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Date Title
05/25/2011 Lautenberg Votes Down Republican Plan to End Medicare
04/14/2011 VIDEO RELEASE: Lautenberg Challenges Opponents to Drop Their Own Coverage During Debate on Defunding Health Reform Law
04/04/2011 41 Senators Sign Letter Opposing 'Extreme' GOP Plan to End Support for Women's Health and Family Planning Services
03/22/2011 VIDEO RELEASE: Lautenberg Stands Up for Women's Health at Planned Parenthood Truth Rally
03/10/2011 VIDEO RELEASE: House Republicans Brewing a Toxic Tea, Says Lautenberg
02/25/2011 Lautenberg: GOP Budget Plan Would Eliminate Funding for Four Infrastructure Projects in New Jersey
02/24/2011 Lautenberg: Republican Budget Plan Would Decimate Head Start
02/23/2011 Lautenberg: GOP Budget Undermines New Jersey Homeland Security
02/15/2011 Lautenberg Blasts House Republicans for Threatening New Jersey Education Programs
02/15/2011 Lautenberg Gets $11 Million For Cape May Coast Guard Training Center Included In President Obama's Budget
02/14/2011 Lautenberg Statement on President Obama's Budget Proposal
02/24/2010 Lautenberg Statement on Department of Homeland Security FY 2011 Budget
02/24/2010 Lautenberg Statement on Department of State and Foreign Operations FY 2011 Budget
02/23/2010 Lautenberg Statement on EPA's FY 2011 Budget
02/01/2010 Lautenberg and Menendez Announce $200 Million in President's Budget for New Hudson Rail Tunnel
01/27/2010 Lautenberg Statement On State of the Union Address
02/13/2008 N.J. Senators: Bush's Education Budget Fails New Jersey
02/12/2008 Lautenberg, Menendez: Bush Budget Undermines N.J. Transportation Needs
02/08/2008 NJ Senators: Bush Budget Weakens New Jersey Health Care
02/06/2008 NJ Senators: Bush Budget Undermines Security in Garden State
02/04/2008 NJ Senators Lautenberg, Menendez Offer Initial Reaction To President's Budget Proposal
02/15/2007 Lautenberg and Hagel Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Cap Healthcare Costs for Active Duty Military, Guard, Reserves, Retirees and Their families
02/09/2007 NJ Senators: Bush Environment Budget 'Toxic for Garden State'
02/07/2007 NJ Senators: Bush Healthcare Budget 'Bad Medicine' for Garden State
02/05/2007 New Jersey Senators Pan President's Budget
08/24/2006 As College Students Return To Campus, Lautenberg Calls for Extension of Tuition Tax Deduction And Increase In Student Pell Grants
03/22/2006 Lautenberg and Menendez Urge Quick Action on Federal Assistance for Flood Protection Projects along Ramapo
03/16/2006 Senate Passes Lautenberg-Menendez Amendment Adding $8 Million for Highlands Conservation
03/16/2006 Senate Passes Lautenberg-Menendez Amendment Adding $8 million for Highlands Conservation
03/15/2006 Lautenberg Offers Amendment to Budget Bill to Fully Fund Amtrak
02/14/2006 Lautenberg: Senate Republicans Endorse Fiscal Recklessness
02/13/2006 Lautenberg, Menendez Give Bush a Failing Grade:
02/06/2006 Senators Lautenberg and Menendez Declare President's Budget 'Disaster' for New Jersey
02/06/2006 New Jersey Senators Take ATF Chief to Task for Spending Millions In Elaborate Spending on Office Furniture While He Considers Cutting 500 Bullet Proof Vests
11/17/2005 Lautenberg Warns Seniors of Bush Coverage Gap in New Medicare Drug Benefit
11/03/2005 Lautenberg Amendment Would Rename GOP Budget Bill to Expose "Moral Disaster" of Misplaced Values
11/03/2005 Republican Senate Rejects Lautenberg Amendment to Warn Seniors of Medicare Drug Coverage Gap
11/03/2005 Senate Adopts Bipartisan Lautenberg Measure to Save Amtrak
11/03/2005 Lautenberg and Corzine Secure Over $12 Million for New Jersey Agriculture Programs
11/02/2005 Lautenberg, Corzine Blast Bush Administration Decision to Terminate Funding for 9/11 Victims
07/27/2005 Lautenberg, Lott Introduce Bi-Partisan Bill to Fully Fund Amtrak
07/08/2005 Senator Lautenberg Fights to Save Fort Monmouth
04/12/2005 States Can't Afford Passenger Rail Under Bush 2006 Budget
02/14/2005 Strong Bi-Partisan Group of Senators Call on Senate Budget Leaders to Reverse Bush Decision and Fully Fund Amtrak
01/21/2005 Lautenberg and Corzine Call on USDOT to Immediately Authorize All Federal Highway Funds for New Jersey
09/21/2004 Senators Snowe and Lautenberg Hail Inclusion of Critical Climate Change Funding in FY 2005 Spending Bill
03/12/2004 Sesnate Republicans Vote to Increase Debt Ceiling by $664 Billion
01/20/2004 Senator Lautenberg Reacts to President's State of the Union Address
07/30/2003 Lautenberg Furious Over Initial Plan by Bush to Slash Federal Air Marshals, Shocked That Budget Cuts to Homeland Security Occurring as New Al Qaeda Threats Emerge
04/22/2003 Lautenberg Responds to Remarks by Administration Official on President's Tax Cut Plan
04/11/2003 Lautenberg Delivers Remarks on 2004 Budget Bill
03/26/2003 Lautenberg: Over $1 Million in Federal Funds for New Jersey
03/24/2003 Over $2.9 Million in Federal Funds for New Jersey Research Hospitals and Institutions
03/21/2003 Lautenberg-Byrd Amendment to Fully Fund Amtrak Adopted by Senate
01/24/2003 Lautenberg Offers Amendment on Senate Floor to Increase Funding for Superfund Site Cleanup
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