var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /** * Copyright (C) 2005 Brightcove, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No * use, copying or distribution of this work may be made except in * accordance with a valid license agreement from Brightcove, Inc. * This notice must be included on all copies, modifications and * derivatives of this work. * * Brightcove, Inc MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT * THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. BRIGHTCOVE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED * BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS * SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. * * "Brightcove" is a trademark of Brightcove, Inc. **/ /*********************************************** CONFIGURATION ************************************************/ /** * This is the API Token assigned to each Brightcove customer that allows for the use of Brightcove's Media Read API. * Fill in your read API token (there are two versions, but you want the one that includes URL responses) here. */ var BCReadAPIToken = "z5sgwpPEzEhUQ-Q6pJzd73AeUwfGRpm3DoBXM_xNb2c."; /** * This value indicates whether or not your account is set-up for UDS. HTML5 requires that the files be delivered * over HTTP. This is accomplished by having an account that is configured for HTTP (PD) delivery or that is set-up * for UDS. */ var isUDS = true; /* This variable is a dictionary that contains information about the location of each * Brightcove video object within the DOM of the page. Specifically, it is an associative array * where, for each stored mapping, the keys is the playerID of a given video, and the value is * the next sibling of that video object in the DOM. Keeping track of this sibling will allow * us to re-insert the mobile compatible video tag into the correct place (before this sibling) * in the DOM of the original page. */ var pagePlacementInfo = new Object(); /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /*********************************************** DOM MODIFICATION CODE ************************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /* This is the main entry function. It goes through the list of all video objects that need to be removed, * and one by one, initiates a request that causes that object to be removed and replaced by the * appropriate video tag (if the JS detects that the browser is on a smartphone). */ function runMobileCompatibilityScript(bcExperienceID, videoTagID){ //detect if this is a smartphone or not var thisIsSmartPhone = DetectSmartphone(); if (!thisIsSmartPhone) { return; } makeMobileCompatible(bcExperienceID, videoTagID); } /* This method works on a specific object, represented by id "strObjID". The method retrieves the * element with the given ID from the DOM, and then extracts the player ID from the video * object. Then, it removes the video object from the page's DOM and stores its location in the page * in a global dictionary variable (this will be useful when we want to add the corresponding * video tag back in the page in the appropriate place). * * Finally, the method submits an API Read request to the Brightcove server through the initiateMobileVideoRetrieval() * method in order to retrieve the sepcific Video URL corresponding to the given object. */ function makeMobileCompatible(strObjID, videoTagID){ //our video object (which we need to remove) var vidObj = document.getElementById(strObjID); //extract the playerID of this video object before deleting it var vidPlayerID = getParamValueForVidObject(vidObj, 'playerID'); var programmedVideo = getParamValueForVidObject(vidObj, '@videoPlayer'); //if the video player ID could not be extracted from the Source Code, for some reason, //then refer to the dictionary provided by the user if (vidPlayerID == null || typeof vidPlayerID == 'undefined'){ vidPlayerID = BCVidObjects[strObjID]; } //store the parent of the node we wish to remove var parentObj = vidObj.parentNode; //this is the object before which our vidObj element occurs in the parent element's DOM. //likewise, when we insert our video tag, we will insert it BEFORE this element, //in order to maintain the look of the page (this is the best that we can do...) var nextAdjacentNode = vidObj.nextSibling; //if there are no nodes after this node that was removed, then store 'null' to indicate that this was the last //child. if (nextAdjacentNode == null){ pagePlacementInfo[""+strObjID] = null; } //otherwise store the next sibling else { pagePlacementInfo[""+strObjID] = nextAdjacentNode; } //now, dynamically remove the video object from the DOM parentObj.removeChild(vidObj); //this procedure will make the appropriate API calls to get the first video corresponding to the player ID //of the object we just removed. initiateMobileVideoRetrieval(vidPlayerID, programmedVideo, BCReadAPIToken, videoTagID, strObjID); } /** * This function takes an object representing a Brigthcove video embed and a particular 'parameter' that was * passed to the Brightcove video object and returns the parameter. */ function getParamValueForVidObject(vidObj, paramName) { //these are the children nodes of the given object in the DOM var childrenNodes = vidObj.childNodes; var tagName; //loop through all children of the video object, searching for param tags. //each time we find a param tag, we check whether its name is 'flashVars'. //if