Energy & Commerce: Opening Statement - Hearing on “Crib Safety: Assessing the Need for Better Oversight” PDF Print
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding a hearing on this important – life or death – issue: the safety of cribs.


Attending hearings where we hear testimony from the families of children who have died in preventable accidents is one of the hardest things I do as a Member of Congress.  My heart goes out to all of the families, including the Cirigliano’s, who are with us today.


The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act has taken a lot of heat over the last year or so.  It is true that under previous leadership the CPSC’s implementation of the law was problematic and produced widespread confusion, particularly among small business owners.


But we can’t lose sight of why this legislation was passed: to protect children.  Children like Danny Keysar, for whom the bill was named, and Bobby Cirigliano, whose mother Susan is brave enough to share her son’s story today.


For years we have heard stories of the horrible injuries and deaths of children in cribs.  Literally millions of cribs have been recalled in the last few years:

  • one million Simpicity drop-side cribs in September 2007,
  • 500,000 Stork Craft cribs in January 2009,
  • 500,000 Jardine Enterprises cribs in April 2009,
  • 2.1 million Stork Craft drop-side cribs in November 2009, and
  • 635,000 Dorel Asia cribs two days ago.


I authored the provision in the CPSIA that requires the CPSC to develop the strongest possible mandatory standards for durable infant and toddler products, including cribs.


It is my understanding that the CPSC has proposed rules for the first two products: infant bath seats and infant walkers.  I am concerned that a year and a half after the bill became law, there is still no rule for cribs.  I am eager to hear from Chairman Tenenbaum about progress on such a rule.


I also want to welcome our other witnesses, including Nancy Cowles, a leader with whom I have worked for years on children’s product safety issues.


Again, thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing, and I yield back the balance of my time.

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