commentId, this.commentPageRef.uid, 0, this); } }, createDefaultArrow: function(direction) { var eventId = ("vote" + "_" + (CommentBroker.prototype.requestCounter++)); if (direction > 0) { commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.voteListener_up.bind(this)); } else { commentBroker.eventBroker.addEventListener(eventId, this, this.voteListener_down.bind(this)); } var linkHref = "javascript:doUserAction('" + eventId + "')"; var link = document.createElement("a"); link.setAttribute("href", linkHref); link.href = linkHref; var arrow = document.createElement("img"); /*arrow.onclick = function() { if (direction > 0 ) { this.voteListener_up(); } else { this.voteListener_down().bind(this); } }*/ arrow.setAttribute("src", (direction > 0 ? CommentEntity.prototype.VOTE_UP_IMG : CommentEntity.prototype.VOTE_DOWN_IMG) ); //arrow.src = (direction > 0 ? CommentEntity.prototype.VOTE_UP_IMG : CommentEntity.prototype.VOTE_DOWN_IMG); arrow.className = (direction < 0 ? "downimg" : "upimg"); link.appendChild(arrow); return link; }, getDateString: function(timestamp) { var minutesDelta = (timestamp / 60); if (minutesDelta > (24 * 60)) { var days = Math.round(minutesDelta / (24 * 60)); return ((days > 1) ? (days + " days ") : "1 day ") + "ago"; } else if (minutesDelta < 60){ return Math.round(minutesDelta) + " minutes ago" } else { return (Math.round(minutesDelta / 60) + " hours ago"); } }, createDateContent: function(timestamp) { var textContainer = document.createElement("span"); var dateString = this.getDateString(timestamp); var message = document.createTextNode(dateString); textContainer.appendChild(message); return textContainer; }, createCommentContent: function(elementClass, content) { var textContainer = document.createElement(this.elementType); var messageSpan = document.createElement(this.elementType); var message = undefined; if (this.commentRef.deleted) { content = CommentEntity.prototype.SPAM_MESSAGE; } if (this.isSummarized && content.length > 250) { var cleanedContent = this.stripTags(content); if (cleanedContent <= 250) { message = content; // just use default content, since the excess tags are superfluous } else { message = (cleanedContent.substring(0,250) + "..."); } } else { message = content; } //$(messageSpan).innerHTML = message; //

does not have innerHTML property messageSpan.innerHTML = message; textContainer.appendChild(messageSpan); if (this.isSummarized) { if (content.length > 250) { var summaryDiv = this.createTriangle("triangle", true); messageSpan.appendChild(summaryDiv); } else { // no triangle } } else { if (content.length > 250) { // put in closed triangle var summaryDiv = this.createTriangle("triangle", false); messageSpan.appendChild(summaryDiv); } } textContainer.className = elementClass; return textContainer; }, stripTags: function(stringToClean) { var cleanedString = stringToClean.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); return cleanedString; }, createTriangle: function(className, isOpen) { var summaryImg = document.createElement("img"); var summaryLink = document.createElement("a"); summaryLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);"); summaryLink.href = "javascript:void(0);"; summaryImg.setAttribute("src", (isOpen ? CommentEntity.prototype.OPEN_TRIANGLE: CommentEntity.prototype.CLOSED_TRIANGLE)); className = className + (isOpen ? "" : " open_tri"); // AHWS added summaryImg.setAttribute("class", className); summaryImg.className = className; summaryLink.onclick = function() { this.swapSummary(); }.bindAsEventListener(this); summaryLink.appendChild(summaryImg); return summaryLink; }, swapSummary: function() { if (this.isSummarized) { this.isSummarized = false; } else { this.isSummarized = true; } this.refreshContent(); }, createAuthorContent: function(elementClass, content) { var textContainer = document.createElement("div"); var messageSpan = document.createElement("p"); var postedBy = "Posted by: "; //AHWS added var authorLabel = document.createTextNode(postedBy);//AHWS added var message = document.createTextNode(content); var dateElement = this.createDateContent(Number(this.commentRef.postedOnTimeStamp)); var pointsElement = this.createPointsContent(); messageSpan.appendChild(authorLabel);//AHWS added messageSpan.appendChild(message); textContainer.appendChild(messageSpan); textContainer.appendChild(dateElement); textContainer.appendChild(pointsElement); textContainer.className = elementClass; return textContainer; }, createPointsContent: function() { var textContainer = document.createElement("span"); var points = Number(this.commentRef.points); if (points == undefined) return textContainer; var pointsString = this.commentRef.points + (points == 1 ? " Point" : " Points"); var message = document.createTextNode(pointsString); textContainer.appendChild(message); return textContainer; }, getAuthorName: function() { if (this.commentRef == null || == null) { return ""; } else { var fullName = ""; if ( != undefined) { fullName +=; }; if ( != undefined) { fullName += " " +; }; if (fullName == undefined || fullName.length <= 2) { fullName =; } CommentBroker.prototype.trace("author: " +; return fullName; } } }; var commentBroker = undefined; function loadComments(articleId, pageNum, numCommentsPerPage, includePagination, optionalCommentId) { //temporary disabling of comments var rootDomain; var baseUrl; //if ((document.location.href.indexOf("") > 0 || document.location.href.indexOf("") > 0 ) && document.location.href.indexOf("editorial-preview") < 0) { if (document.location.href.indexOf("stag") > 0 || document.location.href.indexOf("localhost") > 0 ) { rootDomain = ""; } else { rootDomain = ""; } baseUrl = rootDomain + "/json.js"; //alert (baseUrl); if (commentBroker == undefined) { commentBroker = new CommentBroker(baseUrl); } // verify that this is a page with actual comments to be rendered (such as article pages). Otherwise, we assume it's a blog page (with no comments), and instead render a tracking link (used to track the page view for most commented) if (typeof(s) != "undefined" && s.prop5 == "blog") { // this is a blog page, trigger the tracking request -- we'll do this next } else { // this is a non-blog page, which we will assume is an artice, video, or some page intended for comments commentBroker.requestComments(articleId, pageNum, numCommentsPerPage, includePagination, optionalCommentId); } var trackingUrl = rootDomain + "/tracker.js?url=" + articleId + "&v=" + (new Date()).getTime(); var trackingScript = new JSONscriptRequest(trackingUrl); trackingScript.buildScriptTag(); trackingScript.addScriptTag(); //this.activeScripts.push(dynScript); // this can't work because activeScripts is a private member variable within commentBroker var trackingListener = new TrackingListener(); trackingListener.setDynamicScript(trackingScript); } function doCommentAction(actionMode, commentId, uid) { if (commentBroker == undefined) { CommentBroker.prototype.trace("No CommentBroker instance found."); return; } commentBroker.initAction(actionMode, commentId, uid); } function doUserAction(eventId) { CommentBroker.prototype.debug("doUserAction: " + eventId); commentBroker.handleUserEvent(eventId); } function loadArticleComments() { loadComments("31", 0, 10, true); } //Event.observe(window, 'load', loadArticleComments); ///////JSON DYNAMIC SCRIPT function JSONscriptRequest(fullUrl) { // REST request path this.fullUrl = fullUrl; CommentBroker.prototype.trace("url: " + fullUrl); //document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(document.createTextNode(fullUrl)); // Keep IE from caching requests //this.noCacheIE = '&noCacheIE=' + (new Date()).getTime(); //11/17/2008: investigate if we need this for IE to render comments this.noCacheIE = null; this.headLoc = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); // Generate a unique script tag id this.scriptId = 'wired_reddit_scriptId' + JSONscriptRequest.prototype.scriptCounter++; } // Static script ID counter JSONscriptRequest.prototype.scriptCounter = 1; // buildScriptTag method // JSONscriptRequest.prototype.buildScriptTag = function () { this.complete = false; // Create the script tag this.scriptObj = document.createElement("script"); this.scriptObj.onreadystatechange = function() { this.complete = true; }.bindAsEventListener(this); this.scriptObj.onload = function() { this.complete = true; }.bindAsEventListener(this); // Add script object attributes this.scriptObj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); this.scriptObj.setAttribute("src", this.fullUrl + (this.noCacheIE != null ? this.noCacheIE : '')); this.scriptObj.setAttribute("id", this.scriptId); } JSONscriptRequest.prototype.removeScriptTag = function () { // Destroy the script tag this.headLoc.removeChild(this.scriptObj); } JSONscriptRequest.prototype.addScriptTag = function () { // Create the script tag this.headLoc.appendChild(this.scriptObj); } //cookie setting junk function createCookie(name,value,days){if (days){var date = new Date();date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));var expires="; expires="+date.toGMTString();}else expires="";document.cookie=name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/;";} function readCookie(name){var nameEQ=name+"=";var ca=document.cookie.split(';');for(var i=0;i< ca.length;i++){var c =ca[i];while(c.charAt(0)==' ')c=c.substring(1,c.length);if(c.indexOf(nameEQ)==0)return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);}return null;} var globalPageNum ; /*image preload for ie6 - uses object detection*/ if (window.external && (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == "undefined")) { // javascript targeting IE 6 image1 = new Image(); image1.src = " "; image2 = new Image(); image2.src = ""; } /* preload images */ if (document.images) { popTab = new Image(); popTab.src = ""; comTab = new Image(); comTab.src = ""; } /* function for movable type to redirect to login */ function mtIsLoggedIn(href){ var curCookie = document.cookie; if (curCookie.indexOf(CommentBroker.prototype.COOKIE_NAME) > -1) { //user is logged in return; } //user is not logged in. redirect var newHref = CommentBroker.prototype.LOGIN_URL + CommentPage.prototype.getReturnTo()+href; changeLinkHref(null,newHref,href); return; } function findLinkByHref(href) { for (var i=0; i 0) { var index = findLinkByHref(oldHref); if (index > -1) document.links[index].href = newHref; } } function gup( name ) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec( window.location.href ); if( results == null ) return ""; else return results[1]; } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 05:56:12 Dec 05, 2010 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 16:11:20 Jul 27, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): RulesEngine.query: 23.701 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 29.59 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 36.377 */