Energy & Commerce: Opening Remarks Hearing on “Oversight of Cemeteries and Other Funeral Services: Who’s in Charge?" PDF Print

Thank you, Chairman Rush, for holding this field hearing.


The incident at Burr Oak cemetery that we are investigating today is heartbreaking. My heart goes out the families who are with us today that were affected by this inhumane act of greed.


We will hear from our witnesses shortly, but I would like to briefly share the story of one of my constituents, Mrs. Rose Heard.


Several years ago, Mrs. Rose Heard went to Burr Oaks to order the headstones for her son, daughter, and mother.  While at the cemetery a worker looked at the map and said, “Someone is buried on top of the others in that grave.”  That day, Mrs. Heard went to see the manager who said that it was not true and that the bodies are in separate graves.  (This is the manager who was arrested.)


After the head stones were ordered, they were placed on the road in the cemetery, which was not where the bodies were originally buried.  The manager told Mrs. Heard, “Oh you are mistaken, the bodies were buried by the road.”


Mrs. Heard knows where her children were buried and is certain they were moved.  She told me, “I never would have buried my children where cars could roll over their graves.”


The horror and tragedy that these families are facing are inexcusable and it is our obligation to ensure this never happens again.

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