Health Care for Seniors
Senator Kohl has long been concerned about the high cost of prescription drugs, which can make it hard for seniors to afford the medicines they need. Today, Americans pay substantially higher prices for the same medicines that are far less expensive in many other industrialized countries.
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Long-Term Care
Senator Kohl is a strong supporter of the programs under the Older Americans Act (OAA) and supported its successful reauthorization in 2006. The OAA programs are extremely valuable for senior citizens across the nation. They provide funding for senior centers, congregate and home-delivered meals, elder abuse protection and support for family caregivers.
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Elder Fraud and Abuse
Senator Kohl is one of the lead sponsors of the Elder Justice Act, a bipartisan, bicameral effort which aims to coordinate the efforts of the federal government with states, senior centers, law enforcement organizations, community groups, and social services to prevent and respond to instances of physical, emotional, and financial abuse of senior - whether committed by family members, strangers, or caregivers.
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Social Security and Retirement Savings
Social Security is an enormously successful and important program that keeps millions of seniors out of poverty and provides a sense of security to all Americans. Social Security provides a guaranteed retirement benefit that is protected from inflation and lasts for as long as you live.
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Older Workers
As older Americans live longer and healthier lives, many are planning to work longer. According to a recent survey, 80 percent of baby boomers expect to work past traditional retirement age. Some may do so because they enjoy physical and mental benefits of work, while some may need the additional income to remain financially secure.
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Affordable Senior Housing
Senator Kohl is a longtime advocate of programs that allow low-income seniors to continue living independent life styles, such as the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program. The Section 202 program provides capital grants to non-profits and community organizations for the development of supportive housing and rental assistance for very low-income seniors.
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