
GRAPH: Large Drop In Construction Jobs Underscores Need For Transportation Bill

Posted on by Faiz Shakir

Today, Leader Pelosi called on Speaker Boehner to cancel next week’s recess and get to work on passing the transportation bill.

With overwhelming bipartisan support, the Senate voted 74-22 in March to pass a bill that would immediately save or create more than 2 million jobs.

Almost three months after Senate passage, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) want to go on vacation rather than act on bipartisan legislation that affects more than two million jobs, including over 55,000 jobs in Ohio and almost 40,000 jobs in Virginia.

In case the House GOP needs any further motivation, last month witnessed the greatest drop in construction jobs in two years. Here’s how construction jobs — which stand to benefit directly from the transportation bill — have fared this year:

As Leader Pelosi wrote in her letter today: “Instead of recessing yet again, the House should remain at work and pass critical legislation that will create jobs for the middle class that will actually be signed into law. Republicans must not run out the clock on the economy.”

Congress doesn’t need to go on its 9th week-long recess of the year when there’s such urgent work to do.

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