so, we store the param's value and break from the loop, otherwise we //continue for (var i = 0; i < childrenNodes.length; i++){ if (childrenNodes[i].nodeType != 1) { continue; } tagName = childrenNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName == "param"){ if (childrenNodes[i].getAttribute("name") == paramName){ return childrenNodes[i].getAttribute("value"); } } } return null; } /** * Takes a string 'str' that consists of multiple arguments separated by ampersands (&), * and breaks it down so that it can extract and return the paramName from the string. */ function parseParamFromString(str, paramName) { var params = str.split("&"); //array of strings for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++){ if (params[i].indexOf(paramName) != -1){ return params[i].substr(params[i].indexOf("=")+1); } } // if we could not find the param then return null return null; } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /****************************************** MEDIA API CALLS & VIDEO TAG INSERTION *************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /* This method calls the Brightcove Media API to get all playlists included within a particular * playerID. */ function initiateMobileVideoRetrieval(playerID, programmedVideoID, readAPIToken, videoTagID, strObjID) { var APICall; var scriptNode; var scriptText; var callbackMethodName; if (programmedVideoID) { if (programmedVideoID.indexOf('ref:') != -1) { APICall = ""+programmedVideoID.substring(4)+"&token=" +readAPIToken; } else { APICall = ""+programmedVideoID+"&token=" +readAPIToken; } //when we make the API call, we specify a response handler (known as a callback method) that will deal with the response from //the Brightcove server. However, we create a customized 'callback' method for each playerID, so that when we are 'inside' the //callback method (after receiving the server's reponse), we will know which playerID the response corresponds to. This variable //stores the name (which includes the playerID) of that callback method. callbackMethodName = "handleJSONResponseForID"+new Date().getTime(); scriptNode = document.createElement("script"); scriptNode.setAttribute("language", "javascript"); scriptText = "function "+callbackMethodName+"(JSONResponse){\n" + "\thandleVideoResponse(JSONResponse, '"+playerID+"', '"+videoTagID+"', '"+strObjID+"');\n"+ "}\n"; } else { APICall = ""+playerID+"&token=" +readAPIToken; callbackMethodName = "handleJSONResponseForID"+ new Date().getTime(); scriptNode = document.createElement("script"); scriptNode.setAttribute("language", "javascript"); scriptText = "function "+callbackMethodName+"(JSONResponse){\n" + "\thandlePlaylistResponse(JSONResponse, '"+playerID+"', '"+videoTagID+"', '"+strObjID+"');\n"+ "}\n"; } if (isUDS) { APICall += "&media_delivery=http"; } //NOTE: we add to the end of the body, so that we do not disrupt any of the order of the children //at the top of the body's DOM tree var scriptTextNode = document.createTextNode(scriptText); scriptNode.appendChild(scriptTextNode); document.body.appendChild(scriptNode); //make the API call, specifying the unique callback method for this request addScriptTag("getMobileRendition", APICall, callbackMethodName); } /* Methods needed to make API Calls to the Brightcove server*/ function addScriptTag(id, url, callback) { var scriptTag = document.createElement("script"); var noCacheIE = '&noCacheIE=' + (new Date()).getTime(); // Add script object attributes scriptTag.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); scriptTag.setAttribute("charset", "utf-8"); scriptTag.setAttribute("src", url + "&callback=" + callback + noCacheIE); scriptTag.setAttribute("id", id); var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); head.appendChild(scriptTag); } /** * This is the general response-handler for the JSON response from the Brightcove server for playlist based players. * The arguments to the method include the response object, as well as the playerID of the * object which this response pertains to. * */ function handlePlaylistResponse(JSONResponse, playerID, videoTagID, strObjID) { //obtain first playlist in Brightcove Player given corresponding to this playerID var firstPlaylist = JSONResponse.items[0]; //obtain the first video from our first playlist var firstVideo = firstPlaylist.videos[0]; embedHTML5PlayerForVideo(firstVideo, playerID, videoTagID, strObjID); } /** * This is the general response-handler for the JSON response from the Brightcove server for playlist based players. * The arguments to the method include the response object, as well as the playerID of the * object which this response pertains to. * */ function handleVideoResponse(JSONResponse, playerID, videoTagID, strObjID) { embedHTML5PlayerForVideo(JSONResponse, playerID, videoTagID, strObjID); } /** * For a given video object (from the BC APIs) we will embed an HTML 5 'video' tag. * Requires searching through the renditions associated with the video object * for a rendition that is a 'best' match and passing the URL to the video * tag. * * In this handler, we explore the JSON object in search of the first video in the * first playlist that is returned by the Brightcove server. Then, once we identify * this first video, we examine the various renditions of the video and search * for the rendition that is most appropriate for a mobile (H.264 encoding * and 256 kbps). */ function