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Sessions Discusses USDA’s Effort To Expand Food Stamp Enrollment Regardless Of Financial Need

“In some of our first inquiries in examination of their program, we find that they are on a determined effort to expand the number of people who get on welfare—on food stamps—even if they don’t want to be on food stamps… Is this the right approach for America? … Can’t we look back...

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Sessions Comments On New CBO Deficit Report

“President Obama talks a lot about a ‘balanced plan’ for deficit reduction, but there is one simple question the White House won’t answer: how do you plan to balance the budget?”

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Sessions: President’s Secret Cliff ‘Plan’ Has Over $1T In New Spending; Fed Debt Would Rise $9T Over...

“There is a reason why the White House strongly prefers to operate in secrecy... If the White House believes our analysts are mistaken, the Budget Committee is standing by to review any concrete financial plan the President wishes to produce.”

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Sessions Delivers Remarks On Folly Of Secret Fiscal Negotiations

"Shouldn’t the President of the United States, the only person who represents everybody in the country, lay out his plan, or must that remain a secret too? Will it just be revealed to us on the eve of Christmas or eve of the new calendar year? We will be asked to vote for it, to ratify it like lemmings, I suppose."

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