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Education & Labor Committee Republicans

  • President Standing by Controversial Craig Becker
    Feb 3, 2011  - The American people expect every area of the federal government to be focused on removing barriers to job creation, helping expand opportunities to America’s workers. So many may be wondering why President Obama renominated Craig Becker to serve on the National Labor Relations Board. Readers of Secr... More
  • Card Check Activism and Secret Ballot Hypocrisy
    Dec 10, 2010  - As the clock winds down on the House Democratic Majority, workers may be feeling a sense of relief that the assault on the secret ballot is finally ending. But they shouldn't get too comfortable yet – not if unelected bureaucrats in the Obama administration have anything to say about it. A recent ru... More
  • Predictable
    Sep 14, 2010  - Last Friday, President Obama pledged to “keep on trying to stimulate growth and jobs” as long as he is in office. Unfortunately, his actions don’t square with his promise. Just yesterday the president reaffirmed his support for a job-killing card check scheme erroneously named the Employee Free Choi... More
  • Obama Promises to Keep Up the Fight for Big Labor’s Job-Killing Card Check Scheme
    Aug 4, 2010  - Never one to give up on unpopular ideas, President Obama promised a gathering of the AFL-CIO he will stay in the fight to pass the so-called Employee Free Choice Act. Better known as card check, this undemocratic idea would strip workers of their right to a secret ballot when deciding whether to org... More
  • Lame Duck Card Check?
    Jul 9, 2010  - If it looks like time is running out on the Democrats’ reckless agenda – look again. With only three weeks of legislative work remaining before Congress starts six weeks of vacation, it may appear the prospects for passing further job-killing policies like card check legislation are growing dimmer b... More
  • Democrats Don’t Have Time to Pass a Budget...
    Jun 24, 2010  - This week, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) finally admitted what was obvious to most Americans: for the first time since modern budget rules were enacted in 1974 Democrats in Congress will not pass a budget for the next fiscal year. This failure of leadership could not come at a worse possi... More
  • Big Labor in Search for Card Check Deal
    Apr 30, 2010  - Despite An Unemployment Rate That Continues to Hover Near 10 Percent… "…a year after Obama claimed that the stimulus had started creating jobs, it is not just the general public that believes that the stimulus was a waste of money, so do the experts. This week a new survey from the National Associa... More
  • Will Obama’s Labor Board Appointee Impose Policies “Too Radical” for Congressional Approval?
    Apr 1, 2010  - President Barack Obama’s decision to install controversial union lawyer Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board has come under fire in recent days, and it’s not just because a recess appointment was used to circumvent bipartisan Senate opposition. As an essay in today’s Boston Globe expla... More
  • When Union Bosses Say, “Jump” …
    Feb 4, 2010  - “We are very close to the 60 votes we need. It we aren't able to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, we will work with President Obama and Vice President Biden and their appointees to the National Labor Relations Board to change the rules governing forming a union through administrative action…” (Ste... More
  • Nevadans Share No Holiday Cheer for Card Check
    Dec 18, 2009  - More news from the people of Nevada who continue to roundly reject big labor’s number one priority – the Employee Free Choice Act. In a report in the Las Vegas Sun, a new poll shows a majority of Nevadans would rather keep their right to a secret ballot. New polling out today shows little support in... More
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