
Contact: Ed McDonald 202.225.3065

Coble to return to Washington on Tuesday

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Washington, Jun 18 -

    (Washington, D.C.)----Recovering from recent lower back surgery, U.S. Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC) will return to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday to resume his congressional duties. Congressman Coble said he is looking forward to casting his first votes in the U.S. House since undergoing back surgery on June 7.

    Dr. Jeffery Jenkins operated on Rep. Coble at Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro to correct what was diagnosed as lumbar spinal stenosis. The surgery removed a tiny portion of the vertebrae so that nerves could pass through easily and removed a small part of a ruptured disc. The lumbar spinal stenosis was causing severe hip, leg and lower back pain for Rep. Coble.

    The House was in recess last week, so Congressman Coble scheduled his surgery then to limit the amount of time he would miss. "I want to thank Dr. Jenkins and the wonderful staff at Cone Hospital for the first-class treatment I received," Rep. Coble stated. "I am looking forward to walking the halls of Congress again. I also appreciate all of the notes and cards I received from residents of the 6th District wishing me a speedy recovery."

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