H.R. 6169

Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012 [Original Jurisdiction Markup]

Markup Information:

Meeting Time:  Thursday, July 26, 2012 at 9:30 AM in H-313 The Capitol

For more on this markup, click here.  


  • Text of H.R. 6169 — Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012 [PDF


  • Proposed amendment #1 to H.R. 6169, offered by the Hon. James P. McGovern (MA) [PDFFailed by record vote of 2-6.
  • Proposed amendment #2 to H.R. 6169, offered by the Hon. James P. McGovern (MA) [PDFFailed by record vote of 2-6.
  • Proposed amendment #3 to H.R. 6169, offered by the Hon. James P. McGovern (MA) [PDFFailed by record vote of 2-6.
  • Proposed amendment #4 to H.R. 6169, offered by the Hon. Louise McIntosh Slaughter (NY) [PDFFailed by record vote of 2-6.


By record vote of 6-2, the Committee ordered the bill favorably reported to the House without amendment.