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Apr 16, 2012

Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee for

H.R. 4089 - Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012

(summaries derived from information provided by sponsors)

Bishop, Tim (NY)


REVISED Would allow for recreational fishing of Atlantic Striped Bass in the Block Island Sound transit zone.

Connolly (VA)


REVISED Would clarify that state "Stand Your Ground Laws" do not supersede federal public safety laws.

Fleming (LA)


Would prohibit the Forest Service from banning hunters with dogs during deer season on Kisatchie National Forest.

Foxx (NC)


REVISED Would require Presidential monument designations provided for under the Antiquities Act to be approved by the state legislatures and governors where the proposed monument is located.

Grijalva, Raul (AZ)


Would make the new restrictions on managing hunting, fishing and recreational shooting effective only if the amount of land available for those purposes falls below 75% of all federal public lands.

Hastings, Doc (WA)


Manager’s Amendment - would add certain provisions that were added to the components of the HR 4089 when they were marked up as separate bills. The amendment would add shooting ranges to the list of valid uses of public land clarifies the term “wilderness areas” by adding “including Wilderness Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, or lands administratively classified as wilderness eligible or suitable and primitive or semi-primitive areas.” It states that the protection given hunting in wilderness areas is not intended to permit motorized recreation or mineral extraction and reduces the reporting requirements. The last amendment is a technical one that addresses conflicts between Title I and Title II over certain Bureau of Land Management land.

Heinrich (NM)


Would preserve hunting, fishing and recreational shooting in wilderness areas by specifying that the underlying bill will not allow development and motorized recreation in wilderness.

Holt (NJ)


REVISED Would make a technical correction to clarify that all units of the National Park System, not just National Parks and National Monuments, are exempt from Title I. National Park System units currently open for hunting or recreational shooting would not be affected.

Luján (NM)


WITHDRAWN Would preserve local land manager’s existing authority to implement emergency closure of public lands to hunting, fishing and recreational shooting if such closure is necessary for drug interdiction, border security or to reduce the risk of wildfire.

Peters (MI)


Would strike a provision in the underlying bill allowing the importation of endangered polar bear trophies from Canada by hunters who killed the bears despite warnings that importation of the bears would likely be illegal.