Inauguration Day Events
While the peaceful transfer of power has occurred on every inauguration day, the events surrounding this notable occasion have grown and changed. These nine events, however are the most common.
Morning Worship Service
The tradition of attending a morning worship service on Inauguration Day began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.
Procession to the Capitol
By tradition, the outgoing President accompanies the President-elect to the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony.
Vice President’s Swearing-In Ceremony
Until 1937, the Vice President was sworn into office in the Senate chamber.
President’s Swearing-In Ceremony
There have been 56 formal Presidential Inaugural ceremonies, held at over 10 different locations.
Inaugural Address
Since George Washington in 1789, every President has delivered an Inaugural address, ranging from 8,445 words, to just 135.
Departure of the Outgoing President
Following the inaugural ceremony on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, the outgoing President and First Lady leave the Capitol to begin their post-presidential lives.
Inaugural Luncheon
Since 1953, the JCCIC has hosted a luncheon at the U.S. Capitol for the new President, Vice President, and guests.
Inaugural Parade
While early parades were mostly military escorts, by 1841, floats, citizens groups, and bands became standard.
Inaugural Ball
The first Inaugural ball in Washington was thrown for James and Dolley Madison in 1809, at Long's Hotel. There have been as many as 14 balls.