embedHTML5PlayerForVideo(video, playerID, videoTagID, strObjID) { //obtain the array of various renditions that exist for this video. //NOTE: a rendition, from our perspective, has a certain encoding rate, // and a certain encoding format. We wish to find the best rendition for // a smartphone. var renditions = video.renditions; //In the for-loop that follows, we traverse all renditions of this first video, searching //for the H.264 (mobile-compatible) rendition whose encoding rate is closest to 256kbps var bestRenditionIndex = -1; var bestEncodingRateSoFar = -1; for (var i = 0; i < renditions.length; i = i+1){ //if this rendition is not H264, skip it and move on to the next if (renditions[i].videoCodec != "H264"){ continue; } //if best rendition index variable is uninitialized, then initialize it to //this rendition (which is H.264) - we need this because it's possible that //there are no H264 renditions at all, and starting our bestRenditionIndex at //an invalid value will help us figure out whether we came across any H264 renditions //as we were looping. if (bestRenditionIndex == -1){ bestRenditionIndex = i; bestEncodingRateSoFar = renditions[i].encodingRate; } //otherwise check to see if this rendition has a better encoding rate than the best one before this else if (betterEncodingForMobile(renditions[i].encodingRate, bestEncodingRateSoFar) == renditions[i].encodingRate){ //if so, then record this rendition as the best one so far bestRenditionIndex = i; bestEncodingRateSoFar = renditions[i].encodingRate; } } //after the for-loop has terminated, if best rendition index still == -1, //then that means we don't have ANY H264 renditions. so let the user know, //and don't add anything to the page if (bestRenditionIndex == -1){ bestRendition = video.videoFullLength; } else { bestRendition = renditions[bestRenditionIndex]; } var bestRenditionURL = bestRendition.url; var vidName =; var vidWidth = 300;//bestRendition.frameWidth; var vidHeight = 254;//bestRendition.frameHeight; var vidStillURL = video.videoStillURL; switch(playerID) { case "1716442119": vidWidth = 480; vidHeight = 320; break; default: vidWidth = 300; vidHeight = 254; } //construct the video tag as a DOM element var videoScriptTag = formVideoTagFromInfo(videoTagID, vidName, bestRenditionURL, vidWidth, vidHeight, vidStillURL); //retrieve the component before which this video tag needs to be inserted var nextSiblingOfVideo = pagePlacementInfo[strObjID]; var videoTagParent = nextSiblingOfVideo.parentNode; //the sibling and this video share the same parent node! //if 'nextSibling' value is null, then we want to add our video as the last child of the parent, //so we use the append() method; if 'nextSibling' is defined, then we use insertBefore() to add our video tag //into the appropriate location in our page. if (nextSiblingOfVideo == null){ videoTagParent.appendChild(videoScriptTag); } else{ videoTagParent.insertBefore(videoScriptTag, nextSiblingOfVideo); } addLoadEvent(onHTML5TemplateReady); } /* This function takes two encoding rates and returns the one that * is more apprporiate for mobile phones. */ function betterEncodingForMobile(encoding1, encoding2){ IDEAL_ENCODING_RATE = 256000; //bits per second; equivalent to 256 kbps diff1 = Math.abs(encoding1 - IDEAL_ENCODING_RATE); diff2 = Math.abs(encoding2 - IDEAL_ENCODING_RATE); return ((diff1 <= diff2) ? encoding1 : encoding2); } /** * This method takes properties of a video, its dimensions, and its poster (still image), * inserts them into an HTML 5.0 video tag. This video object is then returned. */ function formVideoTagFromInfo(videoTagID, videoID, videoURL, vidWidth, vidHeight, vidImageURL){ var videoTag = document.createElement("video"); if (videoTagID) { videoTag.setAttribute("id", videoTagID); } else { videoTag.setAttribute("id", videoID); } videoTag.setAttribute("poster", vidImageURL); videoTag.setAttribute("width",""+vidWidth); videoTag.setAttribute("height", ""+vidHeight); videoTag.setAttribute("controls", "true"); videoTag.setAttribute("src", videoURL); return videoTag; } /**********************************************************************************************************************/ /****************************************** MOBILE BROWSER DETECTION CODE *********************************************/ /**********************************************************************************************************************/ // JavaScript Document // Anthony Hand, // Web: // // License info: //Initialize some initial string variables we'll look for later. var deviceIphone = "iphone"; var deviceIPad = "ipad"; var deviceIpod = "ipod"; var devicePlaystation = "playstation"; var deviceWap = "wap"; var deviceWinMob = "windows ce"; var enginePie = "wm5 pie"; var deviceIeMob = "iemobile"; var deviceS60 = "series60"; var deviceSymbian = "symbian"; var deviceS60 = "series60"; var deviceS70 = "series70"; var deviceS80 = "series80"; var deviceS90 = "series90"; var deviceBB = "blackberry"; var deviceAndroid = "android"; var deviceMidp = "midp"; var deviceWml = "wml"; var deviceBrew = "brew"; var devicePalm = "palm"; var engineXiino = "xiino"; var engineBlazer = "blazer"; //Old Palm var devicePda = "pda"; var deviceNintendoDs = "nitro"; var engineWebKit = "webkit"; var engineNetfront = "netfront"; var manuSonyEricsson = "sonyericsson"; var manuericsson = "ericsson"; var manuSamsung1 = "sec-sgh"; var svcDocomo = "docomo"; var svcKddi = "kddi"; var svcVodafone = "vodafone"; //Due to the flexibility of the S60 OSSO Browser, // you may wish to let new S60 devices get the regular pages instead. var s60GetsMobile = true; //Due to the flexibility of the iPhone/iPod Touch Browser, // you may wish to let new S60 devices get the regular pages instead. var iphoneIpodGetsMobile = true; //Initialize our user agent string. var uagent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPhone. function DetectIphone() { if ( > -1) { //The iPod touch says it's an iPhone! So let's disambiguate. if ( > -1) return false; else return true; } else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPhone. function DetectIPad() { if ( > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPod Touch. function DetectIpod() { if ( > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an iPhone or iPod Touch. function DetectIphoneOrIpodOrIPad() { //We repeat the searches here because some iPods // may report themselves as an iPhone, which is ok. if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device. function DetectAndroid() { if ( > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device and // the browser is based on WebKit. function DetectAndroidWebKit() { if (DetectAndroid()) { if (DetectWebkit()) return true; else return false; } else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is based on WebKit. function DetectWebkit() { if ( > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is the Nokia S60 Open Source Browser. function DetectS60OssBrowser() { if (DetectWebkit()) { if (( > -1 || > -1)) return true; else return false; } else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is any Symbian OS-based device, // including older S60, Series 70, Series 80, Series 90, and UIQ, // or other browsers running on these devices. function DetectSymbianOS() { if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1 || > -1 || > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is a BlackBerry of some sort. function DetectBlackBerry() { if ( > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is a Windows Mobile device. function DetectWindowsMobile() { //Most devices use 'Windows CE', but some report 'iemobile' // and some older ones report as 'PIE' for Pocket IE. if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is on a PalmOS device. function DetectPalmOS() { //Most devices nowadays report as 'Palm', // but some older ones reported as Blazer or Xiino. if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1) return true; else return false; } //************************** // Sets whether S60 devices running the // Open Source Browser (based on WebKit) // should be detected as 'mobile' or not. // Set TRUE to be detected as mobile. // Set FALSE and it will not be detected as mobile. function SetS60GetsMobile(setMobile) { s60GetsMobile = setMobile; }; //************************** // Sets whether iPhone/iPod Touch devices running the // Open Source Browser (based on WebKit) // should be detected as 'mobile' or not. // Set TRUE to be detected as mobile. // Set FALSE and it will not be detected as mobile. function SetS60GetsMobile(setMobile) { iphoneIpodGetsMobile = setMobile; }; //************************** // Check to see whether the device is a 'smartphone'. // You might wish to send smartphones to a more capable web page // than a dumbed down WAP page. function DetectSmartphone() { //First, look for iPhone and iPod Touch. if (DetectIphoneOrIpodOrIPad()) return true; //Now, look for S60 Open Source Browser on S60 release 3 devices. if (DetectS60OssBrowser()) return true; //Check for other Symbian devices - older S60, UIQ, other. if (DetectSymbianOS()) return true; //Check for Windows Mobile devices. if (DetectWindowsMobile()) return true; //Next, look for a BlackBerry if (DetectBlackBerry()) return true; //PalmOS. if (DetectPalmOS()) return true; //Otherwise, return false. return false; }; //************************** // Detects if the current device is a mobile device. // This method catches most of the popular modern devices. function DetectMobileQuick() { //Attempt to detect most mobile devices, // especially mass market feature phones. // NOTE: Doesn't usually work reliably... if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1 || > -1 ) { return true; } //Detect for most smartphones. if (DetectSmartphone()) return true; //Check for a NetFront browser if ( > -1) return true; //Check for a Playstation if ( > -1) return true; //Check for a generic PDA if ( > -1) return true; return false; }; //************************** // Detects in a more comprehensive way if the current device is a mobile device. function DetectMobileLonger() { //Run the quick check first. if (DetectMobileQuick()) return true; //Check for NTT Docomo if ( > -1) return true; //Check for KDDI if ( > -1) return true; //Check for Nintendo DS if ( > -1) return true; //Check for Vodafone 3G if ( > -1) return true; //Finally, detect for certain very old devices with stupid useragent strings. if ( > -1 || > -1 || > -1) { return true; } return false; }; } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 05:54:48 Dec 05, 2010 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 18:17:20 Jul 27, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): RulesEngine.query: 27.003 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 202.072 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 25.125 */